Dandapranama, Daṇḍapraṇāma, Danda-pranama, Damdapranama: 6 definitions
Dandapranama means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: archive.org: Shiva Purana - English TranslationDaṇḍapraṇāma (दण्डप्रणाम) is the same as the aṣṭāṅgapraṇāma which is performed by prostration of the eight parts of the body; the eight parts being the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat and the middle of the back.

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryDaṇḍapraṇāma (दण्डप्रणाम).—
1) bowing by prostrating the body at full length (keeping it erect like a stick). cf. साष्टाङ्गनमस्कार (sāṣṭāṅganamaskāra).
2) falling flat or prostrate on the ground.
Derivable forms: daṇḍapraṇāmaḥ (दण्डप्रणामः).
Daṇḍapraṇāma is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms daṇḍa and praṇāma (प्रणाम).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionaryDaṇḍapraṇāma (दण्डप्रणाम):—[=daṇḍa-praṇāma] [from daṇḍa] m. a prostration of the body at full length (like a stick), [Daśakumāra-carita ii, 29.]
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusDaṃḍapraṇama (ದಂಡಪ್ರಣಮ):—[noun] = ದಂಡನಮಸ್ಕಾರ [damdanamaskara].
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Daṃḍapraṇāma (ದಂಡಪ್ರಣಾಮ):—[noun] = ದಂಡನಮಸ್ಕಾರ [damdanamaskara].
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Pranama, Danda, Tanta.
Query error!
Full-text: Prana.
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Search found 5 books and stories containing Dandapranama, Damdapranama, Daṃḍapraṇama, Daṃḍapraṇāma, Danda-pranama, Daṇḍa-praṇāma, Danḍa-praṇama, Danḍa-praṇāma, Daṇḍapraṇāma, Daṇḍapraṇama, Danḍapraṇama, Danḍapraṇāma; (plurals include: Dandapranamas, Damdapranamas, Daṃḍapraṇamas, Daṃḍapraṇāmas, pranamas, praṇāmas, praṇamas, Daṇḍapraṇāmas, Daṇḍapraṇamas, Danḍapraṇamas, Danḍapraṇāmas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Chaitanya Bhagavata (by Bhumipati Dāsa)
Verse 2.19.231 < [Chapter 19 - The Lord’s Pastimes in Advaita’s House]
Verse 2.18.184 < [Chapter 18 - Mahāprabhu’s Dancing as a Gopī]
Verse 1.13.185 < [Chapter 13 - Defeating Digvijayī]
Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī)
Verse 3.2.73 < [Part 2 - Affection and Service (dāsya-rasa)]
Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary) (by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja)
Verse 1.5.90 < [Chapter 5 - Priya (the beloved devotees)]
Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (by Rajendralala Mitra)
Page 60 < [Volume 13 (1898)]
Shiva Purana (by J. L. Shastri)
Chapter 6 - Battle between Brahmā and Viṣṇu < [Section 1 - Vidyeśvara-saṃhitā]