Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira [Sanskrit/English]
by Michael D Neely | 2017 | 105,064 words
The Sanskrit text and English translation of the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
Verse 18.10
स्त्री द्वेष्यो विधन सुखात्मजोऽटनोऽज्ञः स्त्री लोलः स्व परिभवोऽर्कराशिगे ज्ञे ।
त्यागी ज्ञः प्रचुर गुणः सुखी क्षमावान् युक्ति ज्ञो विगत भयश्च षष्ठराशौ ॥ १०॥
strī dveṣyo vidhana sukhātmajo'ṭano'jñaḥ strī lolaḥ sva paribhavo'rkarāśige jñe |
tyāgī jñaḥ pracura guṇaḥ sukhī kṣamāvān yukti jño vigata bhayaśca ṣaṣṭharāśau || 10||
When Mercury is situated in the zodiac sign of the Sun; one is to be hated by women, deprived of wealth, comfort, and offspring; ignorant, lustful for women, and humiliation by one’s self. When Mercury is in the zodiac sign of Virgo; one is a donor, wise, abundant good qualities, possessing happiness, patient, knowing reason, and free from fear.
English translation by Michael D Neely (2007)
Word-for-Word grammar analysis breakdown
strī = woman
dveṣya = hated
strīdveṣyas (stem form: strīdveṣya) (future passive participle/gerundive, masculine, nominative, singular) = to be hated by women
vi = deprived
dhana = wealth sukha = comfort
ātmaja = offspring
vidhanasukhātmajas (stem form: vidhanasukhātmaja) (masculine, nominative, singular) = deprived of wealth, comfort, and offspring
aṭanas (stem form: aṭana) (masculine, nominative, singular) = wandering
ajñas (stem form: ajña) (masculine, nominative, singular) = ignorant
strī = woman
lola = lustful
strīlolas (stem form: strīlola) (masculine, nominative, singular) = lustful for women
sva = one’s self
paribhava = humiliation
svaparibhavas (stem form: svaparibhava) (masculine, nominative, singular) = humiliation by one’s self
arka = the Sun
rāśi = zodiac sign ga = situated in
arkarāśige (stem form: arkarāśiga) (masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in zodiac sign of the Sun
jñe (stem form: jña) (masculine, locative, singular) = when Mercury
tyāgī (stem form: tyāgin) (masculine, nominative, singular) = donor
jñas (stem form: jña) (masculine, nominative, singular) = wise
pracura = abundant
guṇa = good qualities
pracuraguṇas (stem form: pracuraguṇa) (masculine, nominative, singular) = abundant good qualities
sukhī (stem form: sukhin) (masculine, nominative, singular) = possessing happiness
kṣamā = patience
vat = possessed of
kṣamāvān (stem form: kṣamāvat) (masculine, nominative, singular) = patient
yukti = reason
jña = knowing
yuktijñas (stem form: yuktijña) (masculine, nominative, singular) = knowing reason
vigata = free from
bhaya = fear
vigatabhayas (stem form: vigatabhaya) (masculine, nominative, singular) = free from fear
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
ṣaṣṭha = the Moon
rāśi = zodiac sign
ṣaṣṭharāśau (stem form: ṣaṣṭharāśi) (masculine, nominative, singular) = in the 6th zodiac sign (Virgo)
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (18.10). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Stri, Dveshya, Dveshi, Vidhana, Sukha, Atana, Ajna, Lola, Sva, Svan, Paribhava, Arka, Rashi, Jna, Tyagin, Tyagi, Pracura, Guna, Sukhi, Sukhin, Kshamavat, Vigata, Bhaya, Shashtha,
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Verse 18.10
Brihat Jātaka of Varāhamihira
by Michael D Neely (2007)
Edition includes original Sanskrit text, English translation and word-for-word analysis.