Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation)
by Swami Lokeswarananda | 165,421 words | ISBN-10: 8185843910 | ISBN-13: 9788185843919
This is the English translation of the Chandogya-upanishad, including a commentary based on Swami Lokeswarananda’s weekly discourses; incorporating extracts from Shankara’s bhasya. The Chandogya Upanishad is a major Hindu philosophical text incorporated in the Sama Veda, and dealing with meditation and Brahman. This edition includes the Sanskrit t...
Verse 7.26.1
तस्य ह वा एतस्यैवं पश्यत एवं मन्वानस्यैवं विजानत आत्मतः प्राण आत्मत आशात्मतः स्मर आत्मत आकाश आत्मतस्तेज आत्मत आप आत्मत आविर्भावतिरोभावावात्मतोऽन्नमात्मतो बलमात्मतो विज्ञानमात्मतो ध्यानमात्मतश्चित्तमात्मतः संकल्प आत्मतो मन आत्मतो वागात्मतो नामात्मतो मन्त्रा आत्मतः कर्माण्यात्मत एवेदंसर्वमिति ॥ ७.२६.१ ॥
tasya ha vā etasyaivaṃ paśyata evaṃ manvānasyaivaṃ vijānata ātmataḥ prāṇa ātmata āśātmataḥ smara ātmata ākāśa ātmatasteja ātmata āpa ātmata āvirbhāvatirobhāvāvātmato'nnamātmato balamātmato vijñānamātmato dhyānamātmataścittamātmataḥ saṃkalpa ātmato mana ātmato vāgātmato nāmātmato mantrā ātmataḥ karmāṇyātmata evedaṃsarvamiti || 7.26.1 ||
1. For a person like this who sees in this way, thinks in this way, and has this knowledge, everything comes from the Self: Life, hope, memory, space, fire, water, birth and death, food, strength, knowledge in depth, meditation, the heart, resolution, the mind, speech, name, mantras, and all work—all this comes from the Self.
Word-for-word explanation:
Tasya ha vai etasya, of a person like this; evam paśyataḥ, who sees in this way; evam manvānasya, who thinks in this way; evam vijānataḥ, who has such knowledge; ātmataḥ prāṇaḥ, life [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ āśā, hope [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ smaraḥ, memory [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ ākāśaḥ, space [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ tejaḥ, fire [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ āpaḥ, water [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ āvirbhāva-tirobhāvau, birth and death [come] from the Self; ātmataḥ annam, food [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ balam, strength [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ vijñānam, knowledge in depth [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ dhyānam, meditation [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ cittam, the heart [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ saṅkalpaḥ, resolution [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ manaḥ, the mind [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ vāk, speech [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ nāma, name [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ mantrāḥ, the mantras [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ karmāṇi, all work [comes] from the Self; ātmataḥ eva idam sarvam iti, all this [comes] from the Self.
Just as waves rise from and fall back on the ocean, so also all these things—prāṇa, hope, memory, birth, death, happiness, unhappiness, etc.—come from the Self and go back to the Self. They are all within our own self.
Once we know the Self, the phenomenal world no longer exists for us.