Essay name: Atharvaveda ancillary literature (Study)
B. R. Modak
Affiliation: Savitribai Phule Pune University / Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages
The essay studies the ancillary literature of the Atharva-Veda with special reference to the Parisistas. It does so by understanding the socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of ancient Indian life. The Atharvaveda addresses encompasses all practical aspects of life from health and prosperity to rituals and sorcery.
Chapter 2a - The nature of the Parisistas (of the Atharvaveda)
250 (of 459)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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the headman of the village becomes involved in great sins and
is reduced to poverty. This result can be counteracted by
washing the stake with milk. Then eight thousand oblations of
milk should be offered into the fire (36.16). To make the
enemy's house catch fire, the horn of a cow, over which the
spell ucchusmarudraya namah svähä (36.9.24) is recited with
concentration, should be implanted in it (36.29). Thus wedges
and stakes are prescribed to bring about the desired result.
(d) Then there is what is called iconic magic 40. It
is, for instance, prescribed that one, who wants to kill his
enemy or subdue a king, should make an effigy of the person
from finely powdered black mustard. This effigy should be
cut up into pieces and eight thousand offerings of it should
be made into the Arka fire, beginning with the feet of the
effigy. This rite renders the enemy submissive. To make a
woman yield, her effigy should be anointed with ghee. To
subjugate the best of the Brahmaṇas, their effigies should be
offered on the fire of Paläsa wood. To subjugate a Ksatriya,
jaggery should be used to anoint the effigy; for winning over
a Vaisya, curds; and in connection with a Sudra, salt should
be used for the same purpose. All these people are rendered
submissive within seven days by this Asuri-homa (35.1.6-9).
For subduing a Brahmana, an effigy should be made of
40. Cf. G.D'Alviella, "Images and idols", ERE VII, pp. 111-2:
'Magical Images'; Frazer, Golden Bough I, pp. 55-77;
IX, p.21, 69 f; SVB II.5.1-4.