
by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words

The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...

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Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 21

1. To Vāyu with the formula, “May Vayu guard me from the midregion.”[1]

2. To Agni with the formula, “May Agni guard me from the earth.”[2]

3. To Yama with the formula, “May Yama guard me from the Pitṛs.”[3]

4. To Sarasvatī with the formula, “May Sarasvatī guard me from men.”[4]

5. To the two doors of the Sadas with the formula, “O divine doors, do not torment me.”[5]

6. To Sadas with the formula, “Obeisance to the Sadas.”[6]

7. To (the seat of) the sacrificer with the formula, “Obeisance to Sadasaspati.”[7]

8. To the officiating priests with the formula, “Obeisance to the eye of the friends who go before.”[8]

9. To the heaven with the formula, “Obeisance to the heaven.”[9]

10. To the earth with the formula, “Obeisance to the earth.”[10]

11. After having entered the Sadas, he (= the sacrificer) should pray to that place, where he will be seating himself, with the formula, “Ho, son of a second wife, get away from here; sit down in another’s seat who is younger than we are.”[11]

12. After having crossed the Sadas in front of the Dhiṣṇya of the Maitrāvaruṇa, he should sit down with the formula, “May I go over the low and over the high.”[12]

13. He should gaze at the heaven and the earth with the formula,“Do you, O Dyāvāpṛthivī, guard me today from the day.”[13]

14. He should gaze at the southern part of the Sadas with the formula,“Do you come, O Pitṛs; may I be possessed of Pitṛs through you; may you be having good offspring through me.”[14]

15. After having placed the Savanīyapuroḍāśa, he should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you recite in the morning the puronuvākyā pertaining to the Savanīyapuroḍāśa at the morning pressing to Indra.”

16. After having spread clarified butter as base into the Juhū, he should cut out portions of all the oblations.

17. He should cut out a portion of the āmikṣā, and then a portion of the vājina; or he should not cut out a portion of the vājina.

18. After having cut out portions and having poured clarified butter over them, he should cause (the Āgnīdhra) to announce (and after the latter has responded,) he should say (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you address a call to the Hotṛ to recite the yājyā pertaining to the Savanīyapuroḍāśa offered this morning to Indra at the morning pressing.”

19. He should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa with the words), “Do you recite the puronuvākyā relating to the offering for Agni,” “Do you address a call to the Hotṛ to recite the yājyā relating to the offering for Agni” for theSviṣṭakṛt offering.

20. There is a view that the Adhvaryu should apportion the Iḍā at this stage; there is another view that he should do so at a later stage.[15]

Footnotes and references:

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Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.3.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


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Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III 2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.4.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.4.5.



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