Essay name: Atharvaveda ancillary literature (Study)
B. R. Modak
Affiliation: Savitribai Phule Pune University / Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages
The essay studies the ancillary literature of the Atharva-Veda with special reference to the Parisistas. It does so by understanding the socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of ancient Indian life. The Atharvaveda addresses encompasses all practical aspects of life from health and prosperity to rituals and sorcery.
Chapter 2a - The nature of the Parisistas (of the Atharvaveda)
303 (of 459)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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the names of countries, places, mountains and people are
mixed up in the list of the AVP. There is also some dis-
agreement between the information given by the AVP and that
given by Varahamihira. For instance, he mentions Audumbara
in the centre, whereas our Parisista mentions it in the north-
east. Varahamihira mentions Tamralipta in the east, whereas
our text mention it (Tamalipta) in the south-east. He mentions
Anga and Vanga in the south-east (?), whereas our text
mentions it in the east. Varahamihira mentions Nasikya and
Konkana in the south, our text mentions them in the south-
west. He mentions Ambastha, Barbara and Dravida in the south-
west, while our text mentions Ambastha in the east, and
Barbara as well as Dravida in the South. Varahamihira mentions
Kashmira in the north-east (!) while our text mentions it in
the north. 50
Parisista 57 divides the twenty-eight constellations
into four 'circles' (mandalani) ascribed to different gods.
The first circle consists of the Visakha, Krttika, Pusya,
Purva Prosthapada, Bharani, Magha and Purva Phalguni and is
presided over by Agni; the second circle consists of the
Hasta, Asvins, Citra, Uttara Phalguni, Abhijit, Mrgasiras
50. The BS contains a separate chapter (15th) called
nakᚣatra-vyuha, and it mentions the persons, objects
etc. controlled by the various constellations.