Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira [Sanskrit/English]
by Michael D Neely | 2017 | 105,064 words
The Sanskrit text and English translation of the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
Verse 5.8
पूर्णे शशिनि स्वराशिगे सौम्ये लग्नगते शुभे सुखे ।
लग्ने जलजे अस्तगे अपि वा चन्द्रे पोतगता प्रसूयते ॥ ८॥
pūrṇe śaśini svarāśige saumye lagnagate śubhe sukhe |
lagne jalaje astage api vā candre potagatā prasūyate || 8||
When the Moon is full situated in one’s own zodiac sign, Mercury is situated in the lagna, Jupiter is in the fourth house, or even when the lagna is in a water (zodiac sign) and the Moon is situated in the seventh house, one is born situated in a boat.
English translation by Michael D Neely (2007)
Word-for-Word grammar analysis breakdown
pūrṇe (10 class verb root: pṛ) (past passive participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when full
śaśini (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, locative, singular) = when the Moon
sva = one’s own
rāśi = zodiac sign ga = situated in
svarāśige (stem form: svarāśiga) (masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in one’s own zodiac sign
saumye (stem form: saumya) (masculine, locative, singular) = when Mercury
lagna = the lagna
gata = situated in
lagnagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the lagna
śubhe (stem form: śubha) (masculine, locative, singular) = when Jupiter
sukhe (stem form: sukha) (masculine, locative, singular) = in the fourth house
lagne (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when the lagna
jala = water
ja = being in
jalaje (stem form: jalaja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when being in water (zodiac sign)
asta = the seventh house
ga = situated in
astage (stem form: astaga) (masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the seventh house
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
candre (stem form: candra) (masculine, locative, singular) = when the Moon
pota = boat
gata = situated in
potagatā (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, feminine, nominative, singular) = situated in a boat
prasūyate (pra + 1st class verb root: sū) (present indicative, passive, ātmanepada, 3rd person, singular) = one is born
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (5.8). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Purna, Purni, Shashin, Shashini, Svara, Ashin, Saumya, Lagna, Gat, Gata, Gati, Shubha, Shubh, Sukha, Jalaja, Asta, Api, Candra, Candri, Pota, Prasuyat,
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Verse 5.8

Brihat Jātaka of Varāhamihira
by Michael D Neely (2007)
Edition includes original Sanskrit text, English translation and word-for-word analysis.