Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira [Sanskrit/English]
by Michael D Neely | 2017 | 105,064 words
The Sanskrit text and English translation of the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
Verse 5.23
लग्न नवांशप तुल्य तनुः स्याद् वीर्ययुतग्रहतुल्यवपुर्वा ।
चन्द्रसमेतनवांशपवर्णः कादिविलग्नविभक्तभगात्रः ॥ २३॥
lagna navāṃśapa tulya tanuḥ syād vīryayutagrahatulyavapurvā |
candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇaḥ kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātraḥ || 23||
The body is similar to the ruler of the Navamsha lagna or the body is similar to the planet joined with strength. The color (of the body) is the lord of the Navamsha assembled with the Moon. The limb of the houses are of the variety of the lagna and the Sun, etc.
English translation by Michael D Neely (2007)
Word-for-Word grammar analysis breakdown
lagna = lagna
navāṃśa = Navamsha (1/9th portion of a zodiac sign)
pa = ruler
tulya = similar
tanu = body
lagnanavāṃśapatulyatanus (stem form: lagnanavāṃśapatulyatanus) (neuter, nominative, singular) = the body is similar to the ruler of the Navamsha lagna
syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) = it should be
vīrya = strong
yuta = joined graha = planet
tulya = similar vapu = body
vīryayutagrahatulyavapus (stem form: vīryayutagrahatulyavapu) (masculine, nominative, singular) = body similar to the planet joined with strength
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
candra = the Moon
sameta = assembled navāṃśa = Navamsha
pa = lord
varṇa = color candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇas (stem form: candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇa) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = the color (of the body) is the lord of the Navamsha assembled with the Moon
ka = the Sun
ādi = et cetera vilagna = lagna
vibhakta = variety
bha = house
gātra = body kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātras (stem form:
kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātra) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the limb of the houses are of the variety of the lagna and the Sun, etc.
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (5.23). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Lagna, Navamsha, Tulya, Tanu, Tanus, Syat, Sya, Virya, Yuta, Graha, Vapu, Vapus, Candra, Sameta, Pava, Rina, Div, Divi, Vibhakta, Bhaga,
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Verse 5.23
Brihat Jātaka of Varāhamihira
by Michael D Neely (2007)
Edition includes original Sanskrit text, English translation and word-for-word analysis.