Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira [Sanskrit/English]
by Michael D Neely | 2017 | 105,064 words
The Sanskrit text and English translation of the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
Verse 7.7
आयुर्दायं विष्णुगुप्तोऽपि चैवं देवस्वामी सिद्धसेनश्च चक्रे ।
दोषश्चैषां जायते अष्टावरिष्टं हित्वा नायुर्विंशतेः स्याद् अधस्तात् ॥ ७॥
āyurdāyaṃ viṣṇugupto'pi caivaṃ devasvāmī siddhasenaśca cakre |
doṣaścaiṣāṃ jāyate aṣṭāvariṣṭaṃ hitvā nāyurviṃśateḥ syād adhastāt || 7||
There is also Vishnugupta, Devasvami, and Siddhasena having a similar portion of the length of life in the zodiac, but there is a fault. With the exception of that death up to eight (years), it is not successful should a length of life be below twenty years.
English translation by Michael D Neely (2007)
Word-for-Word grammar analysis breakdown
Note: Some commentators feel this statement is not justified and consider the verse seven of this chapter as interpolated.
āyus = length of life
dāya = portion
āyurdāyam (stem form: āyurdāya) (neuter, nominative, singular) = portion of the length of life
viṣṇuguptas (stem form: viṣṇugupta) (masculine, nominative, singular) = Vishnugupta
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and evam (adverb) (indeclinable) = similar
devasvāmī (stem form: devasvāmī) (feminine, nominative, singular) = Devasvami
siddhasenas (stem form: siddhasena) (masculine, nominative, singular) = Siddhasena
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
cakre (stem form: cakra) (neuter, locative,singular) = in the zodiac
doṣas (stem form: doṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) = fault
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but
eṣām (pronoun, 3rd person, feminine, accusative, singular) = that
jāyate (1st class verb root: ji) (present indicative, ātmanepada, 3rd person, singular) = it is successful
aṣṭau = eight
ariṣṭa = death
aṣṭāvariṣṭam (stem form: aṣṭāvariṣṭa) (masculine, accusative, singular) = death up to eight (years)
hitvā (3rd class verb root: hā) (gerund) (indeclinable) = with the exception
na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not
āyus = length of life
viṃśat = twenty
āyurviṃśates (stem form: āyurviṃśati) (feminine, ablative, singular) = from twenty years length of life
syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) = it should be
adhastāt (adverb) (indeclinable) = below
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (7.7). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Ayurdaya, Vishnugupta, Api, Evam, Eva, Devasvamin, Siddhasena, Cakra, Cakri, Dosha, Doshas, Dos, Idam, Jayat, Ashta, Ashti, Arishta, Hitva, Hitvan, Nri, Vimshati, Syat, Sya, Adhastat,
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Verse 7.7
Brihat Jātaka of Varāhamihira
by Michael D Neely (2007)
Edition includes original Sanskrit text, English translation and word-for-word analysis.