Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation)
by Swami Lokeswarananda | 165,421 words | ISBN-10: 8185843910 | ISBN-13: 9788185843919
This is the English translation of the Chandogya-upanishad, including a commentary based on Swami Lokeswarananda’s weekly discourses; incorporating extracts from Shankara’s bhasya. The Chandogya Upanishad is a major Hindu philosophical text incorporated in the Sama Veda, and dealing with meditation and Brahman. This edition includes the Sanskrit t...
Verse 6.4.4
यद्विद्युतो रोहितंरूपं तेजसस्तद्रूपं यच्छुक्लं तदपां यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्यापागाद्विद्युतो विद्युत्त्वं वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं त्रीणि रूपाणीत्येव सत्यम् ॥ ६.४.४ ॥
yadvidyuto rohitaṃrūpaṃ tejasastadrūpaṃ yacchuklaṃ tadapāṃ yatkṛṣṇaṃ tadannasyāpāgādvidyuto vidyuttvaṃ vācārambhaṇaṃ vikāro nāmadheyaṃ trīṇi rūpāṇītyeva satyam || 6.4.4 ||
4. The red colour of lightning is from fire, the white colour is from water, and the dark colour is from earth. Thus that which constitutes the ‘lightning’-ness of lightning is gone. All changes are mere words, in name only. The three colours are the reality.
Word-for-word explanation:
Yat vidyutaḥ rohitam rūpam, that red colour of lightning; tat rūpam tejasaḥ, that colour is from fire; yat śuklam, that which is white; tat apām, that is from water; yat kṛṣṇam, that which is dark; tat annasya, that is from earth [lit., food]; vidyutaḥ vidyuttvam apāgāt, [thus] the ‘lightning’-ness of lightning is gone; vācārambhaṇam nāmadheyam vikāraḥ, all changes are mere words, in name only; trīṇi rūpāṇi iti eva satyam, only the three colours are the reality [i.e., outside of the three colours, there is no lightning].
There is no commentary available for this verse.