Sampaka, Śampāka, Sampāka, Saṃpāka, Sham-paka, Shampaka: 13 definitions
Sampaka means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Buddhism, Pali, Marathi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit term Śampāka can be transliterated into English as Sampaka or Shampaka, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
In Hinduism
Ayurveda (science of life)
Cikitsa (natural therapy and treatment for medical conditions)
Source: Wisdom Library: Ayurveda: CikitsaŚampāka (शम्पाक):—Another name for Āragvadha, a medicinal plant (Cassia fistula) used in the treatment of fever (jvara), as described in the Jvaracikitsā (or “the treatment of fever”) which is part of the 7th-century Mādhavacikitsā, a Sanskrit classical work on Āyurveda.

Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Dharmashastra (religious law)
Source: Wisdom Library: Dharma-śāstraŚampāka (शम्पाक) is a Sanskrit word for a specific tree, not further identified by various scholars in their translation of the Śukranīti. This tree is mentioned as having thorns, and should therefore be considered as wild. The King shoud place such trees in forests (not in or near villages). He should nourish them by stoole of goats, sheep and cows, water as well as meat.
The following is an ancient Indian horticultural recipe for the nourishment of such trees:
According to Śukranīti 4.4.110-112: “The powder of the dungs of goats and sheep, the powder of Yava (barley), Tila (seeds), beef as well as water should be kept together (undisturbed) for seven nights. The application of this water leads very much to the growth in flowers and fruits of all trees (such as śampāka).”

Dharmashastra (धर्मशास्त्र, dharmaśāstra) contains the instructions (shastra) regarding religious conduct of livelihood (dharma), ceremonies, jurisprudence (study of law) and more. It is categorized as smriti, an important and authoritative selection of books dealing with the Hindu lifestyle.
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: Puranic EncyclopediaŚampāka (शम्पाक).—A very pious brahmin, whose slogan in life was that renunciation was the greatest asset in life. (Śānti Parva, Chapter 176, Verse 4).

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Vedanta (school of philosophy)
Source: Shodhganga: Siva Gita A Critical StudyŚampaka (शम्पक) or Śampakagītā refers to one of the sixty-four Gītās commonly referred to in Hindu scriptures.—Gītā is the name given to certain sacred writings in verse (often in the form of a dialogue) which are devoted to the exposition of particular religious and theosophical doctrines. Most of these Gītās [i.e., Śampaka-gītā] originate from the Mahābhārata or the various Purāṇas.

Vedanta (वेदान्त, vedānta) refers to a school of orthodox Hindu philosophy (astika), drawing its subject-matter from the Upanishads. There are a number of sub-schools of Vedanta, however all of them expound on the basic teaching of the ultimate reality (brahman) and liberation (moksha) of the individual soul (atman).
Languages of India and abroad
Pali-English dictionary
Source: Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English DictionarySampāka, (saṃ+pāka) 1. what is cooked, a cooked preparation, concoction Vin. II, 259 (maṃsa° etc.); Vv 435 (kola°); VvA. 186.—2. ripeness, development J. VI, 236. (Page 692)

Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.
Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarysampāka (संपाक).—m (Corr. from svayampāka) Dressing of food, cooking.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionarySaṃpāka (संपाक).—a.
1) Reasoning well, a reasoner.
2) Cunning, subtle.
3) Lustful, lewd.
4) Small, little.
-kaḥ 1 Maturing.
2) Name of a tree (āragvadha).
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Śampāka (शम्पाक).—
1) lac, red dye.
2) cooking, maturing.
3) Cathartocarpus Fistula (śamyāka; Mar. bāhavā).
Derivable forms: śampākaḥ (शम्पाकः).
Śampāka is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms śam and pāka (पाक).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryŚampāka (शम्पाक).—m.
(-kaḥ) 1. A kind of Cassia, (C. fistula.) 2. Bringing to maturity or ripeness, cooking, maturing. 3. The lac pigment. E. śam pleasure and pāka what matures; also sampāka .
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Sampāka (सम्पाक).—mfn.
(-kaḥ-kā-kaṃ) 1. Reasoning, a reasoner, a logician. 2. Impudent, shameless. 3. Small, little, low. 4. Lecherous, libertine. 5. Lustful, lewd. m.
(-kaḥ) A tree, (Casia fistula.) E. sam completely, pāka ripening or maturing; also śampāka .
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English DictionarySaṃpāka (संपाक).—i. e. sam-pac + a, I. adj. 1. Reasoning, a reasoner. 2. Impudent. 3. Lecherous, libertine. 4. Small, little. Ii. m. A tree, Cassia fistula.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Śampāka (शम्पाक):—[=śam-pāka] [from śam] m. Cathartocarpus Fistula, [Mahābhārata; Suśruta] etc. (perhaps [wrong reading] for śamyāka cf. śamyā)
2) [v.s. ...] Name of a Brāhman, [Mahābhārata]
3) [v.s. ...] (only [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]) = vipāka and yāvaka ([varia lectio] viyāta and yācaka)
4) [v.s. ...] = tarkaka and dhṛṣṭa.
5) Śampaka (शम्पक):—m. Name of a Śākya, [Buddhist literature]
6) Sampāka (सम्पाक):—[=sam-pāka] [from sam-pac] a m. cooking or ripening thoroughly, maturing, [Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary]
7) [v.s. ...] Cathartocarpus Fistula ([probably] [wrong reading] for śamyāka), [Suśruta] ([cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.] also ‘mfn. reasoning well; impudent; lustful, lewd; small, little’).
8) [=sam-pāka] b etc. See sam-√pac.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Śampāka (शम्पाक):—(kaḥ) 1. m. A kind of cassia; lac, pigment. a. Maturing.
2) Sampāka (सम्पाक):—(kaḥ) 1. m. A tree, Cassia fistula; a logician. a. Reasoning; small; low; impudent; lecherous.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusŚaṃpāka (ಶಂಪಾಕ):—[noun] the tree Cassia fistula ( = Cathartocarpus fistula) of Caesalpiniaceae family.
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Saṃpāka (ಸಂಪಾಕ):—
1) [noun] a cooking of being cooked well.
2) [noun] the fact or process of becoming ripe.
3) [noun] the three Cassia fistula ( = Cathartocarpus fistula) of Caesalpiniaceae family; Indian laburnum.
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Sam, Cam, Paka.
Starts with: Sampakam, Sampakampati, Sampakampi, Sampakampita, Shampakagita.
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Full-text: Shampakagita, Kolasampaka, Sampakam, Campakam, Canipakam, Camipakam, Shamyaka, Aragvadha, Rajavriksha.
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Search found 18 books and stories containing Sampaka, Śam-pāka, Sam-paka, Sam-pāka, Śampāka, Sampāka, Saṃpāka, Śampaka, Śaṃpāka, Sham-paka, Shampaka; (plurals include: Sampakas, pākas, pakas, Śampākas, Sampākas, Saṃpākas, Śampakas, Śaṃpākas, Shampakas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Charaka Samhita (English translation) (by Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society)
Chapter 8 - The Pharmaceutics of the Purging Cassia (caturangula-kalpa) < [Kalpasthana (Kalpa Sthana) — Section on Pharmaceutics]
Samkhya thoughts in the Mahabharata (by Shini M.V.)
Śampāka-Gītā (Summary) < [Chapter 3 - The Philosophical Tenets in the Śānti-parva]
Resume < [Chapter 3 - The Philosophical Tenets in the Śānti-parva]
Mahabharata (English) (by Kisari Mohan Ganguli)
Section CLXXVI < [Mokshadharma Parva]
Rasa Jala Nidhi, vol 1: Initiation, Mercury and Laboratory (by Bhudeb Mookerjee)
Part 7 - Mercurial operations (5): Sublimation of Mercury (patana) < [Chapter IV-V - Mercurial operations]
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
A critical review of the application of basti in prameha from classical point of view < [2017, Issue XI November,]
Effective treatment regimen in vatik kushtha -a single case study < [2017, Issue II February,]
A review on antitoxic formulations in lepa form w.s.r. to brihattrayee < [2022, Issue 07 July]
Sushruta Samhita, Volume 6: Uttara-tantra (by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna)
Chapter LXI - Symptoms and Treatment of Epilepsy (Apasmara) < [Canto IV - Bhuta-vidya-tantra (psychology and psychiatry)]
Chapter XXXIX - Symptoms and Treatment of Fever (Jvara) < [Canto III - Kaya-chikitsa-tantra (internal medicine)]