Tankal, Taṇkāl, Taṅkal, Taṅkaḷ, Taṅkāḷ, Tāṅkal, Tāṅkaḷ: 3 definitions
Tankal means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Tamil. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
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In Hinduism
Vaishnavism (Vaishava dharma)
Source: Acta Orientalia vol. 74 (2013): Historical sequence of the Vaiṣṇava DivyadeśasTaṇkāl (Taṇkālūr) refers to one of the 108 Vaishnava Divya Desam (divyadeśas or divyasthalas), located in the topographical division of Malaināṭu (“hill Country”), according to the 9th century Nālāyirativviyappirapantam (shortly Nālāyiram).—Tradition would record the Vaiṣṇava divyadeśas or divyasthalas are 108. The divyadeśa is a base of the cult of Viṣṇu in Viṣṇuism [Vaiṣṇavism] tradition. The list of 108 [viz., Taṇkāl] seems to have reached maturation by about the early 9th century CE as all the deśas are extolled in the hymns of the twelve Āḻvārs.

Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’).
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: Shodhganga: Temples and cult of Sri Rama in TamilnaduTankal refers to one of the 108 divyadesas according to Priyavaccan Pillai’s compendium of the Ramayana based on the Nalayirativviyappirapantam.—Tankal is originally a rock-cut shrine, enshrining a sayana image. A structural addition was made later.

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Languages of India and abroad
Tamil dictionary
Source: DDSA: University of Madras: Tamil LexiconTaṅkal (தங்கல்) noun < தங்கு-. [thangu-.]
1. Stopping, halting, resting; தங்குகை. [thangugai.]
2. Delay, procrastination; தாமதிக்கை. [thamathikkai.] (பத்துப்பாட்டு: பொருநராற்றுப்படை [pathuppattu: porunararruppadai] 173, உரை. [urai.])
3. [Malayalam: taṅkal.] Halting place, rest-house; தங்குமிடம். [thangumidam.]
4. Stage in a journey; கெடி. [kedi.]
5. Persistence, stability; நிலைபெறுகை. [nilaiperugai.] (பத்துப்பாட்டு: பொருநராற்றுப்படை [pathuppattu: porunararruppadai] 173, உரை. [urai.])
6. Precipitate; sediment; அடியிற் படிந்திருப்பது. [adiyir padinthiruppathu.] Local usage
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Taṅkaḷ (தங்கள்) pronominal < தாம். [tham.]
1. Yours; உங்களுடைய. [ungaludaiya.]
2. See தம்¹. தாயர் தங்கள் [tham¹. thayar thangal] (கம்பராமாயணம் மீட்சி. [kambaramayanam midsi.] 344).
3. Epistolary formula preceding signature; கடிதத்திற் கையெழுத்திடுவதன்முன் எழுதப் பெறும் ஒரு வழக்குமொழி. தங்கள் இராமன். [kadithathir kaiyezhuthiduvathanmun ezhuthap perum oru vazhakkumozhi. thangal iraman.] Mod.
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Taṅkaḷ (தங்கள்) noun Head-priest of a mosque; மகமதியக் குருக்கள். [magamathiyag kurukkal.] Local usage
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Taṅkāḷ (தங்காள்) noun
1. cf. தங்கை. [thangai.] Younger sister; தங்கை. [thangai.]
2. A honorific term, meaning madam; அம்மா. [amma.] (J.)
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Tāṅkal (தாங்கல்) noun < தாங்கு-. [thangu-.]
1. Supporting; தாங்குகை. (அரு. நி.) [thangugai. (aru. ni.)]
2. Grievance; துன்பம். [thunpam.]
3. Displeasure, regret, umbrage; மனக்குறை. (அரு. நி.) [manakkurai. (aru. ni.)]
4. Enduring, bearing; சகிப்பு. தாங்கல். செல்லா நீளாகுலம் [sagippu. thangal. sella nilagulam] (கந்தபு. பானுகோப. [kanthapu. panugopa.] 40).
5. Delaying; தாமசிக்கை. [thamasikkai.]
6. Hesitation; தியக்கம். வீட்டில்வரத் தாங்கலேன் (விறலிவிடுதூது). [thiyakkam. vittilvarath thangalen (viralividuthuthu).]
7. Lifting, raising; தூக்குகை. [thukkugai.]
8. Tank; நீர்நிலை. (பிங்கலகண்டு) [nirnilai. (pingalagandu)]
9. Pond from which water is irrigated for paddy fields, much smaller than a tank; பாசனத்துக்கு உபயோகப்படும் இயற்கையேரி. [pasanathukku upayogappadum iyarkaiyeri.] (C. G.)
10. Propitious chirping of a lizard to the left of a person facing a temple; கோயிலை நோக்கிநிற்கையில் இடப்புறத்தே நற்சகுனமாகப் பல்லி கொட்டுகை. [koyilai nokkinirkaiyil idappurathe narsagunamagap palli kottugai.]
11. Earth; பூமி. (இலக்கியச் சொல்லகராதி) [pumi. (ilakkiyas sollagarathi)]
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Tāṅkaḷ (தாங்கள்) pronominal [Malayalam: tāṅkaḷ.] You, honorific plural; மரியாதை குறிக்கும் முன்னிலைப் பன்மைச்சொல். தாங்கள் எப்போது வந்தீர்கள் [mariyathai kurikkum munnilaip panmaichol. thangal eppothu vanthirkal]?
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Tāṅkal (தாங்கல்) noun < தாங்கு-. [thangu-.] Hamlet appurtenant to a village; உட்கிடைக்கிராமம். [udkidaikkiramam.] Local usage
Tamil is an ancient language of India from the Dravidian family spoken by roughly 250 million people mainly in southern India and Sri Lanka.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Tankala, Tankalam, Tankalan, Tankalanem, Tankalar, Tankalari, Tankalem, Tankali gida, Tankalur.
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Full-text (+24): Manattankal, Muccuttankal, Riptankal, Kaittankal, Ankatti, Dangal, Nilarrankal, Thangal, Marapulor, Vanor, Kaipparram, Insapu, Curutam, Ankalinkam, Damgala, Manukulam, Cirumuri, Ankuttai, Ticcol, Turaipponkal.
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Search found 9 books and stories containing Tankal, Dangal, Dhangal, Taṇkāl, Taṅkal, Taṅkaḷ, Taṅkāḷ, Tāṅkal, Tāṅkaḷ, Thaangal, Thangaal, Thangal, Thankal; (plurals include: Tankals, Dangals, Dhangals, Taṇkāls, Taṅkals, Taṅkaḷs, Taṅkāḷs, Tāṅkals, Tāṅkaḷs, Thaangals, Thangaals, Thangals, Thankals). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
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