Apastamba Dharma-sutra

by Āpastamba | 1879 | 60,011 words

The Dharmasutra of Āpastamba forms a part of the larger Kalpasūtra of Āpastamba. It contains thirty praśnas, which literally means ‘questions’ or books. The subjects of this Dharmasūtra are well organized and preserved in good condition. These praśanas consist of the Śrautasūtra followed by Mantrapāṭha which is used in domestic rites and is a colle...

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Praśna II, Paṭala 8, Khaṇḍa 19

1. Shall cause to be prepared powder of white mustard-seeds, cause his hands, feet, ears, and mouth to be rubbed with that, and shall eat (the remainder). If the wind does not blow too violently, he shall eat sitting, silent and his face turned towards the south, on a seat (facing the) same (direction)the first alternative is the skin of a he-goat.[1]

2. But they declare, that the life of the mother of that person who eats at this ceremony, his face turned in that direction, will be shortened.[2]

3. A vessel of brass, the centre of which is gilt, is best (for this occasion).

4. And nobody else shall eat out of that vessel.[3]

5. He shall make a lump of as much (food) as he can swallow (at once).[4]

6. (And he shall) not scatter anything (on the ground).

7. He shall not let go the vessel (with his left hand);

8. Or he may let it go.[5]

9. He shall swallow the whole mouthful at once, introducing it, together with the thumb, (into the mouth.)

10. He shall make no noise with his mouth (whilst eating).

11. And he shall not shake his right hand (whilst eating).

12. After he (has eaten and) sipped water, he shall raise his hands, until the water has run off (and they have become dry).

13. After that he shall touch fire.

14. And (during this ceremony) he shall not eat in the day-time anything but roots and fruit.

15. And let him avoid Sthālīpāka-offerings, and food offered to the Manes or to the Gods.

16. He shall eat wearing his upper garment over his left shoulder and under his right arm.[6]

17. At the (monthly) Śrāddha which must necessarily be performed, he must use (food) mixed with fat.

18. The first (and preferable) alternative (is to employ) clarified butter and meat.

19. On failure (of these), oil of sesamum, vegetables, and (similar materials may be used).

20. And under the asterism Maghā he shall feed the Brāhmaṇas more (than at other times) with (food mixed with) clarified butter, according to the rule of the Śrāddha.

Footnotes and references:

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19. The ceremony which is here described, may also be performed daily. If the reading prāsya is adopted, the translation must run thus: 'and he shall scatter (the remainder of the powder). If the wind,' &c.


'Therefore those whose mothers are alive should not perform this ceremony.'--Haradatta.


If the masculine bhoktavyaḥ is used instead of bhoktavyam, the participle must be construed with camasaḥ.


The verbum finitum, which according to the Sanskrit text ought to be taken with the participle saṃnayan, is grasīta, Sūtra 9.


'Why is this second alternative mentioned, as (the first Sūtra) suffices? True. But according to the maxim that "restrictions are made on account of the continuance of an action once begun," the meaning of this second Sūtra is that he shall p. 150 continue to the end to handle the vessel (in that manner in which) he has handled it when eating for the first time.'--Haradatta.


Haradatta remarks that some allow, according to II, 2, 4, 22, the sacred thread to be substituted, and others think that both the thread and the garment should be worn over the left shoulder and under the right arm.

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