Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira [Sanskrit/English]
by Michael D Neely | 2017 | 105,064 words
The Sanskrit text and English translation of the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
Verse 19.9
वर्गोत्तम स्व परगेषु शुभं यद् उक्तं तत् पुष्ट मध्य लघुता शुभम् उत्क्रमेण ।
वीर्यान्वितोऽंशक पतिर्निरुणद्धि पूर्वं राशी क्षणस्य फलम् अंश फलं ददाति ॥ ९॥
vargottama sva parageṣu śubhaṃ yad uktaṃ tat puṣṭa madhya laghutā śubham utkrameṇa |
vīryānvito'ṃśaka patirniruṇaddhi pūrvaṃ rāśī kṣaṇasya phalam aṃśa phalaṃ dadāti || 9||
When [the Moon] is situated in vargottama, in one’s own (navamsha), or another’s (navamsha), that which is declared as auspicious, that is thriving, middling, and insignificant; respectively. With the reverse is inauspiciousness. The lord of the portion (navamsha) possessed of power stops the previous and it gives the result of the portion (navamsha) and the result of the aspect to the zodiac signs.
English translation by Michael D Neely (2007)
Word-for-Word grammar analysis breakdown
vargottama = vargottama
sva = one’s own
para = another ga = situated
vargottamasvaparageṣu (stem form: vargottamasvaparaga) (neuter, locative, plural) = when those are situated in vargottama, in one’s own (navamsha), or another’s (navamsha)
śubham (stem form: śubha) (neuter, nominative, singular) = auspicious
yad (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, nominative, singular) = one which
uktam (2nd class verb root: vac) (past passive participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = is declared
tad (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, nominative, singular) = that
puṣṭa = thriving
madhya = middling laghuta = insignificant
puṣṭamadhyalaghutās (stem form: puṣṭamadhyalaghutā) (feminine, nominative, plural) = thriving, middling, and insignificant
aśubham (stem form: aśubha) (neuter, nominative, singular) = inauspicious
utkrameṇa (stem form: utkrama) (neuter, instrumental, singular) = with the reverse
vīrya = power
anvita = possessed of
vīryānvitas (2nd class verb root: anvi) (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = possessed of power
aṃśaka = portion
pati = lord
aṃśakapatis (stem form: aṃśakapati) (masculine, nominative, singular) = lord of the portion (navamsha)
niruṇaddhi (7th class verb root: nirudh) (present tense, parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it stops
pūrvam (stem form: pūrva) (neuter, accusative, singular) = previous
rāśi = zodiac sign
īkṣaṇa = aspect
rāśīkṣaṇasya (stem form: rāśīkṣaṇa) (neuter, genitive, singular) = of the aspect to the zodiac signs
phalam (stem form: phala) (neuter, accusative, singular) = result
aṃśa = portion (navamsha)
phala = result
aṃśaphalam (stem form: aṃśaphala) (neuter, accusative, singular) = result of the portion (navamsha)
dadāti (3rd class verb root: dā) (present indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it gives
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (19.9). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Vargottama, Sva, Svan, Para, Shubha, Shubh, Yat, Yad, Ukta, Tat, Tad, Pushta, Madhya, Laghuta, Utkrama, Viryanvita, Amshaka, Pati, Purvam, Purva, Rashi, Kshana, Phala, Amsha,
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Verse 19.9

Brihat Jātaka of Varāhamihira
by Michael D Neely (2007)
Edition includes original Sanskrit text, English translation and word-for-word analysis.