by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words
The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...
Praśna 12, Kaṇḍikā 6
1. Having disposed of the Pravargya[1] and having carried forth the fire (to the uttaravedi) according to the procedure prescribed therefore,[2] the Adhvaryu should drive away the calves (in connection with the procuring of milk) for the āmikṣā[3] and the dadhigharma.[4]
2. He should modify the formulas as “for Mitra-Varuṇa” in connection with the āmikṣā,[5] and in connection with the dadhigharma he should refer to Indra.
3. Then, as in the New-moon and the full-moon sacrifices,[6] the officiating priests belonging to the group of the Adhvaryu should fetch ample Barhis relating to the Mahāvedi.
4. Then the Adhvaryu should do the second tracing out of the Mahāvedi as in the New-moon and the Full-moon sacrifices.[7]
5. No one should traverse the Mahāvedi until it is sprinkled with water by means of the hand with the palm turned upwards.
6. The Adhvaryu should accomplish the prokṣaṇī-water according to the procedure prescribed therefor,[8] call upon the Brahman, and sprinkle the Mahāvedi and the Barhis, each three times, with water by means of the hand with the palm turned upwards, as in the New-moon and the Full-moon sacrifices.[9]
7. (The officiating priests belonging to the Adhvaryu’s group) should spread this Barhis on the whole Mahāvedi, as in the New-moon and the Full-moon sacrifices.
8. Some teachers prescribe the spreading of the Barhis with the verse, “Those who enkindle the fire, spread the Barhis closely, and whose friend is the young Indra.”[10]
9. The two Havirdhāna-carts which are washed, whose knots have been untied, to which yokes have been fastened and yoke-pins have been fixed, and which have been provided with roofs, should be moved to the rear of the Mahāvedi, on both sides of the prāgvaṃśa.
10. Then the Adhvaryu should offer an oblation on the fire deposited on the uttaravedi, with the verse, “The priests of the mighty wise priest yoke their mind, yoke their thoughts. He alone who knows the path ordains their priestly functions. The praise of god Savitṛ is great.”[11]
11. The rites to be performed on the Āhavanīya fire should henceforward be performed on this fire.
12. The sacrificer’s wife should besmear the southern axle-pole of the southern Havirdhāna-cart three times[12] with one-third portion of the earth[13] collected from the foot-print of the Soma-cow,[14] by means of the hand extended towards the east each time in a forward direction, with the verse, “May a heroic, active son be born to us on whom we all shall depend, who shall control many.”[15] She should not besmear the northern axle-pole. According to some teachers, she should besmear both the axle-poles.[16]
13. Similarly she should besmear the southern axle-pole of the northern Harvirdhāna-cart.
14. Then the Adhvaryu should say (to the Hotṛ).[17]
Footnotes and references:
VII.4.6 ff.
I.2.15; 18; 13.6; 14; 14.4. He should also suitably modify the verses mentioned in I.6.10;12.3,
II.7.12 ff.
Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa II.4.5.7.
Two times, according to Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra XI.6.5.
Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.2.13.
This view is held by Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra XI.6.7,9; The northern axle-pole should be besmeared optionally once.
See the next sūtra.