Nigrahasthana, Nigrahasthāna, Nigraha-sthana: 11 definitions
Nigrahasthana means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Nyaya (school of philosophy)
Source: Wisdom Library: NyāyaNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान) refers to “point of defeat”, or “occasion for rebuke”. It is one of the sixteen categories of discussion (padārtha) according to the doctrine of the Nyāya-sūtras by Akṣapāda. The sixteen padārthas represent a method of intellectual analysis and categorize everything that is knowable and nameable.
Source: Shodhganga: A study of Nyāya-vaiśeṣika categoriesNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान, “futility”) refers to “ground of defeat” and represents the sixteenth and final of the sixteen padārthas (“categories”) in the first chapter of Gautama’s Nyāyasūtra (2nd century CE). The meaning of nigrahasthāna is a ground of defeat in debate. Such defeat has two grounds, one is misunderstanding and the other is want of understanding. If in a debate, one party misunderstands his own statement and other party’s statement, that party must be defeated, that is known as nigrahasthāna. Gautama defines it as that in which an occasion is arranged for defeat when one misunderstands or does not understand.

Nyaya (न्याय, nyaya) refers to a school of Hindu philosophy (astika), drawing its subject-matter from the Upanishads. The Nyaya philosophy is known for its theories on logic, methodology and epistemology, however, it is closely related with Vaisheshika in terms of metaphysics.
Ayurveda (science of life)
Source: Ayurveda glossary of termsNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान):—[nigrahasthānam] Loopholes of a competitor by which oponent can be defeated in a hostile discussion

Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
In Buddhism
Buddhist philosophy
Source: Google Books: A History of Indian Logic (Buddhist Philosophy)Nigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान) or simply Nigraha refers to the “points of defeat”, according to Upāyakauśalyahṛdaya, an ancient work on the art of debate composed by Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna.
The Nigrahasthāna (points of defeat are the following):
- the unintelligible (avijñātārtha),
- non-ingenuity (apratibhā),
- silence (ananubhāṣaṇa),
- saying too little (nyūna),
- saying too much (adhika),
- the meaningless (nirarthaka),
- the inopportune (aprāptakāla),
- the incoherent (apārthaka),
- hurting the proposition (pratijñāhāni).
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Maha Prajnaparamita SastraNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान) refers to an “untenable position”, according to Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter 31).—Accordingly, “Fire (agni) burns things by itself without depending on a person (pudgala). We say that a man burns something only metaphorically. You have fallen into an untenable position (nigrahasthāna). Why? Because the soul (puruṣa) is the person (pudgala) and you cannot compare the person with the person”.

Mahayana (महायान, mahāyāna) is a major branch of Buddhism focusing on the path of a Bodhisattva (spiritual aspirants/ enlightened beings). Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान).—the reason of defeat, unfitness to be argued with, one of the 16 categories of the Naiyāyikas; एवमपि प्रकृतं दूषयितुमशक्नु- वतस्तत्सिद्धान्तान्तरदूषणे निग्रहस्थानमापद्यते (evamapi prakṛtaṃ dūṣayitumaśaknu- vatastatsiddhāntāntaradūṣaṇe nigrahasthānamāpadyate) | ŚB. on MS.1.1.5.
Derivable forms: nigrahasthānam (निग्रहस्थानम्).
Nigrahasthāna is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms nigraha and sthāna (स्थान).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान).—n.
(-naṃ) Failure in logical argument. E. nigraha, and sthāna place.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionaryNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान):—[=ni-graha-sthāna] [from ni-graha > ni-grah] n. (in [philosophy]) the position of being unfit to carry on an argument from impossibility of agreeing about first principles
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English DictionaryNigrahasthāna (निग्रहस्थान):—[nigraha-sthāna] (naṃ) 1. n. Failure in logical argument.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusNigrahasthāna (ನಿಗ್ರಹಸ್ಥಾನ):—[noun] any of several reasons considered to declare the defeat of a person in an argument.
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Sthana, Nigraha.
Starts with: Nigrahasthanasutratika.
Query error!
Full-text (+9): Anigrahasthana, Nigraha, Avijnatartha, Aparthaka, Apratibha, Apraptakala, Nikkirakattanam, Nirarthaka, Nyuna, Hetvantara, Hetvabhasa, Padartha, Adhika, Pratijnahani, Ananubhashana, Avijnata, Matanujna, Shodasha Padartha, Sthana, Upayakaushalyahridayashastra.
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Search found 30 books and stories containing Nigrahasthana, Nigrahasthāna, Nigraha-sthana, Nigraha-sthāna; (plurals include: Nigrahasthanas, Nigrahasthānas, sthanas, sthānas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
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