Samskara, Saṃskāra: 41 definitions
Samskara means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
Alternative spellings of this word include Sanskar.
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In Hinduism
Ayurveda (science of life)
Rasashastra (Alchemy and Herbo-Mineral preparations)
Source: Google Books: Modern World System and Indian Proto-industrializationIn rasāvidyā, mercury had to undergo eighteen saṃskāras (treatments) to display its supreme powers of transmuting base metals into gold or silver and of transforming the perishable body into an imperishable state. These saṃskāras are primarily chemicals involving wide range of minerals, plants, animal proucts and several others. the rasāvādins had firm belief in the acquiring of mercury of all the transmutation potencies after undergoing through seventeenth sequential saṃskāras. At this stage, it should be tested on a base metal, and if the later turns into gold, it should be used for the 18th process, i.e. sevana, leading to its assimilation into and revitalization of the body.
The eighteen saṃskāras are specified in Rasayāna texts in following terms:
- Svedana – Steaming or heating using water bath,
- Mārdana – Grinding,
- Mūrchana – Swooning or making mercury lose its form,
- Utthāpana – Revival of form,
- Pātana – Sublimation or distilation,
- Rodhana – Potentiation,
- Niyamana – Restraining,
- Sandīpana – Stimulating or kindling,
- Gaganabhakṣaṇa or Gaganagrāsa– Consumption of “essence” of mica,
- Caraṇa – Amalgamation,
- Garbhadruti – Liquefaction – internal,
- Bāhyadruti – Liquefaction – external,
- Jaraṇā – Calcination,
- Rāñjaṇa – Dyeing,
- Sāraṇa – Blending or preparation for transformation,
- Sankārmaṇa – Acquiring power of transformation or penetration,
- Vedhana - Transmutation,
- Sevana – Becoming fit for internal use.
Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to nineteen steps for tempering of mercury, as introduced in the Āyurvedaprakāśa: an exclusive text on Rasaśāstra the pharmaceutical wing of Ayurveda that concentrates on preparation of herbo-mineral medicaments, written in 17th Century AD by Mādhava Upādhyaya.—For tempering of mercury, nineteen saṃskāras have been told and a saṃskāra called anuvāsana-saṃskāra is the original contribution of this text.
Unclassified Ayurveda definitions
Source: Wisdom Library: Āyurveda and botanySaṃskāra (संस्कार, “processing”).—One of the ten Parādiguṇa, or, ‘10 pharmaceutical properties’.—It is a Sanskrit technical term from Āyurveda (Indian medicine) and used in literature such the Caraka-saṃhitā and the Suśruta-saṃhitā. According to Caraka, these ten properties (guṇa) are the means to success in therapeutic treatment. Saṃskāra refers to processing one quality into another (e.g. grapes into wine).
Source: Pitta Ayurveda: Samanya GunaSanskara-samanya-guna means to make things good or better. In India, the sanskar plays important part in the conduct of families. The attributes of sanskar guna can make a person worth living and respectable.
Source: Ayurveda glossary of terms1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार):—It is the pharmaceutical process by which impurities, toxicities are removed
2) Transformation or processing or value additon, one of the 10 paradi guna.
Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Dharmashastra (religious law)
Source: Shodhganga: Facts of society in the ManusamhitaSaṃskāra (संस्कार):—According to the Manusaṃhitā, Saṃskāras are auspicious Vedic rites. These sanctify and purify the body of a twice born not only both in th is life and the life after death. These are called as Vedic rites because are perfor med by uttering Vedic mantras. And hence it is said that the root o f these rituals are underline in the Vedas.
Dharmashastra (धर्मशास्त्र, dharmaśāstra) contains the instructions (shastra) regarding religious conduct of livelihood (dharma), ceremonies, jurisprudence (study of law) and more. It is categorized as smriti, an important and authoritative selection of books dealing with the Hindu lifestyle.
Vaishnavism (Vaishava dharma)
Source: ISKCON Press: GlossarySaṃskāra (संस्कार).—One of the Vedic reformatory rituals performed one by one from the time of conception until death for purifying a human being.
Source: Pure Bhakti: Bhagavad-gita (4th edition)Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to “(1) Sacred, or sanctifying, ceremony (2) Reformation or training of the mind (3) Impression on the mind of any previous purificatory act in this or in prior births”. (cf. Glossary page from Śrīmad-Bhagavad-Gītā).
Source: Pure Bhakti: Brhad BhagavatamrtamSaṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to:—A sacred purificatory ceremony; reformation or training of the mind; impression on the mind of any experience or acts done in a former state of existence. (cf. Glossary page from Śrī Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta).
Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’).
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana IndexSaṃskāra (संस्कार).—Purificatory rites for house-holders; these do not help without the eight ātmaguṇas (s.v. Kriyā yoga).*
- * Matsya-purāṇa 52. 17, 30.
The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Shaktism (Shakta philosophy)
Source: JSTOR: Tāntric Dīkṣā by Surya KantaSaṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to “purificatory rites of fire” and forms part of preliminary rites before Dīkṣā: an important ritual of Śāktism described in the Śāradātilaka-tantra, chapters III-V.—The saṃskāras are:
- Garbhādhāna,
- Puṃsavana,
- Sīmantonnayana,
- Jātakarma,
- Nāmakaraṇa,
- Upaniṣkramaṇa,
- Annaprāśana,
- Caula,
- Upanayana,
- Godāna,
- Vivāha.
Fire is similarly enkindled and consecrated in other kuṇḍas as well. Oblations of sesamum and clarified butter are duly offered. Then begins the proper Dīkṣā, which is fourfold.
Shakta (शाक्त, śākta) or Shaktism (śāktism) represents a tradition of Hinduism where the Goddess (Devi) is revered and worshipped. Shakta literature includes a range of scriptures, including various Agamas and Tantras, although its roots may be traced back to the Vedas.
Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)
Source: Wikisource: A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार).—Preparation such as (a)that of a word by placing the affix after the base and accomplishing all the necessary changes, or (b) that of a sentence by placing all words connected mutually by syntax and then explaining their formation; these two views are respectively called the पदसंस्कारपक्ष (padasaṃskārapakṣa) and the वाक्यसंस्कारपक्ष (vākyasaṃskārapakṣa);
2) Saṃskāra.—Grammatical formation; cf. स्वरसंस्कारयोश्छन्दसि नियमः । संस्कारो लोपागमवर्णविकारप्रकृतिभावलक्षणः (svarasaṃskārayośchandasi niyamaḥ | saṃskāro lopāgamavarṇavikāraprakṛtibhāvalakṣaṇaḥ) Uvvata on V.Pr. I.1; cf. also तद्यत्र स्वरसंस्कारौ प्रादेशिकेन गुणेन अन्वितौ स्याताम् (tadyatra svarasaṃskārau prādeśikena guṇena anvitau syātām) etc. Nir.I.
Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.
Arthashastra (politics and welfare)
Source: Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India: Society State and Polity: A SurveySaṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to a set of “sixteen ceremonies” accompanying the individual during the Gṛhastha (householder) stage of the Āśrama way of life.
The sixteen saṃskāras are:
- garbhadhana, “conception”,
- puṃsavana, “protection of the child in mother’s womb”,
- sīmantonnayana, “fulfilling the pregnant mother’s wishes”,
- jātakarman, “rituals at childbirth”,
- nāmakaraṇa, “naming the child”,
- niṣkramaṇa, “taking the child outdoors”,
- annaprāśana, “giving the child solid food”,
- cūḍākaraṇa, “shaving of the head”,
- karṇavedha, “ear piercing”,
- vidyārambha, “commencement of studies”,
- upanayana, “initiation into adulthood”,
- samāvartana, “completing education”,
- vivaha, “marriage”,
- sarvasaṃskāra, “preparing for renunciation”,
- saṃnyāsa, “renunciation”,
- antyeṣṭi, “last rites”.
These saṃskāra ceremonies are community affairs and at each ceremony, even the funeral ceremony, all relations and friends gather for community eating. It is also the duty of the householder to share his money / wealth with the poor, give offerings to gods and spend a part of what he has earned on building schools and hospitals, for both human beings and animals.
Arthashastra (अर्थशास्त्र, arthaśāstra) literature concerns itself with the teachings (shastra) of economic prosperity (artha) statecraft, politics and military tactics. The term arthashastra refers to both the name of these scientific teachings, as well as the name of a Sanskrit work included in such literature. This book was written (3rd century BCE) by by Kautilya, who flourished in the 4th century BCE.
Nyaya (school of philosophy)
Source: Shodhganga: A study of Nyāya-vaiśeṣika categoriesSaṃskāra (संस्कार, “impression”) refers to one of the twenty-four guṇas (qualities) according to all the modern works on Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika.—Praśastapāda does not define saṃskāra but discusses its varieties. According to him, saṃskāra is of three kinds, viz.,
- vega (velocity),
- bhāvanā (disposition),
- sthitisthāpaka (elasticity).
Vega is created from motion. It abides in pṛthivī (earth) ap (water), teja (light), vāyu (air) and manas (mind). Bhāvanā is the quality of ātmā only. It is produced by the vividness of judgements, their repetition or a special effort. It is the cause of recollection. Sthitisthāpaka is found in some things which are tangible. It turns back the substance to its original status. When an arrow is discharged, the bow turns back to its original because of its elasticity. Sthitisthāpaka is eternal when it is in eternal substance and it becomes non-eternal when it is in noneternal substance.
Viśvanātha, Annaṃbhaṭṭa and Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika philosophers follow Praśastapāda in describing saṃskāra. Thus, Viśvanātha mentions the varieties of saṃskāra as:—
- vega,
- sthitisthāpaka,
- bhāvanā.
Viśvanātha also says that velocity abides only in limited (mūrta) substance. It is caused sometimes by action and sometimes by another vega. Elasticity causes the return of something to its former position. For example the return of the branches etc. of the tree which have been pulled and let go is caused by elasticity. According to some, it abides in earth only, while other say that it abids in all the four substances. Impression remains only in the self. Certitude other than in difference is the cause of disposition. It is also the cause of recollection and recognition.
Annaṃbhaṭṭa also does not give any definition of saṃskāra in his Tarkasaṃgraha, but he defines it in his Dīpikā. In his view saṃskāra is that in which the generality of saṃskāratva abides. It is of three kinds:—
- vega,
- bhāvanā,
- sthitisthāpakatā.
When an arrow is discharged from the bow, the motion of the arrow is vega. Vega resides in earth, water, fire, air and mind. It is defined as that which contains the generality of vegatva. Bhāvanā is produced from cognition and is the cause of recollectin. It exists in ātmā only. Annaṃbhaṭṭa also says that the adjective ‘produced by cognition’ is given in order to remove the over-pervasion to self, etc. The term ‘cause of recollection’ is given to avoid over-pervasion to the destruction of cognition. Sthitisthāpakatā is such quality which turns back an object to its original condition. It resides in earth.
Nyaya (न्याय, nyaya) refers to a school of Hindu philosophy (astika), drawing its subject-matter from the Upanishads. The Nyaya philosophy is known for its theories on logic, methodology and epistemology, however, it is closely related with Vaisheshika in terms of metaphysics.
Shaiva philosophy
Source: Brill: Śaivism and the Tantric Traditions (philosophy)Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to the “residual trace (left by a previous experience)”.—In Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā 1.5.8–9,33 Utpaladeva comes back to the Sautrāntika’s contention that the external object can and must be inferred, and he endeavours to show that this inference is simply impossible. In fragment no. 4, he first argues that inferential knowledge is conceptual in nature and that the concept in which the inference results arises thanks to the residual trace (saṃskāra) left by a previous experience.
[For example]:—When we draw from the fact that a distant hill is smoky the conclusion that there must be a fire there, our concept of fire arises thanks to our previous experiences of fire and smoke; fire can be a conceptual object for us only because we have already witnessed fires in the past, and these previous experiences of fire have left in the conscious stream a trace that is reactivated when we form the inferential concept of “fire.” It is this residual trace (saṃskāra) that guarantees the possibility for the conceptual object to be an object manifest for consciousness, as well as the reliability of concepts as tools in the sphere of human practice, because it enables an object directly perceived in the past but no longer existing to be manifested again.
Pancaratra (worship of Nārāyaṇa)
Source: Catalogue of Pancaratra Agama Texts1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to the “sacraments appropriate for initiates”, as discussed in the twenty-ninth chapter of the Nāradīyasaṃhitā: a Pāñcarātra document comprising over 3000 verses in 30 chapters presenting in a narrative framework the teachings of Nārada to Gautama, dealing primarily with modes of worship and festivals.—[Cf. the chapter niṣekādiśmaśānānta-saṃskāra-vidhi].
Nārada briefly tells when and how various saṃskāras are to be done:
- garbhādhāna,
- puṃsavana,
- sīmanta,
- jātakarman,
- nāmakarman,
- upanaiṣkramaṇa,
- annaprāśana,
- cūḍākarman,
- upanayana,
- dīkṣā,
- upayamana.
The chapter closes with the general remarks that only pāñcarātra-mantras—which are professed to be Vedic in character, whether traceable to the Vedas or not—are to be used in the saṃskāra-routines (36b-40).
2) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to the “rules for purifying (scented waters)”, as discussed in chapter 24 of the Viṣvaksenasaṃhitā: a Pāñcarātra text comprising 2800 Sanskrit verses dealing with theological matters, image-worship, iconography (relating to pratimā-icons) and the construction of temples.—Description of the chapter [jalagandha-ādi-saṃskāra-vidhi]: Viṣvaksena undertakes to describe the rites that must be observed to purify (saṃskāra) the waters taken from the temple-tank when they are used to bathe or otherwise refresh the Lord. [...] All these activities presumably take place in a maṇḍapa near the tank to the accompaniment of mantras. [...]
3) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to “sacraments” (for the initiated), as discussed in chapter 4 of the Brahmarātra section of the Sanatkumārasaṃhitā: an encyclopedic Sanskrit text written in over 3500 verses dealing with a variety of topics such as yoga, temple-building, consecration ceremonies, initiation and dhanurveda (martial arts).—Description of the chapter [samaya-adhyāya]: [...] In regard to the saṃskāra-sacraments a devout Bhāgavata will do these in a particular way. Certain details for garbhādhāna (38-493), puṃsavana (49b-51a), sīmanta (51b-55), nāma (nāmakaraṇa) (58-60a), annaprāśana (6ǝb-61.), caula (62-66), upanayana (67-77a), vivāha (77b), mṛta (78-82) are given.
Pancaratra (पाञ्चरात्र, pāñcarātra) represents a tradition of Hinduism where Narayana is revered and worshipped. Closeley related to Vaishnavism, the Pancaratra literature includes various Agamas and tantras incorporating many Vaishnava philosophies.
Shilpashastra (iconography)
Source: Catalogue of Pancaratra Agama Texts (shilpa)1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to the “procedure for making (an idol of clay)”, as discussed in chapter 5 of the Mārkaṇḍeyasaṃhitā: a Pāñcarātra text comprising some 2200 Sanskrit verses mainly dealing with temple-building, iconography, pūjā (worship procedures), utsava (festivities) and prāyaścitta (expiatory measures).—Description of chapter [mṛt-saṃskāra-vidhi]: The clay to be used when fashioning an icon out of plaster will vary according to the caste of the person undertaking to sponsor its construction and installation [...]. Where such clay is to be collected, how it is to be mixed with other materials, how cured,—these things are to be done only by a qualified Śilpin, and these steps constitute the “saṃskāra”-procedure (1-27a). The colors of paints to be used on an idol are also specified (10ff.),
2) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to “purification” (of the clay used for icons), as discussed in chapter 6 of the Viṣvaksenasaṃhitā: a Pāñcarātra text comprising 2800 Sanskrit verses dealing with theological matters, image-worship, iconography (relating to pratimā-icons) and the construction of temples.—Description of the chapter [mṛt-saṃskāra]: [...] Acceptable clay (mṛd) is to be brought from a holy place, dried out for a month until ready, applied to the waiting form—which is then wrapped with nine strings and colored (1-10). Five main colors, as well as the intermediate colors resulting from mixing any two or more of these five, are acceptable; these are given names (11-27).
Shilpashastra (शिल्पशास्त्र, śilpaśāstra) represents the ancient Indian science (shastra) of creative arts (shilpa) such as sculpture, iconography and painting. Closely related to Vastushastra (architecture), they often share the same literature.
General definition (in Hinduism)
Source: Oxford Index: Hinduism(Skt, formation; Pāli, saṇkhāra). The constructing activities that form, shape or condition the moral and spiritual development of the individual. The saṃskāra-skandha is the fourth of the five aggregates (skandha) that constitute the human person, and also the second link (nidāna) in the twelvefold scheme of Dependent Origination (pratītya-samutpāda). The term refers in particular to volitions and intentions (which may be morally good, bad, or neutral) and the way that these contribute to the formation of individual patterns of behaviour or traits of character. Repetition imprints a particular saṃskāra on the psyche and the imprint is carried over into the next life. The aim of Buddhist practice is to replace negative imprints with positive ones.
Source: WikiPedia: HinduismThe Samskaras are rites of passage finding varied acceptance among religious adherents of Hinduism (Vedic), Jainism and some schools of thought in Buddhism.
The samskāra are a series of sacraments, sacrifices and rituals that serve as rites of passage and mark the various stages of the human life and to signify entry to a particular Ashrama (i.e. stage of life). All human beings are required to perform a number of sacrifices with oblations for gods, Ancestors and Guardians in accordance with the Vedic dictums for a Dharmic or righteous life and become Dvija or twice-born by the performance of these acts. Basically all these rituals are of the nature of purification and/or bestow good qualities (gunas). A person does not have to foster a relationship between religious-spiritual knowledge and the practice of religious-rituals. It means a person having deep religious spiritual knowledge may or may not be involved in the ritual processes. Similarly a person involved in rituals may or may not have the religious knowledge.
Source: Hindupedia: The Hindu EncyclopediaSaṃskāra is a rite that involves mantra. There are forty samskāras or rites performed in one’s lifetime:
Seven are paka Yajñas
- (aṣtaka,
- sthālipāka,
- parvana,
- srāvaṇi,
- āgrahayani,
- caitri
- and āsvīyuji).
They involve consecrating cooked items.
Seven are Soma Yajñas
- (agnistoma,
- atyagnistoma,
- uktya,
- shodasi,
- vājapeya,
- atirātra
- and aptoryama).
The yāgā that involves the extraction, utility and consumption of Soma (in the general sense nectar, but extract of a particular tree specifically) is called a Soma Yajña. Others are usually referred to as haviryañnas.
Seven are Havir Yajñas
- (agniyādhāna,
- agni hotra,
- Darśa-Pūrṇamāsa,
- āgrayana,
- cāturmāsya,
- niruudha paśu bandha,
- sautrāmaṇi).
They involve offering havis.
22-26) Five are the panca mahā Yajñās.
27-30) Four are Vedavratas, which are done during Vedic education.
Remaining ten are one-time samskāras that are done at different stages in life. They are
- garbhādhānā,
- pumsavana,
- sīmanta,
- jātakarma,
- nāmakaraṇa,
- annaprāśana,
- caula,
- upanayana,
- snātaka
- and vivāha.
These are specified by the gṛhya sūtrās.
Source: Srimatham: Hindu SacramentsThe word Saṃskāra is usually translated as “more, religious rite, ceremony, social observances, formalities and punctilious behaviour.” But none of these words convey the actual meaning of the Sanskrit term Saṃskāra. The closest approximation is the word sacrament which means:— “religious ceremony or act regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace”.
1) Pānini defines Saṃskāra as samparyupebhyaḥ karotu bhūṣaṇe — “that which adorns one’s personality”.
2) The Śabda-koṣa defines it as saṃskārāṇāṃ guṇāntarādhānam saṃskāraḥ — “that which brings about quality transformation”.
3) In the Jaimini sūtras (111. 1. 3) the sage explains the term Saṃskāra as:— “an act which makes a certain thing or person fit for a certain purpose”.
4) The Tantra-vartika (p. 1078) defines Saṃskāra as:— “those acts and rites that impart suitability or fitness [adhikāra]” and further adds that adhikāra is of two kinds:—1. The removal of negative mental conditioning (pāpa-kṣaya) 2. The generation of positive qualities through purification of the mind (cittaśuddhi).
5) The word “Saṃskāra” as “sacrament” means the religious purificatory rites and ceremonies for sanctifying the body, mind and intellect of an individual. The purpose of life is a gradual training in spiritual-unfoldment. All of life is a ritual and a sacrament and every phase of one’s physical evolution should be sanctified for service of the Divine. By means of the Saṃskāras, the mind is reawakened to the Ultimate Goal in life which is spiritual wisdom and Liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.
In Buddhism
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार, “formation”) (pali saṅkhāra) refers to the second of twelve pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination) according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapter X. From avidyā there arise actions (karman) which realize fruition in a universe (lokadhātu). These are the saṃskāras, formations. From saṃskāra there arises a defiled mind (samalacitta), initial cause of the present existence. Because it is aware in the way that a calf (vatsa) is aware of its mother, it is called vijñāna, consciousness.
2) Saṃskāra (संस्कार, “formation”) is another word for Saṃskṛta, or “conditioned dharmas” and represents one of the two main divisions of dharmas (things), according to chapter XLVIII. Dharmas or things occur in two main categories: unconditioned (asaṃskṛta) dharmas and conditioned (saṃskṛta) dharmas. The saṃskṛtas, also called saṃskāras, formations, are dependently originated (pratītya-samutpanna) from causes and conditions (hetupratyaya) and furnished with three (or four) conditioned characteristics: birth (utpāda), extinction (vyaya) and duration-change (sthityanyathātva) as a function of which they arise, endure and disappear: cf. Nidānasaṃyukta.
Source: A Study and Translation of the GaganagañjaparipṛcchāSaṃskāra (संस्कार) refers to “formative factors”, according to the Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā: the eighth chapter of the Mahāsaṃnipāta (a collection of Mahāyāna Buddhist Sūtras).—Accordingly, “Furthermore, the recollection of the Buddha is not to see the Lord from his material body, but to be in accordance with the knowledge of recollection through understanding the nature of the material form. It is not to see the Lord from his feeling (vedanā), perception (saṃjñā), formative factors (saṃskāra) or consciousness (vijñāna), but to be in accordance with the knowledge of recollection through understanding their nature. It is not to see the Lord from his parts of personality, realms or fields of perception, but to be in accordance with the knowledge of recollection through understanding their nature. [...]”.
Mahayana (महायान, mahāyāna) is a major branch of Buddhism focusing on the path of a Bodhisattva (spiritual aspirants/ enlightened beings). Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.
Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana or tantric Buddhism)
Source: The Indian Buddhist IconographySaṃskāra (संस्कार, “conformation”) refers to one of the five Skandhas (cosmic elements), according to Vajrayāna or Tantric Buddhism.—The Buddhists believe that the world is composed of five cosmic elements or Skandhas [viz., Saṃskāra (conformation)...]. These elements are eternal cosmic forces and are without a beginning or an end. These cosmic forces are deified in Vajrayāna as the five Dhyāni Buddhas. In the course of time they were regarded as the five primordial gods responsible for this diversified creation, [..].
Source: OSU Press: Cakrasamvara SamadhiSaṃskāra (संस्कार) or Saṃskāraskandha refers to “(the aggregate of) mental formations”, according to the Guru-maṇḍala-arcana [i.e., “Guru Mandala Worship]” ritual often performed in combination with the Cakrasaṃvara Samādhi, which refers to the primary pūjā and sādhanā practice of Newah Mahāyāna-Vajrayāna Buddhists in Nepal.—Accordingly, “There, in the five aggregates, originates the making of I. Vairocana in the aggregate of forms. Vajrasūrya in sensations. Padmanṛtyeśvara in perceptions. Vajrarāja in mental formations (saṃskāra-skandha). Vajrasattva in consciousness. Śrī Heruka Vajra in the truth of all Tathāgata”.
Tibetan Buddhism includes schools such as Nyingma, Kadampa, Kagyu and Gelug. Their primary canon of literature is divided in two broad categories: The Kangyur, which consists of Buddha’s words, and the Tengyur, which includes commentaries from various sources. Esotericism and tantra techniques (vajrayāna) are collected indepently.
General definition (in Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Dharma-samgraha1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार, “volitions”) refers to the fourth of the “five components” (pañcaskandha) as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 22). The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit (e.g., saṃskāra). The work is attributed to Nagarjuna who lived around the 2nd century A.D.
Saṃskāra also refers to the second of the “twelve factors of conditional origination” (pratītyasamutpāda) as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 42).
2) Saṃskāra (संस्कार, “conditions”) is defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 29-31) as being of two main divisions:
- cittasamprayukta (conditions that are associated with mind),
- cittaviprayukta (conditions that are unassociated with mind).
There are forty conditions that are associated with mind (citta-samprayukta-saṃskāra), they are:
- vedanā (feelings),
- saṃjñā (perceptions),
- cetanā (intentions),
- chandas (desire),
- sparśa (contact),
- mati (design),
- smṛti (mindfulness),
- manaskāra (application of mind),
- adhimokṣa (determination),
- samādhi (concentration),
- śraddhā (faith),
- apramāda (heedfulness),
- praśrabdhi (tranquillity),
- upekṣā (equanimity),
- hrī (shame),
- apatrapā (conscience),
- alobha (non-greed),
- adveṣa (non-hatred),
- ahiṃsā (non-violence),
- vīrya (energy),
- moha (delusion),
- pramāda (heedlessness),
- kausīdya (indolence),
- aśrāddhya (faithlessness),
- styāna (sloth),
- auddhatya (agitation),
- ahrīkatā (shamelessness),
- anapatrapā (lack of conscience),
- krodha (anger),
- upanāha (enmity),
- śāṭhya (deceit),
- īrṣyā (jealousy),
- pradāna (goading),
- mrakṣa (ill-will),
- mātsarya (selfishness),
- māyā (deception),
- mada (intoxication),
- vihiṃsā (violence),
- vitarka (thinking),
- vicāra (reflection).
There are thirteen conditions that are unassociated with mind (citta-viprayukta-saṃskāra):
- prāpti (occurrence),
- aprāpti (non-occurrence),
- sabhāgatā (participation),
- asaṃjñika (unconsciousness),
- samāpti (attainment),
- jīvita (life),
- jāti (birth),
- jarā (old age),
- sthiti (stability),
- anityatā (impermanence),
- nāmakāya (a group of words),
- padakāya (a group of sentences),
- vyañjanakāya (a group of syllables).
3) Saṃskāra (संस्कार, “practices”) or Aṣṭasaṃskāra refers to the “eight practices for the abandoning of conditions” as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 119):
- śraddhā (faith),
- buddha (intelligence),
- vyāyāma (endeavour),
- prasrabdhi (calm),
- smṛti (mindfulness),
- samprajanya (full knowledge),
- cetanopekṣā (intention and equanimity).
Languages of India and abroad
Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarysaṃskāra (संस्कार).—m (S) A common term for the essential and purificatory rites or ceremonies amongst the Hindus. These for males of the three first classes are sixteen; viz. garbhādhāma Sacrifice on or before conception; puṃsavana Sacrifice on vitality in the foœtus; anavalōbhana Sacrifice in the third month of pregnancy; viṣṇubali Sacrifice in the seventh month; sīmantōnnayana Sacrifice in the fourth, sixth, or eighth month; jātakarmma Giving the infant clarified butter out of a golden spoon before dividing the navel string; nāmakaraṇa Naming the child on the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, or hundredth and first day; niṣkramaṇa Carrying him out to be presented to the moon on the third lunar day of the third light fortnight; sūryāvalōkana Carrying him out to be presented to the sun in the third or fourth month; annaprāśana Feeding him with rice in the sixth or eighth month, or when he has cut teeth; cūḍākāryya Tonsure in the second or third year; upanayana Investiture with the string in the fifth, eighth, or sixteenth year; mahānāmya Instruction in the Gayatri after the muñja; samāvarttana Loosening the Munj from the loins; vivāha Marriage; svargā- rōhaṇa Obsequies. Of the above upanayana, mahānāmya, samāvarttana apply not to Shudras. In Colebrooke's Digest, 3, 10, 4, a different enumeration of the saṃskāra is given. 2 Purifying, sanctifying, consecrating; preparing by certain rites for holy and sacred offices or works: also any rite or act in purification or consecration. 3 Preparing, by any operation of cookery, or by compounding, infusing, baking &c. (a dish or an article of food, a medicine or a medicament). 4 Embellishing, polishing, finishing, perfecting; doing (of any act) well and thoroughly, or making (of any thing) complete and perfect. 5 Any operation or action upon: also any change or abiding effect accomplished upon.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-Englishsaṃskāra (संस्कार).—m A rite, ceremony. An opera- tion. Polishing.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार).—1 Making perfect, refining, polishing; (maṇiḥ) प्रयुक्तसंस्कार इवाधिकं बभौ (prayuktasaṃskāra ivādhikaṃ babhau) R.3.18.
2) Refinement, perfection, grammatical purity (as of words); संस्कार- वत्येव गिरा मनीषी (saṃskāra- vatyeva girā manīṣī) Kumārasambhava 1.28 (where Malli, renders the word by vyākaraṇajanyā śuddhiḥ); R.15.76.
3) Education, cultivation, training (as of the mind); निसर्ग- संस्कारविनीत इत्यसौ नृपेण चक्रे युवराजशब्दभाक् (nisarga- saṃskāravinīta ityasau nṛpeṇa cakre yuvarājaśabdabhāk) R.3.35; Ku. 7.1.
4) Making ready, preparation.
5) Cooking, dressing (as of food &c.).
6) Embellishment, decoration, ornament; स्वभावसुन्दरं वस्तु न संस्कारमपेक्षते (svabhāvasundaraṃ vastu na saṃskāramapekṣate) Dṛ. Ś. 49; Ś.7.23; Mu.2.1.
7) Consecration, sanctification, hallowing; संस्कारो नाम स भवति यस्मिञ्जाते पदार्थो भवति योग्यः कस्यचिदर्थस्य (saṃskāro nāma sa bhavati yasmiñjāte padārtho bhavati yogyaḥ kasyacidarthasya) ŚB. on MS.3.1.3.
3) Impression, form, mould, operation, influence; यन्नवे भोजने लग्नः संस्कारो नान्यथा भवेत् (yannave bhojane lagnaḥ saṃskāro nānyathā bhavet) H. Pr.8; Bhartṛhari 3.84.
9) Idea, notion, conception.
1) Any faculty or capacity.
11) Effect of work, merit of action; फलानुमेयाः प्रारम्भाः संस्काराः प्राक्तना इव (phalānumeyāḥ prārambhāḥ saṃskārāḥ prāktanā iva) R.1.2.
12) The self-reproductive quality, faculty of impression; one of the 24 qualities or guṇas recognised by the Vaiśeṣikas; it is of three kinds: भावना, वेग (bhāvanā, vega), and स्थितिस्थापकता (sthitisthāpakatā) q .q. v. v.
13) The faculty of recollection, impression on the memory; संस्कारमात्रजन्यं ज्ञानं स्मृतिः (saṃskāramātrajanyaṃ jñānaṃ smṛtiḥ) T. S.
14) A purificatory rite, a sacred rite or ceremony; संस्कारार्थं शरीरस्य (saṃskārārthaṃ śarīrasya) Manusmṛti 2.66; R.1.78; (Manu mentions 12 such Saṃskāras viz. 1. garbhādhāna, 2. puṃsavana, 3. sīmantonnayana, 4. jātakarman, 5. nāmakarman, 6. niṣkramaṇa, 7. annaprāśana, 8. cūḍākarman, 9. upanayana, 1. keśānta, 11. samāvartana, and 12. vivāha; see Manusmṛti 2.26 &c.; some writers increase the number to sixteen).
15) Purification, purity.
16) A rite or ceremony in general.
17) Investiture with the sacred thread; मांसं मूत्रं पुरीषं च प्राश्य संस्कारमर्हति (māṃsaṃ mūtraṃ purīṣaṃ ca prāśya saṃskāramarhati) Mahābhārata (Bombay) 12.165.76.
18) Obsequial ceremonies.
19) A polishing stone; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणोऽपि नालक्ष्यते (saṃskārollikhito mahāmaṇiriva kṣīṇo'pi nālakṣyate) Ś.6.5 (where saṃskāra may mean 'polishing' also).
Derivable forms: saṃskāraḥ (संस्कारः).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit DictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार).—m. (= Pali saṃkhāra; both mgs. clearly foreshadowed in Sanskrit, but here technically specialized), (1) usually pl., predisposition(s), the effect of past deeds and experience as conditioniṇg a new state: the fourth of the (upādāna-)skandha, qq.v., and the second item in the pratītya-samutpāda, q.v. (arising from avidyā, and cause of vijñāna); all as in Pali; for a brief and illuminating statement see Lévi, Asaṅga (Mahāyāna-sūtrālaṃkāra) v.8 note 1; Sanskrit uses the word in virtually the same meaning, [Boehtlingk and Roth] s.v. 5; saṃskāra-duḥkhatā, see duḥkhatā; samskārahetu dadate na ca saṃkramo 'sti, vijñānam udbhavati saṃkramaṇaṃ pratītya Lalitavistara 419.19—20 (verses), it (sc. avidyā, in prec. line) furnishes the cause for the predisposition(s) and so (once avidyā is gone) there is no transmigration; vijñāna (the next link after saṃskāra) arises (only) in dependence on transmigration; (2) pl., conditionings, conditioned states, which means collectively the dharma (4) or states of (normal, sentient) being, compare saṃskṛta: sarvasaṃskārā anityāḥ (as in Pali, Critical Pali Dictionary s.v. anicca) sarvasaṃskārā duḥkhā sarvadharmā anātmānaḥ Mahāvastu ii.285.18—19; kathaṃ ca bodhisattvaḥ sarva-°rāṃ anityataḥ samanupaśyati Bodhisattvabhūmi 277.16 (and ff.); viraktaḥ sarva-°reṣu sarva-°ra-vītikramaṃ prāpayiṣyāmi Mahāvastu ii.279.19; sarva-°rāṇām…prahāṇāt prahāṇadhātur ity ucyate, sarva-°rāṇāṃ virāgād virāgadhātur…Avadāna-śataka ii.141.3 (see dhātu 4); jīvita-°rān adhiṣṭhāya āyuḥ-°rān utsraṣṭum ārabdhaḥ Divyāvadāna 203.7, mastering, holding firmly, the conditionings of his life, he set about to renounce the conditionings of long-life, i.e. he determined not to enter nirvāṇa immediately, but to do so after three months, which would give him time to complete his necessary tasks; see Abhidharmakośa LaV-P. ii.122 ff. (the term of three months, 124; so also Pali); Pali Dīghanikāya (Pali) ii.99.10 (after state- ment of his reasons) jīvita-saṃkhāraṃ adhiṭṭhāya viharey- yaṃ; commentary ii.547.5 ff. °raṃ ti, ettha jīvitam pi jīvitasaṅ- khāro, yena jīvitaṃ saṅkharīyati, chijjamānaṃ ghaṭetvā ṭhapīyati; yo phalasamāpatti dhammo pi jīvitasaṅkhāro, so idha adhippeto; adhiṭṭhāyā ti adhitiṭṭhitvā pavattetvā jīvitā-(read °ta-?)-ṭhapanasamatthaṃ phalasamāpattiṃ samāpajjeyyan ti, ayam ettha saṅkhepattho; āyuḥsaṃ- skāra, conditionings of long-life, only as obj. of utsṛjati as Pali āyusaṃkhāra (‘usually pl.’, [Pali Text Society’s Pali-English Dictionary]) of ossa(j)jati; °rān utsṛjati Mahāvyutpatti 6454; °ram (text with 2 mss., read °rām = °rān with 4 mss.) utsṛjantānāṃ (sc. Buddhānāṃ; pūrvā koṭī na prajñāyate) Mahāvastu i.125.19 (verse; next line, [Page543-a+ 71] nirvāyantānāṃ, mss. °vāpaya°, vīrāṇāṃ p° k° na pra°); bhava-saṃskāra = āyuḥ-saṃ°; bhava-°ram apotsṛjan muniḥ Divyāvadāna 203.16 (verse), after samanantarotsṛṣṭesv āyuḥ- °reṣu 10, which follows 203.7 above; same verse (also follow- ing āyusaṃkhāraṃ ossajji) in Pali Udānavarga. 64.29 bhavasaṃ- khāraṃ avassajji muni; [in Lalitavistara 262.18 (verse) text lābhaślokau ca saṃskārau (most mss. °ro), but read (Sanskrit) satkāro = Pali sakkāra, honor, with same verse in Pali Sn 438, supported by Tibetan bkur sti = satkāra; compare also lābha-satkāra-śloka Mahāvyutpatti 183.]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार).—m.
(-raḥ) 1. Completing, accomplishing, finishing, perfecting. 2. Apprehension, conception. 3. The power of memory, the faculty of recollection. 4. Faculty in general, one of the twenty-four qualities enumerated by logicians. 5. An essential and purificatory rite or ceremony amongst the Hindus; as those of the three first classes, commencing with conception and ending with marriage; or garbhādhānaṃ sacrifice on conception; puṃsavanaṃ on vitality in the fœtus; sīmantonnayanaṃ in the fourth, sixth, or eight month; jātakarmma giving the infant clarified butter out of a golden spoon to taste, before dividing the navel string; nāmakaraṇaṃ naming the child on the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, or hundred and first day: niṣkramaṇaṃ carrying him out to see the moon on the third lunar day of the third light fortnight, or to see the sun in the third or fourth month; annaprāśanaṃ feeding him with rice in the sixth or eighth month, or when he has cut teeth; cūḍākāryaṃ tonsure in the second or third year; upanayanaṃ investiture with the string in the fifth, eight, or sixteenth year; vivāhaḥ or marriage is the tenth and last Sanskara. 5. Embellishment, decoration, elegance. 6. Purity, perfection. 7. Preparing as an article of medicine or food, cooking, dressing, compounding, &c. 8. Purification, consecration. 9. Impression, form, mould. E. sam implying perfection, kṛ to make, aṇ aff. and suṭ augment.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English DictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार).—i. e. sam-kṛ + a, m. 1. Completing. 2. Perfecting, perfection, [Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc., 1862.] 135, 6. 3. Embellishment, decoration, [Daśakumāracarita] in
Saṃskāra (संस्कार).—[masculine] preparing, arranging; cultivation, education; purification, sacrament, consecration, any rite or ceremony, [especially] funeral obsequies; impression (ph.).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—from the Dinakaroddyota. B. 3, 94.
2) Saṃskāra (संस्कार):—Vs. by Nṛsiṃha Bhaṭṭa. Peters. 2, 175. See Saṃskāranṛsiṃha.
3) Saṃskārā (संस्कारा):—saṃskārāḥ up to upanayana vaid. Bp. 96. See Aṣṭādaśasaṃskārāḥ.
4) Saṃskārā (संस्कारा):—saṃskārāḥ See Garbhādhānādyāḥ Saṃskārāḥ.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Saṃskāra (संस्कार):—[=saṃ-skāra] [from saṃs-kṛ] m. (ifc. f(ā). ) putting together, forming well, making perfect, accomplishment, embellishment adornment, purification, cleansing, making ready, preparation, dressing (of food), refining (of metals), polishing (of gems), rearing (of animals or plants), [Gṛhya-sūtra and śrauta-sūtra; Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature, etc.]
2) [v.s. ...] cleansing the body, toilet, attire, [Harivaṃśa]
3) [v.s. ...] forming the mind, training, education, [Rāmāyaṇa; Raghuvaṃśa]
4) [v.s. ...] correction (also in an astronomical sense, [Sūryasiddhānta]), correct formation or use of a word, [Nirukta, by Yāska; Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha]
5) [v.s. ...] correctness, purity ([especially] of pronunciation or expression), [Mahābhārata; Rāmāyaṇa] etc.
6) [v.s. ...] making sacred, hallowing, consecration, [Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc.
7) [v.s. ...] a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in [Manu-smṛti ii, 27], viz. 1. garbhādhāna, 2. puṃ-savana, 3. sīmantonnayana, 4. jāta-karman, 5. nāmakarman, 6. niṣkramaṇa, 7. anna-prāśana, 8. cūḍā-karman, 9. upanayana, 10. keśānta, 11. samāvartana, 12. vivāha, qq.vv.; [according to] to [Gautama-dharma-śāstra viii, 8 etc.] there are 40 Saṃskāras), [Gṛhya-sūtra; Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc. ([Indian Wisdom, by Sir M. Monier-Williams 188]; 192 etc., [Religious Thought and Life in India 353])
8) [v.s. ...] the ceremony performed on a dead body (id est. cremation), [Rāmāyaṇa]
9) [v.s. ...] any purificatory ceremony, [Horace H. Wilson]
10) [v.s. ...] the faculty of memory, mental impression or recollection, impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vaiśeṣikas, including bhāvanā, ‘the faculty of reproductive imagination’), [Kaṇāda’s Vaiśeṣika-sūtra; Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha] ([Indian Wisdom, by Sir M. Monier-Williams 69])
11) [v.s. ...] ([plural], with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas), [Dharmasaṃgraha 22; 42]
12) [v.s. ...] a polishing stone, [Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English DictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार):—[saṃ-skāra] (raḥ) 1. m. Completing; purification; ceremony of purifying; embellishment; purity; preparation; apprehension; faculty; memory; mould.
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)Saṃskāra (संस्कार) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit word: Sakkāra.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Hindi dictionary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार) [Also spelled sanskar]:—(nm) mental impression(s) (forming the mind); sacrament; rite/ritual, ceremony; purification; improvement, refinement; ~[vāna, ~śīla] cultured, well-reared, of refined taste; hence ~[śīlatā] (nf); ~[hīna] uncultured, ill-bred/ill-reared, unrefined.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusSaṃskāra (ಸಂಸ್ಕಾರ):—
1) [noun] a change for the better; improvement; an amendment.
2) [noun] a correction of errors, faults, etc.; an amending.
3) [noun] an emotion; a feling.
4) [noun] the power to remember; remembrance.
5) [noun] development, improvement or refinement of the intellect, emotions, interests, manners, and taste; culture.
6) [noun] a distinguishing trait, feature or quality; peculiarity; characteristic; a natural character.
7) [noun] the personal characteristics, that one gets from the tradition, family or social environment.
8) [noun] a cleaning, purifying or sanctifying.
9) [noun] the process of purifying (as meditation, religious rites, etc.); sanctification; purification.
10) [noun] the condition or fact of being ready.
11) [noun] the act of polishing as by rubbing; a polishing.
12) [noun] any cosmetic preparation for the skin, hair, etc.; a cosmetic.
13) [noun] the act or process of cooking (food).
14) [noun] the act of completing, finishing; accomplishment.
15) [noun] any of several rituals performed to a person at several stages of his or her life (that are believed to purify from the taint of sin).
16) [noun] funeral rites or ceremonies; obsequies.
17) [noun] the faculty or memory or the ability to recollect the acts, events, circumstances etc. of one’s past or past existences, considered as one of the qualities of the soul.
18) [noun] (Buddh.) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded as real, though actually non-existent).
19) [noun] ಸಂಸ್ಕಾರಮಾಡು [samskaramadu] saṃskāra māḍu = ಸಂಸ್ಕರಿಸು [samskarisu].
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
Nepali dictionary
Source: unoes: Nepali-English DictionarySaṃskāra (संस्कार):—n. 1. refinement; perfection; 2. education; cultivation; training; 3. cooking; dressing; 4. embellishment; decoration; ornamentation; 5. consecration; sanctification; sacrament;
Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Sam, Cam, Samskara.
Starts with (+25): Samskarabhaskara, Samskarabhushana, Samskaracodana, Samskaradidhiti, Samskaragangadhara, Samskarahina, Samskarahine, Samskaraja, Samskarakamalakara, Samskarakartri, Samskarakaumudi, Samskarakaustubha, Samskaramanjari, Samskaramaya, Samskaramayukha, Samskaramuktavali, Samskaranaman, Samskaranirnaya, Samskarapaddhati, Samskaraparishishta.
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Full-text (+780): Angasamskara, Agnisamskara, Kritasamskara, Samskarahina, Punahsamskara, Patrasamskara, Sharirasamskara, Pancasamskara, Mantrasamskara, Samskaravarjita, Cyutasamskara, Abhisamskara, Annasamskara, Duhsamskara, Mritasamskara, Asamskara, Ashtasamskara, Udbuddhasamskara, Samskaraprayoga, Garbhasamskara.
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Search found 213 books and stories containing Samskara, Los samskaras, Sam-skara, Saṃ-skāra, Saṃskāra, Saṃskārā, Samskāra, Samskara's, Samskaran, Samskaras; (plurals include: Samskaras, Los samskarases, skaras, skāras, Saṃskāras, Saṃskārās, Samskāras, Samskara'ses, Samskarans, Samskarases). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
A History of Indian Philosophy Volume 1 (by Surendranath Dasgupta)
Part 20 - The Cognitive Process and some characteristics of Citta < [Chapter VII - The Kapila and the Pātañjala Sāṃkhya (yoga)]
Part 4 - The Doctrine of Causal Connection of early Buddhism < [Chapter V - Buddhist Philosophy]
Part 24 - The Yoga Meditation < [Chapter VII - The Kapila and the Pātañjala Sāṃkhya (yoga)]
Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (by Rajendralala Mitra)
Manusmriti with the Commentary of Medhatithi (by Ganganatha Jha)
Verse 7.2 < [Section I - Important Position of the King (rājan)]
Verse 2.26 < [Section VIII - Duties and Sacraments]
Verse 2.67 < [Section XV - Sacraments for Females]
Formal Education System in Ancient India (by Sushmita Nath)
Meaning of the word Saṃskāra < [Chapter 2 - Rituals of the Education System]
Number of Saṃskāras < [Chapter 2 - Rituals of the Education System]
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
A review article on childhood samskaras < [2021: Volume 10, August issue 10]
Shodasha bala samskara – a review < [2023: Volume 12, May issue 7]
A brief review on concept of immunization according to ayurveda < [2020: Volume 9, November issue 14]
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