Essay name: Atharvaveda ancillary literature (Study)
B. R. Modak
Affiliation: Savitribai Phule Pune University / Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages
The essay studies the ancillary literature of the Atharva-Veda with special reference to the Parisistas. It does so by understanding the socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of ancient Indian life. The Atharvaveda addresses encompasses all practical aspects of life from health and prosperity to rituals and sorcery.
Chapter 2a - The nature of the Parisistas (of the Atharvaveda)
284 (of 459)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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and especially of Magadha will be affected. If the half size
is attained on the eighth day, it affects the princes; and
if on the tenth day, it affects the kings. Similarly, if, in
the dark fortnight, the Moon attains the half-size on the
twelfth day, it affects the Pañcanada region and all the
kings (Cf. BS 4.31-32).
25 The movements of the Moon also indicate the future.
In this connection, the sky is supposed to be divided into
various parts, and these parts have been given different
names, such as, rajavithi, gajavithi, nagavithi and govĭthí
If the Moon follows the vaiśvānara-patha (1.e. south-east),
there will be draught so that even the sea will dry up; but
26 if the Moon returns after following the rajavithi, there
27 will not be draught and there will be welfare.
Kroṣtuki is said to have defined the Moon in its eight
forms or positions. They are: 1) nausthāy! 2) langall
3) uttaronnata 4) dangasthayi 5) danda say! 6) yupasthāyi
7) pārávasthayi and 8) avanchirah. The AV-Parisista (50)
presumably regards these terms as well-known and, therefore,
does not explain them. Varahamihira explains some of these
25. The explanation of these terms, which are said to be coin ed
by Garga, is given in the section 'A General Study of
the AVP (state of knowledge)' below.
26. The part of the sky to the north of the constellations
Krttikā, Rohini, Magha and Visakha is called räjavithi
27. Cf. BS 4.5-6; 47.18.