Abhasvara Worlds: 1 definition


Abhasvara Worlds means something in Buddhism, Pali. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

In Buddhism

General definition (in Buddhism)

[«previous next»] — Abhasvara Worlds in Buddhism glossary
Source: WikiPedia: Buddhism

The mental state of the devas of the Abhasvara worlds corresponds to the second dhyana, and is characterized by delight (priti) as well as joy (sukha); the Abhasvara devas are said to shout aloud in their joy, crying aho sukham! ("Oh joy!"). These devas have bodies that emit flashing rays of light like lightning. They are said to have similar bodies (to each other) but diverse perceptions.

The Abhasvara worlds form the upper limit to the destruction of the universe by fire at the end of a mahakalpa (see Temporal Cosmology), that is, the column of fire does not rise high enough to reach them. After the destruction of the world, at the beginning of the vivartakalpa, the worlds are first populated by beings reborn from the Abhasvara worlds.

  • Abhasvara or Abhassara (Tib: od.gsal) and – The world of devas "possessing splendor". The lifespan of the Abhasvara devas is 8 mahakalpas (others: 2 mahakalpas). Eight mahakalpas is the interval between destructions of the universe by water, which includes the Abhasvara worlds. The height of this world is 81,920 yojanas above the Earth.
  • Apramanabha or Appamanabha (Tib: tshad.med od) and – The world of devas of "limitless light", a concept on which they meditate. Their lifespan is 4 mahakalpas. The height of this world is 40,960 yojanas above the Earth.
  • Parittabha or Parittabha (Tib: od chung) and – The world of devas of "limited light". Their lifespan is 2 mahakalpas. The height of this world is 20,480 yojanas above the Earth.

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