Biology glossary, starting with ‘q’

Glossary:  |  A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

The Biology glossary, starting with the letter “q”, contains 459 definitions, select a phrase below for the definitions and references.

  1. Q'ang'aj
  2. Q'apinuri
  3. Q'iya-ulku
  4. Qaaleda
  5. Qacac
  6. Qach
  7. Qadooma
  8. Qahva
  9. Qaisoom
  10. Qaisum
  11. Qakilahe-kalan
  12. Qakilahe-zakar
  13. Qakilhahe-kibar
  14. Qalambak
  15. Qalami-dal-chini
  16. Qalami-dar-chini
  17. Qalamidarchini
  18. Qalanqal
  19. Qalfaa
  20. Qallab
  21. Qalqalq
  22. Qamh
  23. Qamh El-far
  24. Qana-e-iblees
  25. Qaqalla
  26. Qaqilah
  27. Qaqilah Kubar
  28. Qaqilah-ekalan
  29. Qaqilahekahan
  30. Qaqilahesighar
  31. Qaqilahezakar
  32. Qaqilhahekibar
  33. Qar'a Dubba
  34. Qarad
  35. Qarawec
  36. Qarere
  37. Qarerei
  38. Qares
  39. Qarfaa
  40. Qarma-e-abujahal
  41. Qasab
  42. Qasab Lahlu
  43. Qasab Sakkuri
  44. Qasab-uz-zarirah
  45. Qasabe-sakar
  46. Qasabhuva
  47. Qasabussakar
  48. Qasabuzzarirah
  49. Qasauc
  50. Qaseesa
  51. Qaste Shireen
  52. Qat
  53. Qataf
  54. Qawleh
  55. Qazabuzzarirah
  56. Qbala
  57. Qedad
  58. Qentb
  59. Qentbi
  60. Qentiba
  61. Qereqere
  62. Qeres
  63. Qeretor
  64. Qesas El-lesan
  65. Qessous
  66. Qeyyh-cea
  67. Qharphuli
  68. Qhela
  69. Qheme
  70. Qi Gan Jie
  71. Qi Gu Cao
  72. Qi Jin Gu
  73. Qi Lin Ye
  74. Qi Xing Lian
  75. Qi Ye Lian
  76. Qi Zhao Long
  77. Qian Bo Ye Chang Bing Shan Ma Huang
  78. Qian Cao Gen
  79. Qian Gen Cao
  80. Qian Guan Teng
  81. Qian Gui Xuan Gou Zi
  82. Qian Guo Lan Ren
  83. Qian Hu
  84. Qian Jin Teng
  85. Qian Jin Zi
  86. Qian Lie Cui Que Hua
  87. Qian Lie Zhao Lan
  88. Qian Nian Jian
  89. Qian Niu
  90. Qian Niu Zi
  91. Qian Shi
  92. Qiang Cao
  93. Qiang Dao Yao
  94. Qiang Huo
  95. Qianniuzi
  96. Qiao Bing Mu
  97. Qiao Mai
  98. Qiao Mai Di Shu Wei Cao
  99. Qiao Mu Yin Yu
  100. Qiao Shan Xiong
  101. Qie
  102. Qie Yi
  103. Qie Zi
  104. Qilaf Balaqi
  105. Qilq' Ijup'alla
  106. Qin Ling Chai Hu
  107. Qin Ling Mi Mian Weng
  108. Qin Ling Teng Shu
  109. Qin Pi
  110. Qin Ye Mang Niu Er Miao
  111. Qin Ye Mao Rui Hua
  112. Qing Feng Teng
  113. Qing Hai Dang Gui
  114. Qing Hao
  115. Qing Li Chai
  116. Qing Ma
  117. Qing Ma Ye Bian Dan Gan
  118. Qing Ming Hua
  119. Qing Mu
  120. Qing Niu Dan
  121. Qing Pi
  122. Qing Pi Si
  123. Qing Pi Xiang Er Dou
  124. Qing She Teng
  125. Qing Tan
  126. Qing Xiang
  127. Qing Xiang Jiang Wei Cao
  128. Qing Xiang Mu
  129. Qing Xiang Mu Jiang Zi
  130. Qing Xiang Zi
  131. Qing Zang Dian Liu
  132. Qing Zang Tai Cao
  133. Qing Zi Ge
  134. Qinghao
  135. Qinhao
  136. Qinnab
  137. Qinzing
  138. Qiong Lan
  139. Qipexi
  140. Qirat
  141. Qirfa
  142. Qirfah
  143. Qirfahe-sailaniyah
  144. Qirtum
  145. Qishr-ul-khashkhash
  146. Qishrul Khashkhash
  147. Qishrul-khash-khash
  148. Qiss
  149. Qiu Feng
  150. Qiu Feng Mu
  151. Qiu Hai Tang
  152. Qiu Hua Bao Chun
  153. Qiu Hua Dou
  154. Qiu Hua Li
  155. Qiu Hua Mao She Xiang
  156. Qiu Lan
  157. Qiu Mu Dan
  158. Qiu Sui Qian Jin Ba
  159. Qiu Sui Xiang Ru
  160. Qiu Xu E Zhang Chai
  161. Qiu Zi Ya Dou Teng
  162. Qmih
  163. Qobo
  164. Qoboqobo
  165. Qoddab
  166. Qokoa
  167. Qomantenetu
  168. Qomisho
  169. Qono
  170. Qontr
  171. Qoona
  172. Qoone
  173. Qoqobala
  174. Qoqwa
  175. Qorab
  176. Qordab
  177. Qoreyn
  178. Qoricha Simbira
  179. Qoronfel
  180. Qort
  181. Qosseiba
  182. Qotte
  183. Qozari
  184. Qseb Es-sukkar
  185. Qseb S-sukkar
  186. Qsil
  187. Qttania
  188. Qu Feng Teng
  189. Qu Lian
  190. Qu Mai
  191. Qu Zhi Wei Ling Cai
  192. Qua
  193. Qua Com Nguoi
  194. Qua Gai Long
  195. Qua Na
  196. Qua Nac
  197. Qua Su
  198. Quaast Hoofng Bif
  199. Quack Grass
  200. Quackgrass
  201. Quadrella Indica
  202. Quahn Shnaash
  203. Quail Bush
  204. Quail Grass
  205. Quaker Button
  206. Quaking Aspen
  207. Qualea Acuminata
  208. Qualea Grandiflora
  209. Qualea Multiflora
  210. Qualea Paraensis
  211. Qualea Parviflora
  212. Quamash
  213. Quamochrit
  214. Quamoclit
  215. Quamocrit
  216. Quamocritto
  217. Quamoritta
  218. Quamoritto
  219. Quan Aam
  220. Quan Neng Hua
  221. Quan Neng Hua Shu
  222. Quan Shen
  223. Quan Yuan Huo Ma Shu
  224. Quan Yuan Jin Su Lan
  225. Quan Yuan Lou Ti Cao
  226. Quan Yuan Tu Er Cao
  227. Quan Yuan Xun Zi
  228. Quan Yuan Ye Zi Ma
  229. Quandong
  230. Quantsoe
  231. Quapicobaiba
  232. Quaqura
  233. Quar Giun
  234. Quararibea Cordata
  235. Quararibea Funebris
  236. Quarng Moojc Huw Owng
  237. Quarter Vine
  238. Quash
  239. Quasha
  240. Quashie Bitters
  241. Quassia
  242. Quassia Africana
  243. Quassia Amara
  244. Quassia Bitters
  245. Quassia Borneensis
  246. Quassia Dioica
  247. Quassia Indica
  248. Quassia Undulata
  249. Quat Thuc
  250. Quatre-epingles
  251. Quauhyetl
  252. Qubdo
  253. Qud
  254. Quda
  255. Que
  256. Que Abi
  257. Que E Feng Xiang Shu
  258. Que Mei Teng
  259. Que Shen Sh
  260. Que-ca
  261. Quebe
  262. Quebe'enogua
  263. Quebec Berry
  264. Quebec Hawthorn
  265. Quebec-quebec
  266. Quebracho-blanco
  267. Queche Pecueze Castilla
  268. Quechi Pella
  269. Quechi Pelle
  270. Quechipeyo-castilla
  271. Quecho Amarillo
  272. Quecho Del Bajio
  273. Queen Anne's Lace
  274. Queen Crape Myrtle
  275. Queen Flower
  276. Queen Of The Shores
  277. Queen Palm
  278. Queen's Crepe Myrtle
  279. Queen's Nut
  280. Queen's-cup
  281. Queensland Bean
  282. Queensland Blue Gum
  283. Queensland Bramble
  284. Queensland Ginger
  285. Queensland Messmate
  286. Queensland Silver Wattle
  287. Queensland Umbrella Tree
  288. Quees
  289. Quees Daast
  290. Quees Down
  291. Quees Hoofi
  292. Quees Quarng
  293. Quees Rafnh
  294. Quees Thanh
  295. Quees Trefn
  296. Quehua
  297. Quela China
  298. Quela Dau
  299. Quela Que
  300. Quelembe
  301. Quelen-quelen
  302. Quelite
  303. Quella Castilla
  304. Quemite
  305. Quemitoqui
  306. Quenaf
  307. Quene
  308. Queo
  309. Queque-camacama
  310. Quequeshque De Culebra
  311. Quequesque
  312. Quequexque
  313. Quercus Agrifolia
  314. Quercus Alba
  315. Quercus Bicolor
  316. Quercus Chrysolepis
  317. Quercus Dumosa
  318. Quercus Ellipsoidalis
  319. Quercus Elliptica
  320. Quercus Falcata
  321. Quercus Floribunda
  322. Quercus Fusiformis
  323. Quercus Gambelii
  324. Quercus Garryana
  325. Quercus Griffithii
  326. Quercus Iberica
  327. Quercus Ilex
  328. Quercus Incana
  329. Quercus Kelloggii
  330. Quercus Lanata
  331. Quercus Leucotrichophora
  332. Quercus Macrocarpa
  333. Quercus Oleoides
  334. Quercus Robur
  335. Quercus Rubra
  336. Quercus Semecarpifolia
  337. Quercus Serrata
  338. Quercus Skinneri
  339. Quercus Stellata
  340. Quercus Velutina
  341. Quercus Virginiana
  342. Quest Shirin
  343. Quetembilla
  344. Queue D'ecureuil
  345. Queue De Chat
  346. Queuel
  347. Queza Chaa
  348. Queza Tote Castilla
  349. Quia
  350. Quia-quega
  351. Quiabo
  352. Quiabo Azedo
  353. Quiabo D'angola
  354. Quiabo Rosado
  355. Quiabo Roxo
  356. Quichi Xhita
  357. Quick Grass
  358. Quick Poison
  359. Quick Stick
  360. Quick Thorn
  361. Quicksilver-weed
  362. Quickthorn
  363. Quidija
  364. Quidijou
  365. Quie Laga Zaa
  366. Quie Too Castilla
  367. Quie-guina
  368. Quie-quega
  369. Quie-tzine
  370. Quie-xoopa
  371. Quiebra Arado
  372. Quiela
  373. Quieriga
  374. Quiina Leptoclada
  375. Quiina Longifolia
  376. Quije Chilla
  377. Quije Guina
  378. Quije Pelaga
  379. Quije Queza
  380. Quilete
  381. Quilite
  382. Quillai
  383. Quillaja Saponaria
  384. Quillay
  385. Quilloi-quilloi
  386. Quilombo
  387. Quilted-leaved Vernonia
  388. Quiltonil
  389. Quiltonil De Burro
  390. Quiltonil De Pajaro
  391. Quimbe
  392. Quimbombo
  393. Quimite
  394. Quimpe
  395. Quina
  396. Quina Amarilla
  397. Quina Blanca
  398. Quina Castilla Cicanaca Latiyaga
  399. Quina De Pajonal
  400. Quina Morada
  401. Quina Silvestre
  402. Quina Yunguena
  403. Quina-quina
  404. Quinade-caiena
  405. Quindi Sungana
  406. Quinilla Amarilla
  407. Quinine
  408. Quinine Bush
  409. Quinine Tree
  410. Quinine Weed
  411. Quinqueliba
  412. Quinquemini
  413. Quinqui
  414. Quinterim
  415. Quintinia Ledermannii
  416. Quintonil
  417. Quinzin
  418. Quinzol
  419. Quipo
  420. Quiramba
  421. Quirramurra
  422. Quiscamo
  423. Quiscamote
  424. Quishuara
  425. Quisi
  426. Quisoar
  427. Quisqualis Conferta
  428. Quisqualis Indica
  429. Quit
  430. Quita Pesar
  431. Quitaporqueria
  432. Quitoc
  433. Quiver Tree
  434. Quiver-leaf
  435. Quixi Cicanaca Yalatillaa
  436. Quixi Pija
  437. Quixi Ya
  438. Qulami-dar-chini
  439. Qulanjan
  440. Qulaqil
  441. Qulengapaie
  442. Qulqas
  443. Qulqul
  444. Qumlanebu
  445. Qunembi
  446. Quoquodo
  447. Qup
  448. Qurah
  449. Qurtum
  450. Qury Traa M Tharo
  451. Qust
  452. Qust Talkh
  453. Qust-i-talkh
  454. Qust-shirin
  455. Quste Talkh
  456. Quynh Ma
  457. Qvasab
  458. Qwaleh
  459. Qwentr
Glossary:  |  A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
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