Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation)

by Swami Lokeswarananda | 165,421 words | ISBN-10: 8185843910 | ISBN-13: 9788185843919

This is the English translation of the Chandogya-upanishad, including a commentary based on Swami Lokeswarananda’s weekly discourses; incorporating extracts from Shankara’s bhasya. The Chandogya Upanishad is a major Hindu philosophical text incorporated in the Sama Veda, and dealing with meditation and Brahman. This edition includes the Sanskrit t...

Verse 1.7.5

अथ य एषोऽन्तरक्षिणि पुरुषो दृश्यते सैवर्क्तत्साम तदुक्थं तद्यजुस्तद्ब्रह्म तस्यैतस्य तदेव रूपं यदमुष्य रूपं यावमुष्य गेष्णौ तौ गेष्णौ यन्नाम तन्नाम ॥ १.७.५ ॥

atha ya eṣo'ntarakṣiṇi puruṣo dṛśyate saivarktatsāma tadukthaṃ tadyajustadbrahma tasyaitasya tadeva rūpaṃ yadamuṣya rūpaṃ yāvamuṣya geṣṇau tau geṣṇau yannāma tannāma || 1.7.5 ||

5. The person seen in the eye is the Ṛk, the Sāma, the uktha [a part of the Sāma], and the Yajus. He is also the three Vedas. The person who is in the sun and the person who is in the eye are the same. The same two singers [i.e., the Ṛk and the Sāma] sing in praise of each of them, and they have the same names.

Word-for-word explanation:

Atha, now; yaḥ eṣaḥ puruṣaḥ, that person who; antarakṣiṇi, inside the eye; dṛśyate, is seen; saḥ, that person; eva ṛk, is the Ṛk; tat sāma, he is the Sāma; tat uktham, he is the uktha [a part of the Sāma]; tat yajuḥ, he is the Yajus [i.e., mantras ending with svāhā, svadhā, and vaṣaṭ]; tat brahma, he is Brahman [i.e., the three Vedas]; tasya etasya, of this person [seen in the eye]; tat eva rūpam, that same form; yat amuṣya rūpam, of the form of that person [in the sun, having golden hair, etc.]; amuṣya, of that one [in the sun]; yau geṣṇau, two singers [i.e., the Ṛk and the Sāma sing in his praise]; tau geṣṇau, the same two singers [sing in praise of that one]; yat nāma tat nāma, the name of this is the same as the name of that.


The Lord who rules the solar region is seen also in the eye. That Lord stands for the Ṛk. He controls the organ of speech and other organs of the body, as well as the earth and other planets. They are all parts of him. The three Vedas—Ṛk, Sāma, and Yajus—are often referred to as Brahman, so Brahman and the Vedas are the same. Brahman includes everything. It is in the sun, in the human body, and in the planets. It is here referred to as the Lord called Hiraṇmaya, the Lord with a golden body, because he is luminous. The words uk and uktha, and also svāhā, svadhā, and vaṣat, are all used in different Vedas in praise of the same Lord who is in the sun (ādhidaivika) as well as in the eye (ādhyātmika).

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