Tapati, Tapa-a-ti, Tapatī: 19 definitions
Tapati means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Buddhism, Pali, Marathi, Tamil. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: Wisdom Library: Bhagavata PuranaTapatī (तपती):—Daughter of daughter of Sūrya, the sun-god. She and her husband Saṃvaraṇa (son of Ṛkṣa) had a son named Kuru. (see Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.22.4-5)
Source: archive.org: Puranic EncyclopediaTapatī (तपती).—A daughter of Sūrya. Genealogy. Descending in order from Viṣṇu are Brahmā—Marīci—Kaśyapa—Sūrya—Tapatī. (See full article at Story of Tapatī from the Puranic encyclopaedia by Vettam Mani)
Source: archive.org: Shiva Purana - English TranslationTapatī (तपती) (Cf. Tapat) refers to “(being) engaged in penance”, according to the Śivapurāṇa 2.3.23 (“Attempt of Himavat to dissuade Pārvatī”).—Accordingly, as Brahmā narrated to Nārada: “O excellent sage, while Pārvatī was engaged in penance [i.e., tapatī] thus for attaining Śiva, a long time elapsed but Śiva did not appear. Then Himavat came there along with his wife, sons and ministers and spoke to Pārvatī, who had resolved to continue her penance”.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index1a) Tapatī (तपती).—A daughter of Sūrya and Chāyā. Married Saṃvaraṇa, and became the mother of Kuru; became the river.*
- * Bhāgavata-purāṇa VI. 6. 41; IX. 22. 4; VIII. 13. 10; Matsya-purāṇa 11. 9, 39; Viṣṇu-purāṇa III. 2. 4.
1b) A R. sacred to Pitṛs.*
- * Matsya-purāṇa 22. 32.
Tapatī (तपती) refers to the name of a Lady mentioned in the Mahābhārata (cf. I.89.42). Note: The Mahābhārata (mentioning Tapatī) is a Sanskrit epic poem consisting of 100,000 ślokas (metrical verses) and is over 2000 years old.
Source: Shodhganga: The saurapurana - a critical studyTapatī (तपती) (probably) refers to the daughter of Chāyā and Bhāskara (sun-god): the son of Aditi and Kaśyapa according to the Vaṃśānucarita section of the 10th century Saurapurāṇa: one of the various Upapurāṇas depicting Śaivism.—Accordingly, the Saurapurāṇa 30.27-73 and chapter 31 descibes the vaṃśānucarita in an abridged form. It is stated that Aditi got from Kaśyapa, Bhāskara, the Sun-god. The Sun-god had four wives—Saṃjñā, Rājñī, Prabhā and Chāyā. Saṃjñā gave birth to Manu from the Sun-god in whose race were born the kings. Chāyā gave birth to Sāvarṇi (and possibly a daughter Tapatī). Tapatī gave birth to Sani and Viṣṭi.

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Languages of India and abroad
Pali-English dictionary
Source: BuddhaSasana: Concise Pali-English Dictionarytapati : (tap + a) shines; brights.
Source: Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English DictionaryTapati, (Sk. tapati, *tep, cp. Lat. tepeo to be hot or warm, tepidus=tepid) 1. to shine, to be bright, Dh. 387 (divā tapati ādicco, etc. =virocati DhA. IV, 143); Sn. 348 (jotimanto narā tapeyyuṃ), 687 (suriyaṃ tapantaṃ).—ger. tapanīya: see sep.—pp. tatta1. (Page 297)

Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.
Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarytāpāṭī (तापाटी).—f C (tāpa or tapa) Sunniness; opp. to shadiness.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-Englishtāpāṭī (तापाटी).—f Sunniness.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryTapatī (तपती).—
1) The river Tāptī.
2) Name of a daughter of the sun, married to Samvarṇa and mother of Kuru.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryTapatī (तपती).—f. (-tī) 1. A name of Chhaya, wife of the sun. 2. Also of the daughter of the sun, or the personified Tapti river, married to Samvarana of the Kuru family. E. tapa heat or the sun, and ata who accompanies, fem. affix ṅīṣ.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English DictionaryTapatī (तपती).—[feminine] [Name] of a daughter of the Sun & of a river.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Tapatī (तपती):—[from tapat > tap] f. ‘warming’, Name of a daughter of the Sun by Chāyā (married to Saṃvaraṇa and mother of Kuru), [Mahābhārata i; Bhāgavata-purāṇa vi, viii f.; Vāmana-purāṇa]
2) [v.s. ...] = pantī, [Rasikaramaṇa; Kathārṇava]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English DictionaryTapatī (तपती):—(tī) 3. f. Wife of the sun.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusTapati (ತಪತಿ):—[noun] name of a river in Maharashtra, in western India, joining Arabian sea.
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Tāpati (ತಾಪತಿ):—[noun] a fine, rather stiff fabric of silk, nylon, acetate, etc., with a sheen; taffeta.
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
Tamil dictionary
Source: DDSA: University of Madras: Tamil LexiconTapati (தபதி) noun < sthapati. Sculptor, statuary; சிற்பி. (பிங்கலகண்டு) தபதியர் யாவரும் வியந்தார் [sirpi. (pingalagandu) thapathiyar yavarum viyanthar] (மகாபாரதம் இந்திர. [magaparatham inthira.] 12).
Tamil is an ancient language of India from the Dravidian family spoken by roughly 250 million people mainly in southern India and Sri Lanka.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Tapatipa, Tapatipe, Tapatisamvarana.
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Full-text (+50): Tapatya, Tap, Samvarana, Kuru, Arkatanaya, Tapeti, Tapi, Tatta, Shani, Tapti, Tapatti, Tabuti, Tapanta, Stapati, Tapamana, Tabutu, Atatta, Duroha, Narmada, Chaya.
Relevant text
Search found 64 books and stories containing Tapati, Dapadi, Dhapadhi, Tapa-a-ti, Tapatī, Tāpāṭī, Tāpatī, Tāpati, Thapathi; (plurals include: Tapatis, Dapadis, Dhapadhis, tis, Tapatīs, Tāpāṭīs, Tāpatīs, Tāpatis, Thapathis). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
The Story of Samvarana and Tapati < [Purana, Volume 12, Part 1 (1970)]
Wise Sayings from the Padma-purana < [Purana, Volume 4, Part 1 (1962)]
Elements of Astrology in the Vamana Purana < [Purana, Volume 12, Part 1 (1970)]
List of Mahabharata people and places (by Laxman Burdak)
Puranic encyclopaedia (by Vettam Mani)
Dhammapada (Illustrated) (by Ven. Weagoda Sarada Maha Thero)
Verse 387 - The Story of Venerable Ānanda < [Chapter 26 - Brāhmaṇa Vagga (The Brāhmaṇa)]
Verse 314 - The Story of a Woman of Jealous Disposition < [Chapter 22 - Niraya Vagga (Hell)]
Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation) (by Swami Lokeswarananda)
Mahabharata (English) (by Kisari Mohan Ganguli)
Section CLXXV < [Caitraratha Parva]
Section CLXXVI < [Caitraratha Parva]
Section CLXXIII < [Caitraratha Parva]