Vrittaratnakara, Vṛttaratnākara, Vritta-ratnakara: 4 definitions
Vrittaratnakara means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit term Vṛttaratnākara can be transliterated into English as Vrttaratnakara or Vrittaratnakara, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
In Hinduism
Chandas (prosody, study of Sanskrit metres)
Source: Shodhganga: a concise history of Sanskrit Chanda literature1) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर) (by Kedāra Bhaṭṭa) is considered as most popular work in Sanskrit prosody, because of its rich and number of commentaries. The text was so popular that more than sixty commentaries have been composed by different commentators in different period on this work. It is spread all over India. Not only it (Vṛttaratnākara) speaks about the systematic approach to Sanskrit metrics, but also it has influenced the composers of later period in large numbers. A concise work namely Abhinavavṛttaratnākara was composed to prove its magnanimity.
1) The Vṛttaratnākara is a popular treatise on Sanskrit prosody as found from it’s 64 commentaries. It is divided into six chapters with a total number of 136 verses. Kedāra Bhaṭṭa has dealt with all these aspects of Sanskrit metrics in this work. The first chapter provides the introduction to chanda literature with all its ancillary descriptions viz. gaṇa names and their numbers, definition of guru and laghu, yati, division of metres etc. He describes the mātrāvṛttas in the second chapter of his work. The sama, ardhasama and viṣama metres are described in third, fourth and fifth chapters respectively. The descriptions of six Pratyayas are found in sixth chapter.
2) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर) is the name of a work ascribed to Jagannātha related to the topics of Sanskrit prosody (chandas) but having an unknown period of composition.
3) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर) is the name of a work ascribed to Nārāyaṇa related to the topics of Sanskrit prosody (chandas) but having an unknown period of composition.
4) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर) is the name of a work ascribed to Śivacaraṇa related to the topics of Sanskrit prosody (chandas) but having an unknown period of composition.

Chandas (छन्दस्) refers to Sanskrit prosody and represents one of the six Vedangas (auxiliary disciplines belonging to the study of the Vedas). The science of prosody (chandas-shastra) focusses on the study of the poetic meters such as the commonly known twenty-six metres mentioned by Pingalas.
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum1) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—by Kedāra. [Mackenzie Collection] 115. Cop. 15. Io. 56. 235. 1446. 1520. 1847. 2106. 2340. 2531. W. p. 225. 226. Oxf. 197^b. 198^a. L. 166. K. 96. B. 3, 62. Ben. 32. Kāṭm. 10 (and—[commentary]). Pheh. 5 (and—[commentary]). Rādh. 24 (and—[commentary]). Oudh. Xvi, 68. Burnell. 53^a (and—[commentary]). Mysore. 1. Kāśīn. 20. H. 179. Oppert. 615. 672. 788. 1032. 2256. 2704. 3217. 3488. 3691. 3856. 5173. 5832. 6670. 6791. 7004. 7639. 7781. Ii, 990. 1171. 1701. 1811. 2356. 2614. 2642. 3273. 3812. 4355. 4952. 5706. 6016. 6959. 7034. 8359. 8949. 9098. 9212. 9269. Rice. 28. Peters. 2, 190. 3, 225 (and—[commentary]). See Abhinavaratnākara.
—[commentary] Burnell. 53^a. Kāśīn. 20. Poona. 407. Oppert. Ii, 3813. 6443. Rice. 28.
—[commentary] Naukā by Ayodhyāprasāda. Oudh. X, 8.
—[commentary] by Ātmārāma. NW. 610.
—[commentary] by Kṛṣṇarāma. NW. 616.
—[commentary] by Govinda Bhaṭṭa. Oppert. 2441. 2705.
—[commentary] Sudhā by Cintāmaṇi. B. 3, 64. H. 180.
—[commentary] by Cūḍāmaṇi Dīkṣita. Oppert. 4449. 6216. Ii, 4161. 5707.
—[commentary] Bhāvārthadīpikā by Janārdana Vibudha. Io. 2340. Oxf. 198^a. K. 94. B. 3, 62. 64. Rādh. 24.
—[commentary] Vṛttaratnākarādarśa by Divākara, son of Mahādeva, composed in 1684. Io. 1555. Bik. 282. Another Divākara is quoted by Mallinātha on Śiśupālavadha 1, 2.
—[commentary] by Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa, son of Rāmeśvara, composed in 1545. Io. 56. Oxf. 198^b. K. 96. Bik. 282.
—[commentary] by Nṛsiṃha. Oppert. Ii, 8360.
—[commentary] by Raṅganātha. NW. 610.
—[commentary] Prabhā by Viśvanātha Kavi. Oudh. Viii, 10.
—[commentary] by Śrīkaṇṭha. B. 3, 64.
—[commentary] Chandolakṣyalakṣaṇa by Śrīnātha, son of Govinda Bhaṭṭa. Burnell. 53^a.
—[commentary] Dhīśodhinī by Śrīnātha Kavi. Mysore. 1. Oppert. 5833.
—[commentary] Vṛttaratnāvalī by Sārasvata Sadāśiva Muni. Burnell. 53^b.
—[commentary] Sugamavṛtti by Samayasundaragaṇi. K. 96. Oudh. Ix, 8. Peters. 2, 190. 3, 396.
—[commentary] by Sulhaṇa. L. 157. Kh. 87. NW. Vi, 28.
—[commentary] by Soma Paṇḍita. B. 3, 64. H. 181.
—[commentary] by Somacandragaṇi. L. 2886. B. 3, 64. Peters. 3, 396.
—[commentary] Vṛttaratnākarasetu, composed by Haribhāskara at Benares in 1676. Io. 235. 1520. W. p. 225. Oxf. 198^a. L. 712. Ben. 32. Bik. 281. Rādh. 24. NW. 610. Oudh. Vi, 8. Xiv, 40. Xvi, 68. Peters. 2, 190. 3, 396.
2) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर):—by Kedāra. Bl. 154. 303. Cu. add. 1484. Fl. 200-202. Gb. 100 (and—[commentary]). Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 88. Hz. 209. 287 (and—[commentary]). 581. Oudh. Xx, 90. Peters. 4, 33. Rgb. 552. 557. Stein 55. 56.
—[commentary] by Kaviśārdūla. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 88.
—[commentary] Sudhā by Cintāmaṇi. Stein 56.
—[commentary] Vṛttapuṣpaprakāśana by Cintāmaṇi (different author ?). Bl. 304.
—[commentary] Bhāvārthadīpikā by Janārdana Vibudha. Cu. add. 1484.
—[commentary] by Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa, son of Rāmeśvara Bhaṭṭa. Bl. 303. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 88.
—[commentary] by Nṛsiṃha Sūri. Hz. 209.
—[commentary] by Śrīnātha. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 88.
—[commentary] Sukavihṛdayānandinī by Sulhaṇa. Peters. 4, 33. Extr. 43.
—[commentary] Mugdhabodhakarī, by Somacandragaṇi, composed in 1273. Fl. 463. Oudh. Xx, 90. Peters. 4, 33. Rgb. 552. 557.
—[commentary] Vṛttaratnākarasetu by Haribhāskara. Bl. 194. Rgb. 553. Stein 56.
3) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर):—metrics, by Kedāra. Ulwar 1104-1107.
—[commentary] by Kṣemahaṃsa. Ulwar 1104. Extr. 242.
—[commentary] Vṛttaratnākaravārttika by Jagannātha, son of Rāma. Ulwar 1105. Extr. 243.
—[commentary] by Śrīkaṇṭha. Ulwar 1106. Extr. 244.
—[commentary] by Somacandragaṇi. Ulwar 1107. Extr. 245.
4) Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर):—by Kedāra, son of Pabbeka. Ak 721-724. As p. 179. Bd. 604. 608. 1400. Hz. 847. L.. 804.
—808. Tb. 133. Whish 169, 1. C. Bhāvārthadīpikā by Janārdana. Peters. 6, 389. C. by Trivikrama, son of Raghusūri. Peters. 5 p. 26. C. Maṇimañjarī by Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita, son of Nṛsiṃha Yajvan. Whish 54, 3 (till middle of the third Adhyāya). 113, 2. 182. C. by Śrīkaṇṭha. Bd. 1400. L.. 808. Peters. 5 p. 196. C. by Somacandragaṇi. Ak 724. Bd. 606. C. Setu by Haribhāskara. Ak 723. As p. 179. Bd. 605 (inc.). Peters. 6, 390.
Vṛttaratnākara (वृत्तरत्नाकर):—[=vṛtta-ratnākara] [from vṛtta > vṛt] m. ‘mine of jewels of metres’, Name of a short treatise on post-Vedic metres by Kedāra
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Vritta, Ratnakara.
Starts with: Vrittaratnakaradarsha, Vrittaratnakarapancika, Vrittaratnakarasetu, Vrittaratnakaratika, Vrittaratnakaravyakhya.
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Full-text (+93): Vrittaratnakarapancika, Vrittaratnakarasetu, Vrittaratnakaratika, Vrittaratnakaravyakhya, Abhinavavrittaratnakara, Pabbeka, Vrittaratnakaradarsha, Bhavarthadipika, Chandolakshyalakshana, Udgiti, Sulhana, Samgitavrittaratnakara, Manimanjari, Giti, Padakulaka, Upagiti, Stabaka, Dipika, Tippana, Nauka.
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