Shiva Purana

by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words

This page relates “mena and others incur the imprecation of sanaka etc.” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

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Chapter 2 - Menā and others incur the imprecation of Sanaka etc.

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Nārada said:—

1. O Brahmā, the intelligent one, please now tell me reverently about the origin of Menā as well as the imprecation. Please clear my doubts.

Brahmā said:—

2. O Nārada and the sages, listen to the narrative of the origin of Menā. O excellent son, O great scholar, I shall mention it now.

3. O sage, I have already told you about my son Dakṣa. He had sixty daughters all of whom were the instruments of creation.

4. He celebrated their marriages with Kaśyapa and other bridegrooms. You know all that already. O Nārada, now, listen to the present story.

5. Among those, the daughter Svadhā was given to the forefathers. She had three daughters all of whom were of handsome features and virtuous forms.

6. O excellent sage, listen to their holy names which remove obstacles and confer blessings.

7. Menā was the eldest. Dhanyā was the middle. Kalāvatī was the youngest. All these were mentally conceived daughters of the forefathers.

8. They were not born of the womb of Svadhā. They were conventionally considered her children. On reciting their names, men can achieve their desires.

9. The mothers of the worlds are worthy of reverence of the entire universe always. They are the bestowers of great joy. They are great yoginīs, storehouses of knowledge. They pervade the three worlds.

10. O excellent sage, once the three sisters went to Śvetadvīpa (white island)[1] in the world of Viṣṇu for sightseeing purpose.

11. After bowing to and eulogising Viṣṇu with great devotion they halted there at his bidding. A great concourse of people was held there.

12. O sage, at the same time, Siddhas, sons of Brahmā—Sanaka and others came there. They bowed to and lauded Viṣṇu and stayed there at his bidding.

13. On seeing those sages Sanaka and others and the persons who had assembled there, stood up. When they, the elders of gods respected by the people, sat they all bowed to them.

14. Helpless by misfortune and deluded by lord Śiva’s illusion O sage, the three sisters did not stand up.

15. Śiva’s illusion is weighty and capable of deluding the worlds. The entire universe is subservient to it. It is also called Śiva’s Will.

16. The same is also called an action that has begun to fructify. Its names are many. Everything takes place on Śiva’s wish. There is nothing to be pondered over in this respect.

17. Becoming a victim thereof, the sisters did not make obeisance to them. They remained surprised and stunned thereafter seeing them.

18. On seeing such a behaviour on their part the great sages, Sanaka and others, despite being wise, became unbearably furious.

19. Himself deluded by Śiva’s illusion Sanaka, a perfect Yogin, furiously told them giving a curse as punishment.

Sanatkumāra said:—

20. Inspite of being the daughters of the forefathers, ye three sisters are foolish, bereft of wisdom and ignorant of the essence of the Vedas.

21. You did not stand up nor did you pay any respects to us. You were haughty and deluded and so evinced a deluded disposition of human beings. Hence all of you shall leave heaven.

22. May the three sisters deluded by ignorance be born as human womenfolk. May ye reap this fruit as a result of the power of your own action.

Brahmā said:—

23. On hearing this, the chaste maidens got perplexed. The three fell at his feet and spoke with their heads bent down.

The daughters of the forefathers said:—

24. “O excellent sage, ocean of mercy, be pleased now. Because we were mentally confounded we did not bow to you.

25. O Brahmin, the result thereof has been achieved by us. O great sage it is not your fault. Bless us now whereby we shall regain heavenly abode again.”

Brahmā said:—

26. On hearing their words, O dear, the sage spoke to them. He had been induced by Śiva’s illusion to give them redemption from the curse. He was a bit consoled.

Sanatkumāra said:—

27. “O ye three daughters of forefathers, listen with pleasure to my words that will dispel your sorrow and bestow happiness on you.

28. May the eldest among you become the wife of Himavat the mountain that is a part of Viṣṇu. Pārvatī shall be her daughter.

29. The second daughter Dhanyā shall be the Yoginī, the wife of Janaka. Her daughter shall be Mahālakṣmī in the name of Sītā.

30. The youngest Kalāvatī shall be the wife of the Vaiśya—Vṛṣabhāna. At the end of Dvāpara, Rādhā shall be her daughter.

31. The Yoginī Menā shall attain the great region Kailāsa along with her body and in the company of her husband due to the boon of Pārvatī.

32. Janaka shall be blessed by Sītā born in Janaka’s race and he shall be a living liberated soul. A great Yogin, he will attain Vaikuṇṭha.

33. Kalāvatī by the virtue of Vṛṣabhāna shall become a living liberated soul and attain Goloka[2] along with her daughter. There is no doubt about it.

34. Without adversity how can one attain greatness? To persons of good rites, if misery vanishes happiness is likely to be difficult of access.

35. Ye the daughters of forefathers shall shine in heaven. By the vision of Viṣṇu your evil actions have been quelled.”

36. After saying this, the sage was freed of his fury on thinking of Śiva, the bestower of wisdom, worldly pleasures and salvation.

37. Listen further to my words always pleasing to you. You are all blessed by Śiva’s pleasure. Hence you will be worthy of honour and respect immediately.

38. Menā’s daughter, goddess Pārvatī, the mother of the universe shall become Śiva’s beloved after performing severe penance.

39. Dhanyā’s daughter Sītā will become Rāma’s wife. Based on worldly conventions she will sport about with Rāma.

40. Kalāvatī’s daughter Rādhā, resident of Goloka[2] shall become the wife of Kṛṣṇa united with him in secret love.

Brahmā said:—

41. After saying this, that holy sage Sanatkumāra vanished there itself along with his brothers after he was eulogised duly.

42. The three sisters, the mentally conceived daughters of the forefathers were freed of their sins and attained happiness. They returned to their residence quickly.

Footnotes and references:

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It has not been possible to identify this island. Colonel Wilford attempted to identify it with Britain. See. H. M. P. 315.


Goloka: It is a modern addition to the original series of fourteen lokas. It is identified with Gokula, a pastoral district on the Yamunā about Mathurā where Kṛṣṇa passed his boyhood with the cowherd.

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