Ricinus communis: 3 definitions
Ricinus communis means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, biology. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Ayurveda (science of life)
Agriculture (Krishi) and Vrikshayurveda (study of Plant life)
Source: Asian Agri-History: Drumavichitrikaranam—The Ancient Approach to Plant MutagenesisRicinus communis (Castor plant) was used in the process of organic plant mutagenesis by ancient Indian agriculturists, which presents a safe technology and methodology regarding organic agriculture, according to treatises (such as the Vrikshayurveda). One such technology was to produce flowers and fruits on other species of plants and trees: The term drumavichitrikaranam (“plant mutagenesis”) obtains its true meaning in the literal sense through this objective. Some of them are described in the Upavanavinoda of Śārṅgadhara: such as to grow Momordica charantia (bitter gourd) fruits on Ricinus communis (castor plant).
Source: Shodhganga: Drumavichitrikarnam—Plant mutagenesis in ancient IndiaRicinus communis (in Sanskrit: Eraṇḍa) is the subject of certain bio-organical recipes for plant mutagenesis, according to the Viśvavallabha-Vṛkṣāyurveda by Cakrapāṇi-Miśra (1580 CE): an encyclopedic work dealing with the principles of ancient Indian agriculture and horticulture.—Accordingly, “A seed of Ricinus communis [e.g., Eraṇḍa-bīja] should be sprinkled with the blood and marrow of a boar and cultivated in the oil of Alangium salviifolium for a day. When sown the seed produces a creeper of Momordica charantia”.

Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Biology (plants and animals)
Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Latin names; Binomial nomenclature)Ricinus communis L. is the name of a plant defined in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in modern medicine, Ayurveda, and other local traditions or folk medicine. It has the following synonyms: Cataputia major Ludw., Cataputia minor Ludw., Croton spinosus L., Ricinus africanus Mill., Ricinus angulatus Thunb., Ricinus armatus Andr., Ricinus atropurpureus Pax & K. Hoffm., Ricinus badius Rchb., Ricinus borboniensis Pax & K. Hoffm., Ricinus cambodgensis Benary; R. communis f. americanus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. argentatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. argyratus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atratus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atrobrunneatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atrofulvatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atrofuscatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atrophoeniceus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atropunicatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. atropurpureatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. avellanatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. blumeanus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. canatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. canescens T. Carvalho; R. c. f. carneatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. cervatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. cinerascens T. Carvalho; R. c. f. cinereatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. denudatus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. epiglaucus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. erythrocladus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. exiguus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. fulvatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. fumatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. fuscatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. gilvus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. glaucus (Hoffmanns.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. gracilis Müll. Arg.; R. c. f. guttatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. hybridus (Besser) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. incarnatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. inermis (Mill.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. intermedius Müll. Arg.; R. c. f. laevis (DC.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. macrophyllus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. maculatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. marmoreatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. murinatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. nigellus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. nigrescens T. Carvalho; R. c. f. niveatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. oblongus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. obscurus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. oligacanthus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. ostrinatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. pardalinus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. picturatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. plumbeatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. pruinosus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. pullatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. punctatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. punctulatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. punicans T. Carvalho; R. c. f. purpurascens (Bertol.) Pax; R. c. f. radiatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. rufescens T. Carvalho; R. c. f. russatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. rutilans Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. scaber (Bertol. ex Moris) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. scriptus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. sordidus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. stigmosus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. striatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. subpurpurascens Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. subrotundus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. subviridus Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. sulcatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. tigrinus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. umbrinus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. venosus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. vinatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. viridis (Willd.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. f. zebrinus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. zonatus T. Carvalho; R. c. f. zollingeri Müll.Arg.; R. c. prol. persicus Popova; R. c. subsp. africanus (Mill.) Nyman; R. c. subsp. indicus Popova & Moshkin; R. c. subsp. manshuricus V. Bork.; R. c. subsp. mexicanus Popova; R. c. subsp. persicus Popova; R. c. subsp. ruderalis Popova & Moshkin, nom. illeg.; R. c. subsp. sanguineus Popova; R. c. subsp. scaber (Bertol. ex Moris) Nyman; R. c. subsp. sinensis Hiltebr.; R. c. subsp. sinensis Popova & Moshkin, nom. illeg.; R. c. subsp. zanzibarinus Popova; R. c. subvar. almeidae T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. americanus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. blumeanus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. epruinosus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. erythrocladus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. glauceus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. gracilis (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. griseus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. macrophyllus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. pruinosus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. purpurascens (Bertol.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. roseus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. rutilans (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. subviridus (Müll.Arg.) T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. violaceus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. violeus T. Carvalho; R. c. subvar. viridus (Willd.) T. Carvalho; R. c. var. aegyptiaceus (Popova) Moshkin; R. c. var. africanus Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. amblyocalyx Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. americanus Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. armatus (Andr.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. badius (Rchb.) Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. bailundensis Coult.; R. c. var. benguelensis Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. brasiliensis Müll.Arg. ex Pax & K. Hoffm.; R. c. var. brevinodis Moshkin; R. c. var. caesius Popova; R. c. var. genuinus Müll.Arg., nom. inval.; R. c. var. glaucus Popova & Moshkin; R. c. var. griseofolius Moshkin; R. c. var. hybridus (Besser) Müll.Arg.; R. c. var. indehiscens Moshkin; R. c. var. inermis (Mill.) Pax & K. Hoffm.; R. c. var. japonicus Popova & Moshkin; R. c. var. leucocarpus (Bertol..
References regarding R. c. L. for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity:
· Species Plantarum
· Catalogus Plantarum Madagascariensium (1906)
· Acta Pharm. Toxicol., (1977)
· Recent Res. Pl. Sci. (1979)
· Journal of Palynology (1980)
· Cytologia (1980)
· Davidsonia (1981)
· Journal of Cytology and Genetics (1981)
· Tropical Plant Science Research. New Delhi (1983)
· Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames (1984)
· Kew Bulletin (1984)

This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.
See also (Relevant definitions)
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Full-text (+347): Eranda, Ruvuka, Amanda, Ruvu, Uruvuka, Vyaghrapuccha, Gandharvahasta, Vyadambaka, Shulashatru, Pancangula, Vyaghradala, Uruvu, Amangala, Tucchadru, Dirghadandaka, Triputin, Citraka, Vatari, Amanakku, Taruna.
Relevant text
Search found 12 books and stories containing Ricinus communis; (plurals include: Ricinus communises). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Study of pharmacognosy and standardization of Ricinus communis leaves. < [2014: Volume 3, January issue 1]
Study in vitro anti-microbial activity of Ricinus communis extract. < [2018: Volume 7, June special issue 12]
Comparative study of anthelmintic activity of Ricinus communis extracts < [2018: Volume 7, November issue 18]
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
A review of the literature on eranda(ricinus communis linn.,) and its therapeutic applications and phytochemical components < [2023, Issue 06, June]
Antiinflammatory activity of eranda paka against carrageenan induced paw oedema in albino rats < [2014, Issue III May-June]
Mode of action of shigrvadi kashaya in pelvic inflammatory diseases: a review < [2022, Issue 09 September]
AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
Study of Preparation and Standardization of ‘Maadhutailika Basti’ with special reference to Emulsion Stability < [Volume 31 (1); 2010 (Jan-Mar)]
Phytochemical evaluation of the wild and cultivated varieties of Eranda Mula (Roots of Ricinus communis Linn.) < [Volume 34 (2); 2013 (Apr-Jun)]
Analgesic and hypnotic activities of Laghupanchamula: A preclinical study < [Volume 35 (1); 2014 (Jan-Mar)]
A comprehensive review on eranda thaila (ricinus communis linn.) < [Volume 4, Issue 6: November-December 2017]
Pharmaceutico-analytical study of anilari ras: a herbo mineral compound < [Volume 3, issue 1: Jan- Feb 2016]
"Shiroabhyanga for darunaka management: a scientific review" < [Volume 8, Issue 2: March - April 2021]
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Analysis of medicinal plants for musculoskeletal ailments in Virudhunagar < [Volume 12 (issue 1), Jan-Mar 2021]
"Resolution of lumbar disc sequestration: A case report on Ayurveda" < [Volume 14 (issue 6), Nov-Dec 2023]
Ayurveda's conservative approach for acute disc prolapse: A case study. < [Volume 13 (issue 2), Apr-Jun 2022]
Plant names – sanskrit and latin < [Volume 12 (issue 1-2), Jul-Dec 1992]
Jaundice : tribal medicine < [Volume 3 (issue 4), Apr-Jun 1984]
Folkloric plant remedies for rheumatism < [Volume 18 (issue 3-4), Jan-Jun 1999]
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