Essay name: Atharvaveda ancillary literature (Study)
B. R. Modak
Affiliation: Savitribai Phule Pune University / Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages
The essay studies the ancillary literature of the Atharva-Veda with special reference to the Parisistas. It does so by understanding the socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of ancient Indian life. The Atharvaveda addresses encompasses all practical aspects of life from health and prosperity to rituals and sorcery.
Chapter 2a - The nature of the Parisistas (of the Atharvaveda)
305 (of 459)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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the absence of welfare. There is a heavy dust-fall, there is
no fat in milk; palacial buildings and arches fall down; the
Madrakas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Kambojas, the Bälhikas
51 and the Gandhäras are ruined; elephants, horses, camels,
wolves, mongoose and cetaka, and persons living by the use of
weapons are affected by diseases. The chiefs in the city and
the meritorious people are destroyed, and there is labour
(äyāsa), cancer (ulbana) and fighting every-where. The
portents occurring under the constellations belonging to Varuna
foretell prosperity. The cows yield ample milk; the elephants
are rendered fruitful (nagaś ca phalinah); the enemies are
quiet; persons who live by water (boatmen, fishermen etc.)
attain a great prosperity; the heavenly bodies are seen of a
glossy colour and the temporal as well as spiritual powers
(brahma-kṣatram) increase. The portents occurring under the
constellations belonging to Mahendra indicate well-being.
The cows give birth to calves; women beget sons; insects,
serpents and the germs born of sweat die; the Brahmanas
engage themselves in the study of the Vedas and in the
sacrifices; and the Ksatriyas, the Vaisyas and the Sudras do
their respective duties.
The extent of the effect of the portents occurring
under the first circle is hundred and twenty yojanas; of those
51. It is interesting to note that some tribes are mentioned
only in the case of the portents ascribed to Vayu and
not in the case of those ascribed to Agni, Varuna or