
by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words

The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...

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Praśna 2, Kaṇḍikā 16

1. The further rites should be performed without uttering anything irrelevant. So is it said.[1]

2. As soon as the Adhvaryu comes to know of the portion of the formula, “O Adhvaryu, do you take up the ladle containing clarified butter,”[2] he should take the Juhū and the Upabhṛt, cross the altar (towards the south), cause (the Āgnīdhra) to announce and (after he has responded,) say (to the Hotṛ), “Do you recite the yājyā for Samidhs.”

3. At the utterance of vaṣaṭ, he should make the offering.

4. Causing (the Āgnīdhra) to announce each time, he should simply say to the Hotṛ, “Do you recite the yājyā,” in connection with the subsequent Prayājas.

5-7. He should offer the Prayāja-oblation, (each time) stepping forward, to the rear of the spot where the two āghāra-libations crossed each other—the latter in front of the former. Or at one spot. Or he should offer the Prayāja-oblation to Samidhs towards the east, the one to Tanūnapāt towards the south, the one to Iḍā towards the west, the one to Barhis towards the north, and the one to Svāhā in the middle.

8. He should offer all the oblations on that portion of the fire where it flares the most.

9. When he is about to offer the fourth Prayāja-oblation, he should pour out half of the clarified butter from the Upabhṛt into the Juhū.

10. Having offered the five Prayāja-oblations, he should recross the altar (towards the north) and should pour out on the oblations[3] the clarified butter remaining in the Juhū—first into the Dhruvā, then on the cake for Agni, then on the rext one, then on the hot milk, then on the curds, and lastly in the Upabhṛt.

11. He should keep the two ladles on their usual places (within the altar) and take them up again.

12. They remain thus taken up until the sviṣṭakṛt-offering.

13. Then he should offer the two Ājyabhāgas.

14. He should say (to the Hotṛ), “Do you recite the puronuvākyā for Agni.”

15. He should take into the Juhū four spoonfuls of clarified butter, or five, cross (the altar towards the south) and say (to the Hotṛ), “Do you recite the yājyā for Agni.”

16. At the vaṣaṭ-utterance (by the Hotṛ), he should offer (the clarified butter) on the eastern half of the northern half (of the fire-place).

17. He should not offer any oblations to the north of this (offering).

18. He should recross (the altar towards the north).

Footnotes and references:

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The source of this quotation is not known.


Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra II.17.7 adds that he should not pour cut clarified butler on the oblations of the sacrificer whom he hates.

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