Kathasaritsagara [sanskrit]
by C. H. Tawney | 2014 | 226,424 words | ISBN-13: 9789350501351
Summary: The Sanskrit edition of the Kathasaritsagara referencing the English translation and grammatical analysis. Written by Somadeva and dating from the 12th century, the Kathasaritsagara (or Katha-sarit-sagara) represents an epic legend narrating the adventures of Naravahanadatta as he strives to become the destined emperor of the Vidyadharas.
Alternative titles: (Kathāsaritsāgara, कथासरित्सागर, Kathā-sarit-sāgara)
Source: motilalbanarsidass.com
Contents of this online book ( + / - )
The full text of the Kathasaritsagara [sanskrit] is available here and publically accesible (free to read online). Of course, I would always recommend buying the book so you get the latest edition. You can see all this book’s content by visiting the pages in the below index:
For a compact overview of all verses, see the sitemap.
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Kathasaritsagara Kathasaritsagara [sanskrit]
The Ocean of Story
by C.H. Tawney (2014)
Being C.H. Tawney's Translation of Somadeva's Katha Sarit Sagara (Kathasaritsagara): (Ten Volumes)
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by Kedarnath Sharma Saraswat (2005)
The Only Edition with the Sanskrit Text and its Hindi Translation (An Old and Rare Book) Set of 3 Vol.
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Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva Bhatta (Sanskrit Text Only)
by Vasudeva Laksmana Sastri (2013)
Katha Sarit Sagar in Marathi
by H. A Bhave (1995)
Set of 5 Volumes; Published by Varada Books, Pune. 2256 pages (Throughout B/W Illustrations).
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Katha Sarit Sagara (Tamil)
by S. V. Ganapati (எஸ். வி. கணபதி) (2014)
[கதா சரித் சாகரம்] Published by Alliance Publications.
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Galpa Shono
by Abhijit Chattopadhyay (2014)
[গল্প শোনো] Galpa Shono: Bengali Translation of 'Suno Kahani From Katha Sarit Sagar'; 9788126015436; Published by Sahitya Akademi, Delhi.
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