Taladi, Tālādi: 2 definitions
Taladi means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)
Source: Wikisource: A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarTālādi (तालादि).—A small class of eight words to which the affix अ (a) (अण् (aṇ)) is added in the sense of 'a product' or 'a part' e.g. तालं धनुः, बार्हिणम् (tālaṃ dhanuḥ, bārhiṇam), etc.; cf. Kas, on P.IV.3.152.

Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.
Ayurveda (science of life)
Kalpa (Formulas, Drug prescriptions and other Medicinal preparations)
Source: Shodhganga: Edition translation and critical study of yogasarasamgrahaTālādi refers to a medicinal recipe mentioned in the Lepakhaṇḍa (verse 4.149) of the 15th-century Yogasārasaṅgraha (Yogasara-saṅgraha) by Vāsudeva: an unpublished Keralite work representing an Ayurvedic compendium of medicinal recipes. The Lepakhaṇḍa [mentioning tālādi] contains recipes according to circumstances as advised by tradition. They treat the patient suffering from conditions such as fever, piles, emaciation, anorexia, tuberculosis, diarrhea, etc.

Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionaryTālādi (तालादि):—[from tāla] a Gaṇa of [Pāṇini] (iv, 3, 152 [Gaṇaratna-mahodadhi 261264 including] rajakādi, palāśādi and bilvādi).
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Taladilla, Taladipika.
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Full-text: Paiyuksha, Aindrayudha, Aindradrisha, Aindralisha, Indradrisha, Indralisha, Piyuksha, Cancatputa, Capaputa, Capa, Barhiṇa, Caya, Shyamaka.
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