Taittiriya Upanishad Bhashya Vartika
by R. Balasubramanian | 151,292 words | ISBN-10: 8185208115 | ISBN-13: 9788185208114
The English translation of Sureshvara’s Taittiriya Vartika, which is a commentary on Shankara’s Bhashya on the Taittiriya Upanishad. Taittiriya Vartika contains a further explanation of the words of Shankara-Acharya, the famous commentator who wrote many texts belonging to Advaita-Vedanta. Sureshvaracharya was his direct disciple and lived in the 9...
Verse 2.243
Sanskrit text and transliteration:
शिरो मूर्धा भुजौ पक्षावात्मा कायश्च मध्यमः ।
शेषं पुच्छमितिज्ञेयं चितिमेवं विचिन्तयेत् ॥ २४३ ॥
śiro mūrdhā bhujau pakṣāvātmā kāyaśca madhyamaḥ |
śeṣaṃ pucchamitijñeyaṃ citimevaṃ vicintayet || 243 ||
English translation of verse 2.243:
It must be understood that the head (of the human body) corresponds to the head (of the bird), that the two arms correspond to the two wings, that the middle portion (trunk) of the body is the self, and that the rest is the tail. In this way, the sheath of food in the form of the mental representation (given above) must be contemplated.
The mode of contemplation on the sheath of food (annamaya-kośa) is explained in this verse by working out the similarity between the figure of a human being, who is a modification of the essence of food, and that of a bird.