Shiva Purana

by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words

This page relates “daksha granted the boon” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

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Chapter 12 - Dakṣa granted the boon

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Nārada said:—

1. O Brahmā, the sinless and the intelligent one, you have splendidly narrated the story of Śivā and Śiva. My life has been sanctified. This is conducive to my benefit.

2. Now please tell me, what the boon was that Dakṣa, with steady sacred rites and austere penance, secured from the Goddess, and how she became Dakṣa’s daughter.

Brahmā said:—

3. O Nārada, listen. You are blessed. You are revered by all sages with devotion. Hear how with good sacred rites, Dakṣa performed penance and secured boons.

4. At my bidding, the intelligent Dakṣa the great chief controlled his mind and went to worship the Goddess, the mother of the universe, with that cherished desire.

5. He went to the northern shore of the ocean of milk[1] and began to perform the penance, keeping the mother of the universe in his heart. He wished to see the Goddess in person.

6. For three thousand divine years he performed the penance with good sacred rites, controlling his mind and keeping himself pure.

7. For some years, he sustained himself on taking in only air, abstaining from food, for some years taking only water and for some years taking only leaves as food. Thus he spent the time meditating upon the Goddess in cosmic form.

8. He was intensively devoted to the meditation of the Goddess. He was engaged in the penance for a long time. With sacred rites and various restraints he worshipped the Goddess.

9. O excellent sage, then Śivā appeared in person to Dakṣa who maintained all restraints, Yama[2] etc. and worshipped the mother of the universe.

10. On seeing the mother of the universe cosmic in form, Dakṣa the lord of the subjects considered himself well rewarded.

11-12. With various sorts of prayer he eulogised and bowed to the Goddess mother of the universe, Kālikā seated on a lion, dark-complexioned, with four arms and beautiful face, the bestower of the boon, the abode of safety, holding a blue lotus and the sword in her hands, comely with reddish eyes and with beautiful dishevelled hair.

Dakṣa said:—

13. Obeisance to Thee, O great Goddess, mother of the universe, wielding the great illusion, the ruler of the universe. It is with great favour that Thou showed Thy own body to me.

14. Be pleased, O primordial Goddess, be pleased, O Goddess in the form of Śiva; be pleased, O bestower of boons to the devotees; obeisance be to Thee, O wielder of illusion over the universe.

Brahmā said:—

15. O sage, thus eulogised by Dakṣa of purified soul, the Goddess spoke to Dakṣa, although she knew what his desire was.

The Goddess said:—

16. O Dakṣa I am very much delighted by your great devotion. Choose a boon according to your desire. There is nothing which shall not be granted to you.

Brahmā said:—

17. On hearing the words of the mother of the universe, Dakṣa Prajāpati was very happy and he said to Śivā after bowing to her frequently.

Dakṣa said:—

18. O wielder of great illusion, O mother of the universe, if you wish to grant me any boon please listen to my words with pleasure. Be pleased to fulfil my desire.

19. My lord and master Śiva has manifested Himself as Brahmā’s son in the name of Rudra. He is the perfect and full-fledged incarnation of the supreme soul.

20. You have not so far incarnated. Who will be His wife? Hence O Śivā, take an incarnation on the Earth and fascinate the great lord.

21. Excepting you, no other lady will ever be competent to enthral Him. Hence be born as my daughter and become Śiva’s consort.

22. Exhibiting your divine sports as this, O Goddess, you be the enchantress of Śiva, this is the only boon I crave of you. I speak out the truth to you.

23. This fulfils my own interests. Indeed it fulfils the interests of all the worlds as well as those of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva. Hence I have been induced by Brahmā in this direction.

Brahmā said:—

24. On hearing these words of Dakṣa the mother of the universe replied smilingly after thinking on Śiva.

The Goddess said:—

25. Dear one, O Dakṣa Prajāpati, listen to my weighty words. I tell you the truth. I am much delighted by your devotion. I shall bestow everything.

26. Subservient to your devotion, O Dakṣa, I, the great Goddess, shall be born of your wife as your daughter. There is no doubt in this.

27. O sinless one, I shall perform a penance strenuously and shall become Śiva’s wife, after I have secured a boon from Him to that effect.

28. Otherwise there is no chance of the fulfilment of the object. The lord is free from all aberrations. He is the full incarnation of Sadāśiva, worthy of being served by Brahmā and Viṣṇu.

29. I am His slave for ever, His beloved in every birth (incarnation). Śiva who manifests Himself in many forms is indeed my master.

30. It was by His favour that He manifested through the eyebrows of Brahmā. I too shall incarnate by His favour and at His bidding.

31. O dear one, go back to your residence. I have known my mission. Born as your daughter, ere long I shall be Śiva’s wife.

32. Having spoken these splendid words, She sought and obtained Śiva’s permission through mental communion. While thinking on Śiva’s lotus-like feet, the Goddess spoke as follows:—

33. But O Prajāpati, you have to take a vow. It is a precondition. I shall tell you. It is true, never false, please understand.

34. If in future you were to be less respectful to me I will cast off my body. I shall withdraw myself to my soul or take to another form. It is true.

35. O Dakṣa, this boon has been granted to you. At every creation I shall be born as your daughter and become the beloved of Śiva.

Brahmā said:—

36. After speaking thus to Dakṣa the chief Prajāpati, the great Goddess immediately vanished even as Dakṣa was watching.

37. When she had vanished, Dakṣa returned to his hermitage. He rejoiced because he knew that the great Goddess would become his daughter.

Footnotes and references:

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See Note 200 P. 224.


Yama=Self-restraint. It is the first of the eight means of attaining mental concentration. The rest are “niyama, āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇā, dhyāna” and “samādhi”. For details see “bodhasāra”, pp. 121-128.

Yamas are usually said to be ten:

brahmacaryaṃ dayā kṣāntirdānaṃ satyamakalkatā |
ahiṃsā'steyamādhurye damaśceti yamāḥ smṛtāḥ ||

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