Taittiriya Upanishad Bhashya Vartika
by R. Balasubramanian | 151,292 words | ISBN-10: 8185208115 | ISBN-13: 9788185208114
The English translation of Sureshvara’s Taittiriya Vartika, which is a commentary on Shankara’s Bhashya on the Taittiriya Upanishad. Taittiriya Vartika contains a further explanation of the words of Shankara-Acharya, the famous commentator who wrote many texts belonging to Advaita-Vedanta. Sureshvaracharya was his direct disciple and lived in the 9...
Verse 1.132
Sanskrit text and transliteration:
वायुपाङ्क्तं समानान्तं त्वगन्तं चैन्द्रियं तथा ।
चर्मादि धातुपाङ्क्तं च विश्वमेतावदुच्यते ॥ १३२ ॥
vāyupāṅktaṃ samānāntaṃ tvagantaṃ caindriyaṃ tathā |
carmādi dhātupāṅktaṃ ca viśvametāvaducyate || 132 ||
English translation of verse 1.132:
The group of five vital airs has samāna at the end. Likewise, the group of five sense-organs has the sense of touch at the end. And the group of five material constituents of the body has skin at the beginning. This much (as stated) is said to be the universe.
The three groups of five objects each, which are internal, are (1) vāyupāṅkta consisting of prāṇa, vyāna, apāna, udāna and samāna; (2) indriyapāṅkta consisting of the eye, the ear, the mind, speech and touch, and (3) dhātupāṅkta consisting of skin, flesh, muscles, bones and marrow.
The three fivefold groups of external things and the three fivefold groups of internal things constitute the entire universe.