by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words
The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...
Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 24
1. In front of the Havirdhāna the Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should join either their cups or their elbows with the formulas, “Do you join together the priestly class, move it towards me; do you join together the warrior class, move it towards me; do you join together the food, move it towards me; do you join together the strength, move it towards me; do you join together the wealth, move it towards me; do you join together the abundance, move it towards me; do you join together the progeny, move it towards me; do you join together the cattle, move them towards me.”[1]
2. After having held their respective cups over the uttaravedi, they should tread upon the uttaravedi with their great toes with the formula, “Thou art unconquered.”[2]
3. They should tread upon the uttaravedi as if scratching it.
4. The Adhvaryu (should do so) by the south with the formula, “Do thou, Śukra, go round with bright lustre, begetting manly offspring;” the Pratiprasthātṛ by the north with the formula, “Do thou, Manthin, go round with the lustre of the Manthin, begetting good offspring.”[3]
5. The sacrificer should touch the Śukra cup with the verse, “In unison with Indra may we withstand our enemies, smiting the enemies irresistibly.”[4]
6. The Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should join either their cups or their elbows in front of the uttaravedi with the formula, “Going together from the earth to the heaven, do you join together long life, move it towards me; do you join together the Prāṇa, move it towards me; do you join together the Apāna, move it towards me; do you join together the Vyāna, move it towards me; do you join together the eye, move it towards me; do you join together the mind, move it towards me; do you join together the speech, move it towards me.”[5]
7. Then the Adhvaryu should recite over them the formulas, “You two are (long) life; give me (long) life; do you give me (long) life for the sacrifice; do you give me (long) life for the lord of sacrifice. You two are the Prāṇa; give me Prāṇa; give me Prāṇa for the sacrifice; give me Prāṇa for the lord of sacrifice. You two are eye; give me eye; give me eye for the sacrifice; give me eye for the lord of sacrifice. You two are the ear; give me ear; give me ear for the sacrifice; give me ear for the lord of sacrifice.”[6]
Footnotes and references:
Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.1.1.1,2.
Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.l.l.l,2.
Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.5.3.2.
Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.l.l.l,2.
Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.l.l.l,2.