Abhijnana Sakuntala (with Katayavema commentary)

by C. Sankara Rama Sastri | 1947 | 120,182 words

This edition concerns the Abhijnana Shakuntala by Kalidasa including the Sanskrit commentary by Katayavema and an English Translation with notes. Kalidasa is renowned as one of the greatest Sanskrit poets. Among his distinguished works is "Abhijnana Sakuntala"—a drama that showcases his remarkable imagination and poetic genius. The plot o...

Madras University Questions

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Subject-matter and criticism. 1. Sketch the part played by Anasuya and Priyamvada and state the amount of culture they evince. 2. Sketch the character of Dusyanta as depicted by the poet. 3. What are the purposes served by introducing Durvasas, Sanumati, Matali, Marica and his hermitage? 1931 March 4. 'In the Sakuntala there is elevation of love from the sphere of physical beauty to the eternal heaven of moral perfection.' Discuss. 5. In what respects has Kalidasa deviated from his source in the development of his drama, the Abhijnana Sakuntala? Discuss how far are they justifiable. 6. Refer to passages or ideas that may indicate the hand of the same artist in both Meghaduta and Sakuntala. 7. State clearly the views which Saradvata and Sarmgarava take of the city-life and your criticism thereon. 8. Give a short account of the state of society revealed in Sakuntala. 1931 September 9. What is Kalidasa's ideal of love as can be gleaned from Sakuntala ? "

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QUESTIONS 355 10. What do you gather about Kalidasa's outlook on life from his works you have studied? Have you any criticisms to offer? possible. 11. Contrast the character of Sarngarava with that of Saradvata giving illustrations wherever 1932 March 12. How does Kalidasa improve upon the character of Dusyanta as depicted in the Mahabharata? 13. Indicate the striking beauties and characteristic features of the IV and V Acts of the Abhijnana Sakuntala. 14. What purpose is served by introducing Hamsapadika as singing behind the scenes in the beginning of Act V of the Abhijnana Sakuntalam ? 15. kathamidanimatmanam nivedayami ? katham vatmapaharam karomi ? What is the difficulty of the king here and how does he finally get over it? 1932 Sept. 16. "Would'st thou the young year's blossoms · and the fruits of its decline, And all by which the soul is charmed, enraptured, feasted, fed, Would'st thou the Earth and Heaven itself in one sole name combine ? I name thee, O Sakuntala! and all at once is said." Discuss the above clearly bringing out the significance of the words italicized. S

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. 'His (Kalidasa's) women appeal more strongly to a modern reader, than his men.' Justify. 18. Which is the predominant sentiment in the Abhijnana Sakuntala? How does Kalidasa develop it? Contrast this with the method adopted in the Meghaduta. 19. Write short notes on:-Life in Asramas as depicted by Kalidasa. 1933 March 20. Explain the significance of the title IGRISAC and show what purpose is served in the development of the plot by the introduction of the element of abhijnana . 21. What is Kalidasa's conception of an ideal king? 22. Sketch briefly the character of Sakuntala referring to specific passages and situations in the play, wherever possible. 1933 Sept. 23. Write an essay on 'The Didactic element in Kalidasa's works.' 24. Explain the purpose of introducing (1) Durvasas, (2) Dhanamitra's death, (3) Matali, (4) Sanumati. 25. Give a short account of the state of society as revealed in the Sakuntalam. 26. What difference do you notice between the meetings of Dusyanta and Sakuntala in the first and last Acts? 1934 March 27. "Dusyanta's character gains perfection as the play advances." Discuss. N I

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QUESTIONS 357 28. Explain the part played by the Vidusaka in the Sakuntala and contrast it with the part played by the Vidusaka in the Malavikagnimitra. 29. Give a critical estimate of Kalidasa as a poet of nature, giving illustrations wherever possible. 1934 Sept. 30. Write short notes on . 31. "Kalidasa is a masterly describer of the influence which nature exercises upon the minds of lovers." Substantiate the statement with illustrations from your texts. 32. kavyesu natakam ramyam tatra ramyam sakuntala | tatrapi ca caturtho'nkah natra lokacatustayam || Point out briefly the special merits of the IV Act that deserve the above encomium and state, with reasons for your choice, the four best verses spoken of therein. 33. Give a descriptive account of the portrait of Sakuntala painted by Dusyanta. 34. Write short notes on : : 1935 March 35. 'Admirable as is Kalidasa's work, it would be unjust to ignore the fact that in his dramas as in his epics, he shows no interest in the great problems of life and destiny.' Discuss. 36. From what source did Kalidasa derive the plot of the Abhijnana Sakuntalam? What changes has he introduced in it? How do these changes enhance the charm of the play?

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. 'In this drama (Sakuntala) Kalidasa has extin guished the volcanic fire of tumultuous passion by means of the tears of the penitent heart." Illustrate this with suitable references to the text. 1935 Sept. 38. 'The introduction of Priyamvada and Anasuya invests the play of Sakuntalam with a new life and charm.' Comment on this statement. 39. Briefly indicate the probable time taken up by each Act of the Sakuntalam and the interval between the successive Acts. 40. Is the dramatist justified in making Sakuntala suffer so much misery ? 1986 March 41. 'Tender attachment to natural objects is one of the most pleasing features in the poetical compositions of the Hindus.' Discuss with special reference to the Sakuntala and the Meghaduta. 42. Elucidate with examples Kalidasa's conception of an ideal king. 43. Describe fully the scene of Sakuntala's departure from the hermitage of Kanva. Translate into English: 1. mayyeva vismarana ... 2. pratyadistavisesamandana ... 3. rathenanurakhatastimita ... 4. strinamasiksitapatutva 1936 Sept. Act V. Verse 23 1932 March VI. 6. " "" Sept. VII. 33 1933 March -72 22 Sept. V.

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QUESTIONS 5. sidhyanti karmasu . Act VII. Verse 4 359 1934 Sept. 6. asmansadhu vicintya ... IV. 17 1935 March 7. madaschedakrsodaram ... II. 5 Sept. 8. prahurdvadasadha sthitasya ... VII. 27 1936 March 9. alaksyadantamukula ... VII. 17 Sept. Annotate :- 1. ramyani viksya ... Act V. Verse 2 1931 Sept. 2. yayateriva sarmistha bharturbahumata bhava | 3. yatha gajom neti ... Act VII. Verse 31 1933 March 4. akrtarthe'pi manasije ratimubhayaprarthana kurute | 5. mithyaiva vyasanam vadanti mrgayamidrgvinodah kutah | 6. vikaram khalu paramarthato'jnatva'narambhah pratikarasya | 7. idam tavadasulabhasthanabhramsi socaniyam | 8. kutah kila svayamaksyakulikrtyasrukaranam prcchasi | 9. prayah svam mahimanam ksobhatpratipadyate hi janah | 10. cakravakavadhu amantrayakha sahacaram | upasthita rajani | 11. kami khatam pasyati | 17 Sept. 1934 March Sept. 1935 March 12. distaya dhumakulaterapi yajamanasya pavaka evahutih patita | 13. nimittanaimittikayorayam kramastava prasadasya purastu sampadah | 1935 Sept. 14. tena hi rtusamavayacihnam pratipadyatam lata kusumam | 15. evamadibhiratmakaryanirvartininamanrtamaya- vanmadhubhirakrsyante visayinah | 1936 March 16. taccitasa smarati nunamabodhapurvam bhavasthirani jananantara sauhrdani | 17. maya mrtpindabuddhina tathaiva grhitam | 1936 Sept.

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360 Explain :- SAKUNTALA 1. tejodvayasya yugapadyasanodayabhyam loko niyamyata ivatmadasantaresu | 2. krtah saravyam harina tavasurah sarasanam tesu vikrsyatamidam | 1931 March 3. prahurdvadasadha sthitasya ... Act VII Verse 271932 March 4. ramyani viksya ... V 2 ," " 5. evamatmabhiprayasambhavitestajanacittavrttih prarthayita vidambayate | 77 Sept. 6. prananamanilena vrttirucita ... VII 12 1933 March 7. citre nivesya ... II 9 " Sept. 8. khapno nu maya nu ... VI 10 9. trisrotasam vahati yo ... 10. autsukyamatramava ... 11. ya srstih ... VII 6 1934 March V 6 99 Sept. I 1 1935 March 12. ramyani viksya ... V 2 " Sept. 13. idamupanatamevamrupa ... V 19 1936 March 14. patum na prathamam ... IV 9 "" Sept. Explain ( comment ) with reference to the context:-- 1. rajyam svahastadhrtadandamivatapatram | 2. kimatra citram yadi visakhe sasankalekhamanuvartete | "9 Sept. 3. kutah khalu svayamaksyakulikrtya punarasrukaranam prcchasi | 1931 March 4. matam hi sandehapadesu vastusu pramanamantahkaranapravrttayah | 5. vayasya yaducyate randhropanipatino'nartha iti tadavyabhicari | 6. sahajam kila yadvininditam na hi tatkarma vivarjaniyam | 1932 March H

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