Taittiriya Upanishad Bhashya Vartika

by R. Balasubramanian | 151,292 words | ISBN-10: 8185208115 | ISBN-13: 9788185208114

The English translation of Sureshvara’s Taittiriya Vartika, which is a commentary on Shankara’s Bhashya on the Taittiriya Upanishad. Taittiriya Vartika contains a further explanation of the words of Shankara-Acharya, the famous commentator who wrote many texts belonging to Advaita-Vedanta. Sureshvaracharya was his direct disciple and lived in the 9...

Sanskrit text and transliteration:

पञ्चकोशातिवर्त्यात्मा ज्ञानभानूदयात्क्रमात् ।
जग्ध्वा पञ्चापि कोशांस्तान्निर्वात्यात्मनि दीपवत् ॥ ५९३ ॥

pañcakośātivartyātmā jñānabhānūdayātkramāt |
jagdhvā pañcāpi kośāṃstānnirvātyātmani dīpavat || 593 ||

English translation of verse 2.593:

On the rise of the sun of knowledge, the Self which lies beyond the five sheaths devours one by one all the five sheaths, and shines, like a lamp, remaining in its own form.


This verse explains how, on the onset of knowledge, ignorance and its effects get removed. There is no time lag between the rise of knowledge and the disappearance of ignorance. They take place simultaneously (jñānāvirbhāva-samakālika evāvidyā-vināśaḥ).

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