Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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( 135 ) nambara | pranyanama | granthakaranama | visayah | 235 smarttavyavastharnavah (n. 463 ) .. 816 smarttavyavastharnavah ( 8 patrani )... 1968 smrticandrika raghunathasarvvabhaumah smrtih raghunathah smrtih yajnikadevah smrtih 1111 smrticandrika sukadevamisrah smrtih 1432 smrtiparibhasa varddhamanopadhyayah smrtih 868 smrtibhaskarah ( santikapaustikam ) 2644 ( n. 1788 ) 3038 smrtisarah ( caturvimsatimuniproktah ) 848 smrtisudhakarah (n. 1666 ) 2207 smrtyarthasarah ( kautadastah ) 5- syaddadamanjari ( dvatrimsikastavatika ) (n. 1502 ) 154 e_ svacchandah (sataukah ) (cailingaksaratmakah ) 384 svadharmadhvavodhah (138 patrani ) svapnadhyayah ( vrhaspatisamhitiyah 568 kharamanjari (n. 1426 ) ... nilakanthah smrtih smrtih sankarah smrtih sridharacaryyah smrtih ... ::: jainam ? vaidikah jyotihsastram narasimha surih vyakaranam pu (n. 1235 ) jayantakhami vaidikah kharankahsah 2505 ( n. 2672 ) 1065 svarupaprakasah ... sadanandah vedantah 216 kharodayah (umamahesvarasamvadah ) ( n. gg) ... tantram 2768 ) 2828 ) svarodayah ( vangabhasayam mahadevakavih tantram vhaha 2054 - kharodayah va narapatijayacarya narapatih jyotihsastram 2781 822 kharodayatika (n. 1816 ) naraharih tantram 2051 svargasatram va svargaddarestiprayogah (n. 4254 ) tundirajah vaidikam 1466 svarnacalamahatmyam ... devadattadiksitah jainam

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