Vedic path: 1 definition
Vedic path means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Hinduism
Shaktism (Shakta philosophy)
Source: ORA: Amanaska (king of all yogas): (shaktism)The Vedic Path is denoted by the Sanskrit term Vedamārga, according to the 17th century Kaulagajamardana (“crushing the Kaula elephant”) authored by Kāśīnātha or Kṛṣṇānandācala.—Accordingly, [as Īśvara said to Pārvatī]: “[...] O great Goddess, hear about the Jain. [...] Some pluck out their hair and dress in white, my dear, and [some] wear red garments and [others wear] indigo and so on. Some are called, 'great guru', and others pursue nonviolence. These are the different varieties in brief; they are [all] called Pāṣaṇḍas [because] they have been excluded from the vedic path (vedamārga). [...]”

Shakta (शाक्त, śākta) or Shaktism (śāktism) represents a tradition of Hinduism where the Goddess (Devi) is revered and worshipped. Shakta literature includes a range of scriptures, including various Agamas and Tantras, although its roots may be traced back to the Vedas.
See also (Relevant definitions)
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Full-text (+51): Vedamarga, Dhaurtya, Bahishkrita, Sudhapana, Mohinirupa, Adhvan, Panktibheda, Rupatas, Tyagin, Tantrika, Vicakshana, Adhvatyagin, Arhata, Nastikamata, Sthapita, Dusita, Apamana, Guruputra, Sankshepa, Virodhakrit.
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Search found 25 books and stories containing Vedic path; (plurals include: Vedic paths). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Shiva Purana (by J. L. Shastri)
Chapter 9 - Boasting of Tāraka and fight between him and Indra, Viṣṇu, Vīrabhadra < [Section 2.4 - Rudra-saṃhitā (4): Kumāra-khaṇḍa]
Chapter 26 - The cause of estrangement between Dakṣa and Śiva < [Section 2.2 - Rudra-saṃhitā (2): Satī-khaṇḍa]
Chapter 4 - The Excellence of Listening and Deliberation < [Section 1 - Vidyeśvara-saṃhitā]
Srikara Bhashya (commentary) (by C. Hayavadana Rao)
Chaitanya Bhagavata (by Bhumipati Dāsa)
Verse 1.16.292 < [Chapter 16 - The Glories of Śrī Haridāsa Ṭhākura]
Verse 1.8.7 < [Chapter 8 - The Disappearance of Jagannātha Miśra]
Vishnu Purana (Taylor) (by McComas Taylor)
Chapter 17 - The protection afforded by the Vedas; Viṣṇu’s phantom < [Book Three: Society]
Chapter 1 - The decline of virtue in the age of Kali < [Book Six: Dissolution]
Chapter 18 - The phantom confounds the demigods < [Book Three: Society]
Skanda Purana (by G. V. Tagare)
Chapter 57 - Praise of Gayā Tīrtha < [Section 1 - Avantīkṣetra-māhātmya]
Chapter 21 - Indradyumna Gets the Royal Shrine Built < [Section 2 - Puruṣottama-kṣetra-māhātmya]
Chapter 1 - Dakṣa’s Insolence < [Section 1 - Kedāra-khaṇḍa]
Isanasivagurudeva Paddhati (study) (by J. P. Prajith)
3. Tantra: Vedic or Non-Vedic < [Chapter 1 - History and scope of Tantric Literature]