Sundara Ramayana (translation and study)
by T. N. Jaya | 2004 | 76,950 words
This is a study and English translation of the Sundara Ramayana—a Sanskrit Kavya consisting of seven books having 1209 verses composed by the 20th century author Sri Sundaresa Sastri. It represents a condensed version of the original Valmiki Ramayana....
Part 3 - Aranya Kanda (English translation)
DANDAKARANYA In order to bestow more wealth and prosperity on those who sought His aid, Lord Rama, the consort of Goddess Lakshmi visited the abode of the sages, rendered pure, due to their chanting of the Vedas. Rama, accompanied by Sita and Laksmana, unstringing his mighty bow, received their powerful blessings with great affection and humility'. "O Rama! We, the inhabitants of forests are your children, as who us you are our king who protects us from danger, you punishes when we commit sin. You are our preceptor and assume the form of lokapalas guarding us. We have renounced anger and controlled our sense organs. We dwell in your realm. You have to protect us, and our he penance". Thus when the sages reverentially praised Rama who at once acceded to their wishes2. THE ENCOUNTER WITH VIRADHA Rama departed to the forest at dawn, taking leave of all the sages. He entered the terrible forest. While Rama was visiting one hermitage after the other, he was suddenly confronted by Viradha, who was of a terrible appearance, like Yama who held the dead lion, tiger and fearful animals and the trunk of an elephant in his trident. He was roaring like 125
a lion and clad in tiger's skin3. This demon all of a sudden sprang upon 1 Sita and lifted her. He roared and asked Rama, "Who are you? What is the purpose of your entering this forest? Why did you carry bow, arrow and sword? Why did you bring this lady? I shall kill you, as you deprived me of my prey, the sages, whose flesh I feed upon. I shall then wander ma "1 in the foresta Thus the demon spoke to them*. Hearing the arrogant speech of Viradha, Sita was greatly agitated. Rama said to Laksmana, "In my presence seeing Viradha forcibly carrying away Sita, it looked like what Kaikeyi had hoped would happen to us. This grief is greater than the loss of my father or deprivation of my kingdom". When Rama spoke thus, bathed in tears, Laksmana replied, "How can you wail like a helpless creature, when you have me for your servant? I shall direct by my anger excited against Bharata, against Viradha, as the wielder of the Vajra directs it against the mountain". Hearing of the arrival of the " princes Rama and Laksmana born of Ikshvaku dynasty, Virada told Rama, "Leave this woman behind and go back. Rama grew immensely angry with him. Viradha was the son of Jayanta and Satakrata and he had obtained boons from Brahma and therefore could not be killed with weapons?. Rama released the arrows at him and the he demon when hit by the arrows was so severely wounded, that dropped Sita to the ground and sprang upon Rama with his trident. Rama cut 126
lifted them down the trident with his arrows. Then Viradha hinled at his shoulders. Rama and Laksmana thought, "Let the demon do as he likes, carry us on this way if he wants. For this is the way we wish to go". The demon 1 walked towards the jungle filled with many trees9. THE BROTHERS CUT DOWN VIRADHA'S ARMS When Sita saw them being thus carried off, she cried aloud, do 1 "O Demon, when you carry off Rama along with Laksmana, Beasts will devour me. Take me and leave them. Hearing Sita's pitiable cry they cut off the two arms of Viradha". After pushing him down, they kicked him and beat him but still he would not die. Rama said, "This demon will not die unless he is buried in a big pit". Then Rama asked Laksmana to dig a pit11. The Raksasa spoke to Rama, "I am now releasing you, Sita and Laksmana". Viradha began to reveal his previous birth. He said, "I was Tumburu and I incurred the curse of Kubera due to my infatuation for Ramba, and became a demon. O the destroyer of foes! Let prosperity come to you, my curse comes to an end by your touch" 12. THE RAKSASA IS BURIED IN A PIT Viradha said that Sarabhanga, a great sage like the Sun, lived nearby. He asked Rama to meet the great sage. He also told Rama to throw him into the pit and cover it with a huge mountain. Rama was 127
with 13 pleased at his words13. MEETING WITH THE SAGE SARABHANGA Rama embraced Sita and comforted. Then they began to proceed towards Sarabhanga's hermitage. As they looked ahead, they saw Indra with his chariot standing near the hermitage. Rama pointed out to Laksmana and Sita, Indra the king of Gods, and his white umbrella, S ren a near Sarabhanga's hermitage1. "The gods looked like youths of twenty five. He must be Indra. O Laksmana! You had better stay here with Sita for a while, till I ascertain definitely who this resplendent personage is". Thus bidding Laksmana, Rama approached Sarabhanga's hermitage1s. Indra told the Sage, "Before long I shall meet him, when he has won his victory over Ravana". After Indra left for heaven, the austere sage Sarbhanga honoured Rama with due regard. Then the sage told him, "O Rama! Indra wants to take me to Brahmaloka. Knowing from Indra that you have come over here, I would not go to Brahmaloka without seeing you. I have been staying here for a long time to meet the you" 16. "O Rama, man of good conduct! I offer you all my powers of penance. Now you go to Suthiksana. He will bless you with good things. "O, the adorable one! You stay with me for sometime till I discard my body". Sage Sarabhanga then entered the effulgent fire1. 128
When Sarabhanga reached heaven and was honoured by Brahma, the assembled sages met Rama at his hermitage. They said to Rama, "As you receive the share of one fourth of our penance and as you are the protector of the earth, you should shield us from the frightful Raksasa" 18. "O Rama! There is no saviour greater than you on the earth". Thus when the sages praised the powers of Rama, he said to them, "It was at my fatheras bidding that I came to the forest. I wish to slay in battle, the Raksasas, who are the foes of those who are engaged in austerities. The sages shall see me and my brother display our valour"'19. AT SUTIKSNA'S HERMITAGE Then Rama accompanied by his brother and Sita, went to Sutiksna's hermitage. Rama saluted the sage. The sage said, "Welcome, O Rama ! I have been looking forward to your visit, Hence I did not ascend to the world of gods. I offer you all my powers of penance. But if you stay here some terrible creatures may harm you"20. " al Rama said to sage Sutiksna, I can easily slay the invading beasts with my arrow. But that would make you unhappy. Then Rama accepted the delicious food offered by the sage. He performed the evening oblations and spent that night in the hermitage2. After finishing 129
next the diurnal duties the morning, and after worshipping the sage, receiving his unfailing blessings which would wipe away his miseries, taking his bow and arrow and sword, Rama started his journey along with Laksmana and Sita to see the abodes of the stages22. SITA'S ADVICE AGAINST CRUELTY Sita uttered some appealing words to her husband, inspired by es affection. "There are three such weakness, that one may succumb to. ren The first is telling a lie. The second is to covet other menas wives. The third is to injure anyone without provocation. If a person is addicted to these three injuries, he would violate Dharma. It is evident that you do not have the first two qualities. O Lord! In this holy place, you shed the last one "23. "O Lord! you have vowed to slay the Raksasas in battle, in order to protect the sages who dwell in the Dandaka forest. It was for this purpose that you left for the forest along with your brother arming yourself with bow and arrow. I am always interested in your welfare. I do not like your invasion into the Dandakas. I shall tell you the reason. You please listen to me"24. "When you are in the forest with your brother, you shall inevitably expend your arrows. Just as a tree acts as fuel to fire, the bow adds strength to Ksatriyas power. The great sage once gave up his penance ase had with him a weapon from Indra. As a 130
result of his sin, he was sent to hell 25. RAMA INSISTS ON HIS DUTY TO THE OPPRESSED "Noble one! Through dharma you give happiness to my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Through dharma one may attain everything. There is nothing greater than Dharma in this world. When you are back in Ayodhya, you can follow the Ksatriya code. I have spoken out of a woman's foolishness. But think over what I have said, and then follow the course that seems best to you" 26. Rama answered, "I understand your love and affection towards me. The sages who are terrified by the cruelty of Raksasas approached me requesting me to protect them from the demons who spoil their sacrifices. I promised them absolute protection. Having given my word, I cannot go back on it" 27. "O the affectionate one! For Truth is ever dear to me. I would rather give up my life or you and Laksmana than break my pledge. It was out of affection and sympathy that you spoke. O blameless one! That makes me supremely happy, for, we do not tender advice to those who are not dear to us. You are my partner in life, and dearer to me than life itself' '28. 131
RAMA MEETS HERMITS Rama led the way followed by Laksmana, armed with bow and Sita walked between them. They passed by many mountains and pleasant streams. They saw many woods, rivers and the aquatic birds. They came across lotus pools and wild beasts. In the evening they saw a pleasant lake with clear water. From the lake came the sound of song and music. Rama filled with curiosity, questioned Sage Dharmabrt about the strange lake 29. THE SAGE UNDER WATER RESIDENCE "\ S The sage replied, Sage Mandakarni once practiced severe austerities here. Indra directed fire of the foremost nymphs to distract the sage. Then the sage lived joyously along with the nymphs in a house built for them under the lake. What we hear is the music of instruments and tinkling of jewelleries and the pleasing songs they sing". Thus Rama came to know all the details from the sage Dharmabrt 30. Rama was thus going from one hermitage to another hermitage and was spending his time enjoying all the wonderful scenes of nature around him. He built a hermitage and lived there for six months and then went to some other places. Thus they spent nearly ten years in forest. Then, once again Rama came to Sutiksna's hermitage31. 132
VISIT TO AGASTYA Rama asked Sutiiksna about the place where the sage Agastya to lived. Sutiiksna told him the way Agastya's hermitage. On the way there the was a great forest of Tippali. Having gone to the Tippali forest, Rama spoke to his brother Laksmana happily32. 10 child, from the smoke of the sacrificial fire, I conclude undoubtedly that this must be the hermitage of Agastya's brother Sage Agastya to deliver the world from sorrow, and to establish peace and happiness all over in the south, reached the southern direction33. The pitiless Ilvala disguising himself in, as a Brahmin and speaking Sanskrit, invited other Brahmins to partake of the "Sraddha" feast. Then he transformed his brother into a sheep, killed him, cooked his flesh and fed the Brahmins as per the "Sraddha" rites. When they had dined, he cried out "Oh Vatapi ! come out". On hearing his brother's call, Vatapi would come out tearing the body of the Brahmins 34. The Brahmins begged the great sage Agastya to deliver them from these Asuras. The sage digested Vatapi. Seeing Vatapi not coming out as usual, the angry demon Ilvala rushed upon the sage trying to seaze him with his hands. But he was burnt by the fire from the eye of that sage and was dead. Thus Agastya killed this demon to deliver the Brahmins 35. When the Sun had set, Rama offered his evening prayer along with his brother and worshipped him. Agastyaas 133
brother greeted them happily and gave them fruits. They ate these fruits and spent that night in that hermitage. Next morning Rama took leave S 36 of Agatya's brother and went away to honour Sage Agastya3. On seeing the wonders of the forest, Rama said to Laksmana, "Agastya's hermitage is not far from here, since the various kinds of trees here are dense-leaved and shady and the birds and beasts are quiet. Due to the presence of the great sage Agastya, demons have not entered this area. Rama concluded that Agastya's hermitage was very near, as there was dense smoke in the forest 37. The great Vindhya mountain which aspired to block the passage of the Sun, had stopped growing, " u obeying his injunction. He, who is worshipped by all the world, who is interested in the welfare of the good, will bestow the highest good upon us. I shall propitiate Agastya, and remain where he directs me to reside for the rest of my stay in the forest" 38. Agastya was worshipped even by the gods. That place was so pure that nobody would utter false words. People who performed penance in that hermitage were immediately acclaimed by the gods and duly honoured. Rama asked Laksmana to go into the hermitage and inform sage Agastya of the arrival of Rama and Sita to that hermitage3. Agastya's disciples met Laksmana and came to of know the arrival of Rama. They went in and told Agastya of their arrival. Agastya was very happy to learn that Rama had come there. 134
Agastya had been worshipping Rama and Laksmana as his own Jiveswara and when he learnt that they had come there, he was so immediately pleased. He took them to his hermitage 40. In Agastyans hermitage Rama saw the shrines dedicated to Brahma, Agni, Visnu, Mahendra, the Sungod, the Moongod, Bhaga, Kubera, Dhata and e Vidhata, Vayu, Varuna, Gayatri, the vasus, the king of the serpants, Garuda, Karthikeya and Dharma (17 gods). Then Rama saw Agastya who was shining like the sun. Agastya was always ready to receive visitors and offer them fruits, flowers and other comforts. Now Agastya gave to him the bow which was once used by Narayana. He also gave of S him an arrow that was placed on the arms Agastya by Brahma". Agatya N L also gave him two quivers that were given to him by Indra. He gave him a sword. He said that these weapons were once used by Hari to conquer the demons. Rama received them with great joy. Then Rama performed the evening rites and stayed there for the night 42. In the morning, Rama performed his daily duties. Agastya told him, aThe time stipulated by the king has almost passed. Spend the remaining time happily and H thereby make your father sinless. Rama replied that he was enjoying peace and joy like he had at his father's abode 43. Then Agastya told Rama that after Agastya came to that place, that part of Dandaka forest was freed from all calamities and was flooded with prosperity. That 135
place was abandoned by the curse of Brgu's son by name "Dandaka". tlh This place was bereft of creepers, trees and plants. It was surrounded i by horrible Raksasas 44. Agastya, using the powers of his penance, filled that place with water from nectar like rivers by bringing the clouds from the sky. He brought trees from Indraas garden. Agastya thus made that place a fertile one. Agastya said that some demons were frequenting that area and were formenting the sages. Rama should destroy the demons and restore peace to that place 45. He said, I am very happy that you have come to my place with your brother and wife. Agastya of praised Sita for her steadfast devotion to Rama. He was thinking the glory that would come to Rama, when Rama got rid of the demons 4. He said, "You should punish the demons and bestow happiness to Brahmins". AGASTYA ASKS RAMA TO LIVE AT PANCAVATI A "Two yojanas from here is a place called Pancavati, which has plenty of trees. The river Godavari flows nearby. In order to reach the banyan tree from Madhuka forest, you should go northwards from it. Go up the high mountains near which Pancavati is situated. You shall live happily 47 136
MEETING WITH JATAYU On his way to Pancavati, Rama came upon an eagle of formidable powers, seated on a banyan tree. Rama took the bird for a " " N a Rakshasa and asked him a Who are you? a. The bird replied, Know me child, as your father is friend. I am Jatayu, son of an eagle. I shall help you 148. Rama asked Jatayu to look after Sita, and went to Pancavati. Then he went to Godavari to choose a place on the banks of the river for construing his hermitage. Laksmana at once set to work and constructed a beautiful ashrama for Rama and Sita to live. Rama was so happy with Laksmana and he embraced him and thanked him for the tireless service that he was rendering 4. As they lived in Pancavati, • and Hemanta, the cold season, came. But even then Rama. Sita got up at Brahma muhurta before dawn and proceeded to the Godavari for a holy bath. Laksmana followed them with a pot in his hands. THE ONSET OF SPRING Laksmana pointed out to Rama how the whole atmosphere was did full of fog. The days were misty. The wind was very chill. The sun does not shine with his usual lusture". "Renouncing the kingdom, setting aside all enjoyments, grieving because of his devotion to you, and lying down on the cold bare ground, how can he bathe in the Sarayu in the 137
" never wee hours of the morning?"52. "How could she with a husband like Dasaratha and a son like Bharata be so cruel in disposition? When Laksmana was passing remarks, Rama said, "You should censure our mother. You always praise Bharata. Though I have resolved to live in forests, my mind is formented by my love for Bharata"53. "I remember his loving and sweet words which fall on the ear like nectar. Ah! When shall I again be united with Bharata and Satrugna?". Thus Rama was lamenting about Bharata. Then Rama went to Godavari along with Sita and Laksmana. He worshipped the Sungod. The three shone like Lord Siva, Parvati and Nandikesvara34. THE DEMONESS SURPANAKA'S ARRIVAL After their bath, Rama, Sita and Laksmana returned from the banks of the river Godavari to their hermitage. Then Rama and Laksmana completed their morning rites and spent some time pleasantly in the company of the great sages, who held Rama in great honour. Then a Raksasi, the younger sister of King Ravana, by name Surpanaka came there. She had a bestial disposition. Her nails were like winnow. The moment she saw Rama she was hit by the arrows of Manmathass. The cruel demoness fell for Rama who was of youthful disposition with matted hair, whose prowess was like that of a lion; who 138
was very charming. She enquired him, "Who are you? Why do you wear your hair like an ascetic? Why have you come to this place which is frequented by demons?"56. As Rama was always courteous, he told Surpanaka all about himself. Then Surpanaka told him about Ravana and other demons who were her brothers. She also expressed her desire to marry Rama. She told Rama that she would devour both Sita and Laksmana, so that Rama would be free of all encumbrance". Rama answered with a smile, I am a married man and this is my beloved wife. Women like you would not mind sharing the husband with another woman. Here is this younger brother of mine, Laksmana and he is unmarried. He will be an ideal husband". Thus advised by Rama, " u Surpanaka came to Laksmana and said to him, I will marry you. We 4 both can live happily in this Dandaka forest without any fear 58. But n Laksmana replied sarcastically, I am a slave to Rama. Do you also wish to be a servant? You approach Rama. He will certainly discard his aged wife". Thus mocked by Laksmana, Surpanaka came back to Rama 59. LAKSMANA DISFIGURES HER "As you are fed up of this old wife of yours, I shall gobble up this worthless mortal woman now before your eyes. I shall live happily with 139
N 11 you, without a rivala, saying thus, the demoness sprang forward towards Sita. Rama called for Laksmana and asked him to disfigure the demoness. Laksmana at once cut off her nose and ears. Thus Rama punished her00. The horried Surpanaka fled back screaming into the jungle, ran to Janastahna and approached Khara. She told them about Rama, Laksmana and Sita and about her disfigurementº1. KHARA DISPATCHES FOURTEEN RAKSASAS AGAINST RAMA In order to please his sister, the angry Khara gave orders to fourteen Raksasas of formidable strength, telling them, "Two men have come into the horrid Dandaka forest with a woman. kill them". The fourteen Raksasas set forth with sharp arrows to the place where Rama stayed 62. On seeing the Raksasas along with Surpanaka, Rama said to Laksmana, "Look after Sita". Rama stringing his great bow told the Raksasas, "I am here to slay you, wicked creatures, at the behest of Rshis on whom you work havoc. But if you value your lives, O Raksasas get away''63 RAMA KILLS THE RAKSASAS "Having provoked the wrath of our lord, it is you who will lose your life to-day, slain by us in battle", said the Raksasas. Rama fought with them and destroyed all the fourteen Raksasas. On seeing them 140
N 11 you, without a rival, saying thus, the demoness sprang forward towards Sita. Rama called for Laksmana and asked him to disfigure the demoness. Laksmana at once cut off her nose and ears. Thus Rama punished herºº. The horried Surpanaka fled back screaming into the jungle, ran to Janastahna and approached Khara. She told them about Rama, Laksmana and Sita and about her disfigurement❝1. KHARA DISPATCHES FOURTEEN RAKSASAS AGAINST RAMA In order to please his sister, the angry Khara gave orders to fourteen Raksasas of formidable strength, telling them, "Two men have come into the horrid Dandaka forest with a woman. kill them". The fourteen Raksasas set forth with sharp arrows to the place where Rama stayed 62. On seeing the Raksasas along with Surpanaka, Rama said to Laksmana, "Look after Sita". Rama stringing his great bow told the Raksasas, "I am here to slay you, wicked creatures, at the behest of Rshis on whom you work havoc. But if you value your lives, O Raksasas get away"63 RAMA KILLS THE RAKSASAS "Having provoked the wrath of our lord, it is you who will lose your life to-day, slain by us in battle", said the Raksasas. Rama fought with them and destroyed all the fourteen Raksasas. On seeing them 140
vanquished the Rakshasi swooned in anger, then ran towards Khara and wailed aloud 64. SURPANAKHA TAUNTS KHARA Filled with fear and despondency, the cannibals Surpanaka told her brother Khara, "O Lord! Alas! alas!" she was crying and lying on the ground writhing like a snake. The Raksasas whom you sent have been killed by Rama. You save me who am submerged in an ocean of grief. If you have the strength and the power to fight with Rama face him and kill him"'65. Surpanaka showed her own deformed face again and again and said, "you are not in any way equal to Rama and Laksmana. You cannot face the mighty Rama. It is time that we flee from Dandaka forest. I shall also die". Thus she wept frantically beating her belly 66. KHARA RESOLVES TO FIGHT RAMA a Khare wanting to please Surpanaka at any cost and told his commander-in-chief Dusana. to collect fourteen thousand demons and prepared himself for a battle with Rama. Khara mounted on his chariot, furnished with weapons 67. 141
KHARA'S ARMY ON THE MARCH a Khare noticed many portents of evil and said, "I could slay even the king of gods in battle. Why then talk about these mortals?". He boasted in vain. With the noose of death ready to descend down his neck Khara advanced towards Rama with his ministers and armies. The 1 gods and divine sages assembled in the sky to witness Rama's battle against Khara, Dusana and other demons 68. Rama observed the omens that indicated victory to him and defeat to the demons. Rama asked Laksmana to take Sita to a cave nearby and keep vigilant over her. He himself wore the divine armour and collected his bow and arrows. Rama's twanging bow raised thunder in all the ten quarters 69. RAMA SINGLY CONFRONTS KHARA'S ARMY Rama all alone faced fourteen thousand demons of fierce valour. 2 The gods in the sky were marveling at his courage. Rama filled with "\ wrath looking like Rudra, raised his bow to destroy the armies of the e Raksasas 70. Just as serpants descend from, ant-hill, Rama discharged innumerable arrows from the bow, which took away the lives of the 1 Raksasas. They tumbled to the ground like trees uprooted by cyclonic winds from the wings of Suparna". The remnants of the Raksasa army ran in despair, to Khara. They were pacified by Dusana. The Raksasas 142
did not see him take the arrows or shoot them or draw the bow. The Raksasas had fallen dead 72. Rama broke the arrows of Dusana with his with bow Ksura, killed his horses by four of his bows and cut off the head of ren the charioteer with his powerful missile "Ardhachandra". He hit Dhusana on his chest with three arrows, and cut off his hands with two missiles, and finally killed him. The gods hailed Rama's victory 73. Rama killed the three chiefs of Khara just as he had killed Dusana and destroyed the five thousand Raksasas of Dusana and his twelve commanders in chief 74. Rakshasa "Trisiras" the commander in chief of Khara advanced towards Rama without any fear. Rama struck down his four horses with four arrows, and with eight arrows threw down his charioteer from the chariot. With a single arrow Rama cut off his lofty flag. Then with three swift arrows, Rama made his three heads tumble down. On seeing the destruction of his armies and commander-inchief, Khara was terribly frightened for the first time. Khara revealed his skill in releasing volleys of arrows. With the fierce tumult of the sharp arrows shot by Rama and Khara, the Sun's light would not fall to the earth. Rama resolved to slay Khara 76. Khara cut the bow and arrow of Rama. Fiercely hit by Khara's arrows, Rama's arrows fell to the ground. The enraged Rama cut down Khara's battle flag with the 143
mighty bow of Visnu. Then Rama discharged six arrows from his bow that struck Khara on the head, arms and chest". Rama employed the powerful "Naraca" arrows to cut down the yoke, four horses, charioteers, the axle pole, the axle and Khara's bow which fell like a thunderbolt, and hit Khara. Rama then employed the mace. The gods were delighted 78. RAMA'S AND KHARA'S VERBAL EXCHANGES F "O Raksasa! for no reason have you harmed the great sages who live in the Dandaka forest. You hinder good deeds. I shall bring your head down like a palm fruit falling from the palm tree"79. Thus taunted by Rama, Khara answered him, "O Son of Dasaratha, you have slain the powerless and meek subordinates. Hence do not be proud. Warriors of outstanding prowess say nothing in self praise. Before the Slain sun sets, I shall destroy you and wipe off the tears of the salin with your 1 blood". Having said this, Khara with rage, hurled his mace at Rama30. That mighty flaming mace released from the hand of Khara neared Rama, after reducing to ashes the trees and bushes in its path. Rama cut to pieces the mace which was like the noose of death. Rama who loved Dharma spoke to Khara, "Now you have shown the utmost valour, O wretch! The earth shall drink the blood from your neck severed by my 80 144
81 arrows "On your being sent to Yamaloka, the ascetics shall perform the sacrifices fearlessly". When Rama thus declared Khara bit his lip and pulled out a tree and hurled it at Rama. Rama cut the tree to pieces with his powerful arrows and withdrew a step or two. Then he took out the arrow of Indra 82. RAMA SLAYS KHARA Burnt by that fiery arrow, Khara fell down on the battle field like the god of death burnt by Rudra at Syetaranya. The great sages congratulated Rama and said, alt was for this purpose that Mahendra of great valour came to Sarabhanga's hermitage. You have now done what we wanted, O Rama"83. "In a brief period of a muhurta and a half, as fourteen thousand Raksas were slain in the great battle by Rama. How tremendously he displays skill and valour like God Visnu himself! So saying the gods showered flowers on Rama from all sides. The heroic Rama entered the hermitage. Seeing him, the slayer of foes, Sita embraced her husband34. OF RAVANA CAME TO KNOW KHARA'S DEATH Flying from Janasthana and entering Lanka, Akampana told Ravana, "Numerous Raksasas stationed at Janasthana have been slain. Nobody can kill Rama the man of immense strength. But there is a way 1 145
to kill him. He has a wife, Sita. If you carry off his wife by force, Rama can easily be killed". Believing his words, Ravana started on his journey in the morning with rage, Ravana started on his journey in the morning with rage, in order to carry out the rash act 85. A MaRICA TRIES TO DISSUADE RAVANA Ravana set off in an aerial chariot and reached Marica's hermitage quickly. He rejoiced at the hospitality of Marica and told him of his intention to carry off Sita and saaught his help. Marica realising that nearing the Raksasa dynasty was its destruction spoke to Ravana affectionately in order to dissuade him. "O Ravana! Tell me who is he that wants to topple down the crown and crest of the Raksasa world? You understand that Sita is the "Pralaya Kala Ratri" who would produce fear in the Raksasa clan. You shold not wake up this sleeping " lion. Now you should give up your attitude. Thus advised by Marica, Ravana returned to the city of Lanka 87. SURPANAKA MEETS RAVANA Surpanaka having seen her Raksasa kins, Khara etc., killed by Rama, came to Lanka, ruled over by Ravana, who had seized the Pushpaka Vimana from Kubera, who was intent on preventing good deeds, who had a scar inflicted by the employ of the Vajrayudha of 146
Indra and who was the cause for the misery of the world 88. Ravana was a powerful demon. He had various doughty deeds to his credit. He had offered all his ten heads in a sacrifice while worshipping Siva. His chest was always adorned by Visnu's discus which destroyed the enemies of gods. He used the Kailasa mountain as a ball in play. Surpanaka who was subjected to great grief by her foes, saw Ravana who made the Devas wail, who was sitting in his golden throne, surrounded by his ministers, and told him her intention boldly". Surpanaka cried out, "Oh fool! Since you seek passion, you were not aware of the damage caused to the empire by a single man. The entire demon kingdom in Janasthana has been wiped off by one man 86. You have not learnt from your spies of his great disaster of the Raksasas. You too would perish just as your demon army"91. A SURPANAK INDUCES RAVANA TO CARRY OFF SITA 11 "Oh powerful one! By whom were you disfigured? Thus questioned by her brother, the king of Raksasas, the wicked Surpanaka described the unsurpassed prowess of the princes, their beautiful appearance and Rama's lovely wife. If you have power, set forth immediately to conquer those princes and carry away Sita". Thus she ordered her brother. On hearing the words of Surpanaka, Ravana 147
formulated a plan, got into the areal chariot and reached a huge banyan tree on the sea shore, that spreads its branches all around to a distance of a hundred yojanas. On its branches sat Garuda carrying an elephant and a crocodile93. The branch of the banyan tree broke under the weight of Garuda, who clutched with his feet his prey, an elephant and a crocodile. He also destroyed the hunters and thus saved the sages who were residing under the tree. He reached svarga, broke the net made of iron and carried off the nectar from Indra's palace94. RAVANA GOES TO MARICA AGAIN Ravana reached the hermitage of Marica who was performing penance with matted hair and wearing the bark garment. Marica received Ravana and honoured him. Marica then questioned the reason for his arrival. Ravana who had declined the boon of Brahma owing to his pride and dignity, now sought the help of Marica to abduct Sita9. RAVANA SEEKS MARICA'S HELP 95 Ravana said that Rama had deformed his sister Surpanaka and had caused the destruction of Khara and the armies. "Marica you should transform yourself into a marvelous golden deer with silver spots and play around in the vicinity of Sita. She will certainly entreat her husband to capture you. When Rama accompanied by Laksmana 148
leaves the hermitage I shall abduct Sita easily"96. On seeing Ravana who planned to conquer Rama, when he was overwhelmed by grief over the loss of his wife, Marica grew dismayed. His face turned pale. Licking his dry lips, he looked at Ravana with unwinking eyes, almost dead with fear. He spoke to Ravana intending to avoid his destruction97. A MARICA CONDEMNS RAVAN'S PLAN "Listen to my words which will wipe away your grief and bring you prosperity for ever. Rama with his might would destroy the entire demon family in his rage. Who would envy Rama the husband of the modest Sita. Since Sita is under the care of Rama's bow, she cannot be ed abducted. Give up your evil idea". Thus Marica condemns Ravana's plan. "Rama was exiled to the forest only to fulfill the wishes of Kaikeyi. I myself think that it is unwise to harm the great Rama. You take the counsel of your wise ministers" said Marica". OF A HE TELLS HIS OWN EXPERIENCE WITH RAMA L "I have once had the occasion of experiencing the true valour of Rama. By the grace of Lord Brahma, I, endowed with the strength of a thousand elephants, wandered about the Dandaka forest. Visvamitra grew frightened of my strength and ordered Rama to guard the sacrifice. Looking upon Rama as a mere lad, I went to Visvamitra's 149
r A altar to scatter blood over there" 100. "Stuck by Rama's arrows, I was flung into the sea, a hundred yojanas away. All my companions were destroyed by Rama. I was the only survivor. I regained consciousness after a long time and reached the city of Lanka engrossed in fear. Never wish to bring about destruction of your demon family just for the sake of Sita 101. Why do you persist in carrying away Sita? Are there not fair and lovely women in your palace? Listen to me without interrupting me. Once I entered the Dandaka forest along with two other Raknasas, disguised as deer, and killed the ascetics and ate their flesh. Remembering the old animosity, I rushed towards Rama, in a rage"102 "Rama discharged three sharp arrows and killed the other two demons. Luckily I escaped and I live here leading a life of austerity. If I see Rama in my dream, I get terrified. On hearing words such as "Ratna", "Ratha" which begin with the sound "Ra" I cry out with fear. I shall not follow you for I shall face destruction if I go with you. I shall if I go with you. Hence you return to your kingdom happily 103 RAVANA THREATENS MARICA "If Khara was slain by Rama, it was because of his wickedness. How can Rama be blamed for it?". On hearing Marica's words, Ravana could not accept his advice, and spoke with unbecoming harshness. 150
"O Marica! If you do not help me, I shall certainly kill you. If you encounter Rama, you may perhaps survive. Think over this carefully, and do what seems best, in your own interest" 104. "You disguise yourself as a beautiful golden deer with bright spots of silver, and move around Rama's hermitage. The sinless Sita, will send Rama to catch s you quikly. When Rama comes out and is enticed a long way off, you oz should cry out, in a voice similar to that Rama's "Alas Sita, ^ O Laksmana! " On hearing that sound Sita would worry about Rama's safety" 105 "The grief stricken Sita would send Laksmana to save his distressed brother. In their absence, I shall carry off Vaidehi. I shall give you half of my kingdom, if our plan succeeds. You take the lead and I shall follow you in my chariot". Being thus ordered by Ravana, Marica answered as follows: 106. "O King! who was the wicked fellow who persuaded you to this course, which shall definitely lead to your destruction and that of your sons, your realm and your ministers? Your enemy shall feel happy at the cost of your life. I shall however die, slain by the foe after having done my duty. If you carry away Sita, all the demons along with you will be slain" 107. 151
ENTERING RAMA'S HERMITAGE When Marica agreed to his wish, Ravana was overjoyed and hugged him, praising him highly. Then Marica and Ravana got into the chariot and reached Rama's hermitage. When they got off the chariot, Ravana told him "Carry out our plan quickly". Then Marica took the guise of a beautiful deer with horns bedecked with gold and moved about the asrama, where there were plenty of plantain trees 108 THE GOLDEN DEER ENCHANTS SITA the When deer and other animals in the forest looked at him and smelt him, the Raksasa who would have delighted in killing them, did not devour them, since he wished to conceal his identity. Going up to the entrance of the hermitage, he joined the hurd of deer. When Sita came out to pluck flowers from the trees and saw the lovely golden deer, shi she was wonderstruck and called Rama and Laksmana and showed them the deer 109. Laksmana said to Rama, "O Brother, I think this deer is none other than Marica. It was the deluding power of the Raksasa A that killed the inhabitants of the forest. There can be no marvelous deer on earth like this one". Just then Sita exclaimed, "O Lord! This lovely deer enchants me. Catch him for my sporting. If you cannot capture this superb deer alive, at least bring me the beautiful delighting skin of the 152
110 deer"11º. Rama grew excited and exclaimed happily, "This opulent deer and the celestial moon that moves in the sky are unique of their kind in their divine splendour. I would capture the deer alive. But if it were a Raksasa, I would kill him and bring deer skin. "O Laksmana, you and the bird Jatayu should protect Sita. Keep constant vigil over her". Thus Rama instructed Laksmana111. RAMA KILLS MARICA Then Rama taking up his bow and sword, went after the deer with great speed. The deer hid from view in fear and then showed himself again. Thus Marica took Rama far away from his hermitage. Rama who was angry with fatigue, hit the demon with his arrow. Jumping up into the sky as high as a palm tree, he took his own demon form and fell down on the ground 112. At the point of death, Marica reflected on how Sita might be induced to send Laksmana there. He cried aloud, "Alas Sita, alas Laksmana!" Rama shuddered at the false cry of Maricha and thinking of the conditions of Laksmana and Sita hastened towards the hermitage113. to SITA TAUNTS LAKSMANA 113 Hearing that cry of distress, which sounded like Rama's voice, Sita told Laksmana, "You should rush to the rescue of your brother 153
who is in danger". But Laksmana was hesitant. Angered Sita began to abuse Laksmana114. "O brother in law ! Since you rejoice at his You unhappiness, You are my husbandas enemy. It is clear that as you covet me you do not try to save Rama. You must have been sent by Bharata with an evil intention. What would you gain from your brother's destruction? I know your evil intention. You covet me pretending to be a friend. Will a man of lust bother about shame? "115. "Where has your true love for Rama gone? I cant live for a moment without Rama. I ' 11 shall consume poison. I shall fall into the fire, cried Sita. The grief- 116 -stricken Laksmana spoke to her, uttering conciliatory words "6. Laksmana again told Sita, "Rama is invincible. He cannot be killed by any demon. Your husband will be back, having slain that splendid deer. Rama had asked me to take care of you. I cannot go away leaving you here alone. Do not grieve"110. Sita started, "Women's fickle mind 11 " always leads to quarrel. You keep uttering such words. Sitas anger the S 17 increasing manifold, She said, You are a most wicked soul, having no love for your brother" 118. "If you do not go to Rama's rescue, I will fall 11 into the river Ganga or into a pita cried Sita. Laksmana could no longer put up with Sita's harsh words. He said, "I am going away. Let the Gods protect you. As you are divine, I tolerate your harsh words"119 Laksmana left the hermitage. He went into the direction taken by Rama 154
in earlier. Ravana was waiting for this moment. He dressed himself with a and saffron cloth. He carried in his hand a stick and kamandalam came to A the place of Sita like the darkness that engulfs the Sandhya period devoid of the Sun and Moon 120. RAVANNA IN HERMIT GUISE, APPEARS BEFORE SITA Ravana praised Sita for her personal beautiful features. He asked her, "Why do you reside here in the midst of evil creatures instead of residing in a palace?. Sita took him to be a Brahmin and offered him the hospitality due to a Brahmin. 121 RAVANA REVEALS HIS IDENTITY Ravana began to speak about the prosperity of Lanka kingdom. He told Sita "O Blame less one! Become my chief queen. You can remain there like another Rajyalakshmi". Questioned by Ravana who was in the guise of a mendicant, the following thoughts flowed in Sita's mind. "If I do not answer his questions, he might curse me". Thus she told him about herself122. A A SITa SCOLDED RAVANA When Ravana told Sita about his intention to carry her away to Lanka, Sita cursed him. "You wish to carry away Rama's wife like a 155
jackal from a lion. It will be the end of your life, if you attempt to carry me " away mea. She abused him stating that she was like poison to his life 123. Ravana spoke of his great prowess in causing fear in the hearts of the Devas. He also described the prosperity of Lanka. He narrated his abduction of pushpaka Vimana from Kubera and hence his capacity to traverse in the sky at his will. "Rama is in no way equal to me boasted Ravana 124 RAVANA ABDUCTED SITA e Ravana could not bring Sita under his control. Sita was searching all the four directions with her broad eyes crying out, "O Rama !". Ravana assumed his original form and forcibly carried away Sita. He placed her in his chariot and it started moving. Sita was carried off along produce his the sky. Just as clouds lightning Ravana hold Sita on its lap125. "I beseech the aid of every creature that lives in this forest to tell my husband, of my being carried off". Sita with grief cried out thus. As she wailed pitifully she saw an eagle on a tree. "You please tell Rama that Ravana has carried away Sita. As you are too old it would suffice if you pass on this information to Rama" 126. 156
JATAYU WARNS RAVANA Jatayu who was thus told by Sita, described the aspect of Dharma to Ravana and asked him to adhere to the virtue. He said to Ravana, "You are a wicked person. You are committing a crime. It is unbe_ _coming of you to abduct another man's wife. You will be punished for this. But I will not let you go away so easily. I will resist your attempt. I will fight as long as there is life in my body"127. RAVANA CUTS JATAYU'S WINGS Jatayu swung into action. He shattered Ravana's splendid chariot with its yoke. He killed the horses of the chariot. He also wounded Ravana with his sharp beak and claws. But Ravana was too strong for 1 the old bird. He cut off Jatayu s wings and Jatayu fell down helplessly 128. Sita seeing Jatayu fall to the ground, grieved for him like is his own kin. "O Rama save me. Ravana was carrying me away"; Thus she cried and embraced the trees to save herself from Ravana. But Ravana caught hold of her hair and pulled her away and carried her with him 129. The gods in the sky watched Ravana carrying off Sita through the sky fearlessly. But Brahma said, "Now the time has arrived for the restoration of peace and joy to the gods. The demon is going to be killed by Rama shortly". All the gods were full of sorrow on one hand and 157
" were filled with joy on the other130. "A person who sees a blessed girl being carried away, succumbs to sin. Thus thinking the Sun god not wanting to witness the cruel abduction, gave up lustre. Impenetrable darkness enveloped the universe. The gods grieved thus "Thus there is no fruit for the virtuous deeds of elders"131. An anklet from Sita's leg, a necklace and some flowers from her head fell to on the ground like unfortunate persons falling from heaven and the stars from the sky, as would the fame of Ravana. Ravana was carrying off Sita for his destruction. Sita was shedding tears 132. SITA ABUSES RAVANA 1 As she was being carried off, Sita was weeping. Her eyes were red with anger. She told the Raksasa king pitifully, "Are you not ashamed of what you are doing? Having done this despicable deed, how is it that you are not ashamed? You are carrying me away in Rama's absence. If only you had been seen by Rama and Laksmana you death. 11 would have faced the gamea Thus she abused him. She looked all e around and trambled in anger and sorrow. SITA DROPS HER JEWELS AMONG THE MONKEYS Sita saw five monkeys on a hillock. She collected a few ornaments of hers, bundled them in a piece of cloth and dropped them 158
near the monkeys. Ravana did not notice this. The monkeys saw a lady who was uttering the name of Rama, being carried away by a demon in the sky. She thought that the monkeys might give some information to Rama and Laksmana if they came searching for her 134. He flew along the sky, passing over forests, rivers, mountains and entered the city of Lanka. Ravana reached his private apartments and ordered his Raksasi a i maids to keep guard over Sita, And gave her whatever she wanted. He told them, "No man or woman shall see Sita without my permission."135. Ravana sent eight demons to find out what Rama was doing in Janasthanam. He thought that he could dispel the grief due to death of Khara and others over the victory of his enemy. He thought that he was fortunate. He only wanted to wreak vengeance on his foe. Ravana did not realize his impending calamity 136. RAVANA SHOWED THE BEAUTY OF THE PALACE Ravana showed Sita, who was overwhelmed with grief, the beauty of his palace, which was like the abode of the gods. He prostrated at the lotus feet of Sita. Ravana tried to win over Sita's admiration by showing her his enormous wealth and luxuries available in Lanka. He said to her, "Forget Rama and marry me"137. 159
SITA SENT TO THE ASOKA VANA "O Fool, I belong to Rama. No one can change my mind. Destiny has contrived this plot in order to kill you. This is the decree of fate". When Sita told him thus, without any fear, Ravana ordered his Rakshasi attendants to place Sita in Asokavana and said, "You should strive to make Sita amenable to my will before the end of this year" 138. At the bidding of Brahma, Indra came to Asokavana and made all the enemies fall asleep. Then he gave nectar to Sita to be free from hunger and thirst. Offering it first to her husband, Sita drank the nectar. She thus forgot her grief for sometime 139. Rama killed Marica and was very much worried about Sita's response to the words uttered by Marica. As he was hurrying back. in his anxiety to see Sita, he heard a jackal howl behind him. He was walking with a heavy heart fearing some catastrophe. On his way, he saw Laksmana1ª0. 140 RAMA REPROACHES LAKSMANA FOR LEAVING SITA Rama said to Laksmana, "Ah! Laksmana! You are to be blamed for coming over here, leaving Sita alone. Without her, I do not even aspire for even the prosperity of three worlds. You were wrong in leaving Sita alone. We have been totally ruined by Fate 141. Rama saw many bad omens that portended evil. He saw the hermitage bereft of 160
Sita. Rama wept aloud. He blamed Laksmana. But Lakshmana said that he was so cruelly cursed by Sita that he was forced to leave her alone. When Laksmana uttered this in anger, Rama said that Fate was powerful 142 RAMA'S VAIN SEARCH Rama cried aloud like a madman. He called out to the trees, animals and birds asking them to tell him about Sita. He cried, "Where are you? Oh, Sita!". He was calling out to all the animate and inanimate things in the forest for information 143. Laksmana consoled him and said, "She might have gone to Godavari or some other place. Let us search for her". Thus Laksmana and Rama were walking about, crying out Sita's name aloud. Rama was greatly distressed 144. Not seeing Sita anywhere, Rama came to the conclusion that she might have been devoured by the Raksasas. Rama who dispelled the grief of everyone, decided to abandon his life. He asked Laksmana to leave him behind and go back to Ayodhya. He was not willing to go back to Ayodhya without Sita. Laksmana too was very much pained 145. As Rama was overwhelmed with grief, due to his separation from Sita, he told Laksmana that he would reconcile with the loss of his kingdom, and the loss of his father, but the loss of Sita had now stirred his fury. He 161
was certain that Sita would not go anywhere without him. Rama thought that the demons might have killed and eaten up Sita. He wept aloud 146. Laksmana told Rama, "Even after being enquired by you, the wise one, this river Godavari gives no answer. When he asked the deer, they lifted their faces with tear filled eyes, towards the south, looking up at the sky. Rama took the clue and proceeded southwards in the direction Nirruti 147. RAMA'S LAMENT As he went southwards he saw the flowers of Sita strewn on the ground. He looked at the hillock nearby and was very angry with it for not giving him the information about Sita. He shouted, "O Mountain ! By my thunderbolt I shall reduce you to ashes and destroy all your crests". He threatened even the river Godavari for not giving him information thus. "O Godavari ! I shall dry you up with my arrows" 148. RAMA'S FURY As he looked at the ground, he saw the footsteps of Ravana close to the footsteps of Sita. He also saw the broken chariot, horses and umbrella and the two dead demons. He called out to the gods to give him news about the happenings. When they did not give any reply he cried aloud, "I will burn the entire world with my arrow'' 149 162
LAKSMANA PACIFIES RAMA When Laksmana saw Rama thus filled with grief, he pacified Rama with his soft words, "O Respectable brother, you should not kill innocent beings. You should not destroy the worlds just for a single manas offence. You should destroy only the sinner". Thus he was able his L to persuade Rama and bring down rage at that moment" 150. "The fruits to of the previous births are carried over this birth. It is certain that fate is L more powerful than anything. You know that all the sons of Vasistha in were killed with an instant. Even the Sun and the Moon suffer eclipses. The earth also trembles occasionally. Who can over come fate?"151 Yayati fell down from heaven. You should not cause the destruction of the world for the offence of one demon. By the practice of severe austerities you were obtained by King Dasaratha. He had reached heaven because of his noble son. Who can pacify you in the three worlds? Who can surpass your virtues?"152. E RAMA METSJATAYU Rama listened to the words of Laksmana. He then began to y search for Sita. He came across Jatayu. He mistook Jatau to have been A responsible for the disappearance of Sita. He thought that Jatayu might have swallowed her. He went to the extent of fixing his arrow in his bow 163
to kill Jatayu. Just then Jatayu saw Rama in that posture and mustered the little energy that remained in him. He said, "Two things have been taken away by Ravana. One is your beloved wife Sita. The second is " my life 153. Jatayu showed the broken chariot, bow and armour and said, "Ravana cut down my wings with his sword and carried away Sita". Only then did Rama realise the great sacrifice of Jatayu and wanted to console the bird. He embraced Jatayu and felt that Jatayu had done a and very just righteous deed 154. L CREMATION OF JATAYU Jatayu could utter no more than a few words. The only thing that he could clearly convey was that Ravana had carried away Sita. Jatayu passed away. He had done a meritorious deed. He relinquished his sinful body, taking solace in rescuing a chaste woman Rama 155 requested Jatayu to tell the remaining information. Then realizing that he was dead, he performed all the rituals in connection with the obsequies of the dead Jatayu just as he would have performed the rituals on the demise of his father 156. Jatayu had said that the time when was Ravana took away Sita is a muhurtam called "Vinda" and the effect of that muhurtam was that a man who lost his property in that hour would recover it very soon. The property would go back to the original owner. 164
Rama gained some solace as Jatayu had pointed out the astrological support in recovering Sita 157. Passing beyond Krauncharanya and going a distance of three krosas in an eastern direction, they came upon d another horrified jungle and saw a hollow in the mountain. Approaching the cave, they saw a demoness called "Ayomuki". She advanced towards Laksmana just as Surpanaka had done earlier. Laksmana cut off her nose and ears and she ran away 158. MEETING WITH KABANDA They went on searching everywhere in the forest, that it seemed filled to be fitted with high winds. They stepped into the domain of a demon "Kabanda". Then they proceeded and came into the range of Kabanda, who was headless and neckless. His face was in the middle of his stomach. He was devouring formidable creatures. With his long arms which were like ropes, he caught both Rama and Laksmana. And in his despondency Laksmana spoke to Rama159. Laksmana said to Rama, "O Brother, save yourself by giving me up, sacrificing me to this huge creature. You flee from here. When you have recovered the kingdom, along with Sita, think of me often". Just then Kabanda began to speak to Laksmana who was afraid of him."Who are you? How did you come you here? For whose sake you have come to this region where, I afflicted 165
with hunger, live?". Rama did not lose courage. KABANDA'S HANDS CUT DOWN "1 "Fate is powerful. Realising thus Rama cut down the long hands of the demon with his sword, like a plantain tree and made him fall to the ground. Then recalling what Indra had told him of his earlier life, Kabanda started speaking joyfully"161. THE CAUSE OF HIS CURSE 66 In former days, I was endowed with extraordinary splendour. I was the son of Dhanu. But I assumed this Raksasa form terrifying the sages. Hence the Sage Sthulasiras who cursed me to acquire this had shameful form. As I obtained long life from Brahma, I insulted Lord ren Indra. Indra hit me on my head with his vajram. My head plunged into my belly. But he could not send me to the abode of death" 162. "How this? can I live long? Hence Indra gave me two arms, a yojana in length each, and a mouth in the belly". Indra told me, "When Rama comes to you and cuts off your hands and pushes you into a pit and burns you, you will regain your original divine shape. Hence I live here, awaiting you" 163. "O Brother! I shall help you with my intelligence and tell you where you can get a friend, when you have burnt me on the pyre. Because of the curse of Sage Sthulasiras, my intellect is hidden. Relieve 166
me from this sinful birth". When Kabanda instructed him thus, Rama did accordingly 164 KABANDA HELPS RAMA TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP WITH SUGRIVA When the body of Kabanda was burnt by Rama, Kabanda rose up from the pyre, clad in shining robes, and with a lustrous body_ascended aerial on the areal chariot and spoke from the sky, "O Rama the powerful! Go to Sugriva. He is a strong monkey. You establish his friendship with fire as the divine witness (Agni Sakshi). He will be able to help you in restoring Sita''165. Kabanda added, "Sugriva too has been subjected to a lot of suffering by his elder brother. His wife has been taken away from him. You must fulfill his wish with your might. He will search for your wife with the help of the monkeys and bring her to you. Nothing remains unknown to Sugriva". "Take this excellent route, where there are plenty of lovely trees and which leads to Rishyamuka. You must take this route either by climbing up the trees or by shaking them down. From there, go to another forest; eating sweet fruits and crossing many countries, mountains and forests go to the sacred river Pampa 167. You and may eat those birds of Pampa lake drink the pure water fetched by Laksmana. On the banks of Pampa, the drops of sweat that fall from the 167
11 " disciples of Matanga, turned into flowers by virtue of the sages_ austerities. You You would be reaching the woods of Matanga 168. 10 you Rama ! There lives a very old woman Sabari awaiting without ascending heaven, in order to worship you. You must meet this ascetic woman Sabari. The Rsyamuka mountain is to the east of the Pampa and confers whatever one wishes for" 169. "The demons kill the wicked people in Rsyamuka mountain. There is a great cave which is very difficult to enter. There is a big pool of cool water. In that cave, dwells Sugriva along with four apes. You will obtain your wife through him. Thus said the celestial Kabanda and went to heaven 170. RAMA MEETS SABARI 4 Then Rama proceeded from there and reached the hermitage of Sabari. When Rama enquired of her welfare, Sabari answered him, "O Rama ! when you were at Chitrakuta, I was told by the great sage, Rama will be coming to this very holy hermitage of yours. You should " worship him with all honoura From that time onwards, I have been thinking of you"171. "O Rama ! I have collected various kinds of forest P produce, that grow on the banks of pampa for you. You accept my 4 worship and grace me. You make me attain salvationa. Rama was happy and behold the wonders in the hermitage of Matanga, shown by 168
Sabari172. SABARI SHOWED RAMA THE WAY TO MATANGASRAMA Sage Sabari showed him the palace where the great Matanga sage.had requested the seven seas to flow there for his bath. The flowers that the sage had used were bright and fragrant even then. The barks of the trees had not dried. Rama saw these wonderful things showed by Sabari and felt happy173. Then Sabari shed her worn-out body by leaping into the fire and reached heaven. Rama bathed in the sacred waters of Matanga, wishing to see Sugriva with a pure mind and started from there along with Laksmana. Passing by holy rivers and forests he came to River Pampa 174. The Aranya Parva Kanda that which is favoured by the Devas and the wise, that which grants one whatever desired, like the divine Kamadhenu, that which describes the story of Rama, ever affectionate towards his brother and wife, brings prosperity to those who listen to it 175. 169