Sarvadarshanasamgraha, Sarvadarshanasangraha, Sarvadarshana-sangraha, Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha, Sarvadarśanasaṅgraha, Sarvadarshana-samgraha: 7 definitions
Sarvadarshanasamgraha means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit terms Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha and Sarvadarśanasaṅgraha can be transliterated into English as Sarvadarsanasamgraha or Sarvadarshanasamgraha or Sarvadarsanasangraha or Sarvadarshanasangraha, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
In Hinduism
Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)
Source: Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India: Language and Grammar (vyakarana)Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह) is the name of a philosophical work partly inspired by the science of Sanskrit grammar (vyākaraṇa).—Sanskrit grammar is also accepted in India’s intellectual tradition as a philosophy. Śrī Mādhavācārya (13th century) in his Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha has a chapter on ‘Pāṇini Darśana’, Pāṇini’s philosophy, one of the sixteen philosophies explained in that important book.

Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.
General definition (in Hinduism)
Source: Google Books: Manthanabhairavatantram (philosophy)Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह) by Mādhava is the name of a work belonging to the category of Darśana (philosophical system).—The word darśana literally means ‘the act of seeing or viewing’. It also means ‘a philosophical system’, which in India, according to the nature of the system, may be more or less theological, logical, systematic, theistic, atheist, related to a religious tradition or independent. The word appears in the titles of compendiums of such systems. Well known examples are [e.g.,] the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha of Mādhava [...].
Source: Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale: The Epistemological Model of Vedantic Doxography According to the SarvadarśanasaṃgrahaSarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह) (lit., “ompendium of all the darśanas”) by Mādhavācārya (fourteenth century CE) refers to the most famous text of the Saṃgraha literary genre.—The Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha includes 16 chapters, each one of them dedicated to a different ‘vision’ or ‘point of view’ (darśana). This term, nowadays usually employed with reference to the six ‘canonical’ schools of classical Indian philosophy, that is sāṃkhya and yoga, vaiśeṣika and nyāya, and finally pūrvamīmāṃsā and uttaramīmāṃsā (or popularly, vedānta), derives from the root (dhātu) dṛś, ‘to see’.
As far as the authorship of the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha is concerned, a great debate is active about the identity of its author: should we consider Mādhava as the same as Vidyāraṇya (born to Māyaṇācārya and Śrīmatīdevī in Pampakṣetra), the brother of Sāyaṇa, or identical with Sāyaṇa, or what else? Should we consider Vidyāraṇya as a different person, and Mādhava and Sāyaṇa as his disciples? The author of the treatise should be identified with Mādhava-Sāyaṇa, or with Bharatītīrtha, or with Cinnambhaṭṭa? (Thakur 1961).
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionarySarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह).—a compendium of all the schools or systems of philosophy by Mādhavāchārya.
Derivable forms: sarvadarśanasaṃgrahaḥ (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रहः).
Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms sarva and darśanasaṃgraha (दर्शनसंग्रह).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum1) Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—a concise account of 15 philosophical systems, with the exception of the Vedānta, by Sāyaṇa. Io. 578. Oxf. 246^b. Hall. p. 161. Khn. 94. K. 250. Bik. 709. Pheh. 13. Oudh. Iv, 19. Burnell. 96^b. Oppert. 7444. Ii, 7827. 8409. 9373. Peters. 3, 392. Sb. 409 ([fragmentary]).
2) Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह):—by Sāyaṇa. As p. 216.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionarySarvadarśanasaṃgraha (सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह):—[=sarva-darśana-saṃgraha] [from sarva-darśana > sarva] m. ‘compendium of all the Darśanas’, Name of a treatise on the various systems of philosophy (not including the Vedānta) by Mādhavācārya or his brother Sāyaṇa, [Indian Wisdom, by Sir M. Monier-Williams 118; 119.]
[Sanskrit to German]
Sarvadarshanasamgraha in German
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Samgraha, Sarvadarshana.
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Full-text (+1286): Mantrarna, Aikantya, Anubhaya, Paninidarshana, Bauddhadarshana, Kandalayana, Purnaprajnadarshana, Kramayaugapadya, Abhedin, Ardharupa, Pranitatva, Pratyarnam, Vajapyayana, Ahamcandrasuri, Avivakshat, Jihasa, Anubhavya, Laghudravin, Pratikshiptatva, Padmanandi.
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Search found 51 books and stories containing Sarvadarshanasamgraha, Sarvadarshanasangraha, Sarvadarshana-sangraha, Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha, Sarvadarśanasaṅgraha, Sarvadarshana-samgraha, Sarvadarsanasamgraha, Sarvadarśana-saṃgraha, Sarvadarsana-samgraha, Sarvadarśana-saṅgraha, Sarvadarsanasangraha, Sarvadarsana-sangraha; (plurals include: Sarvadarshanasamgrahas, Sarvadarshanasangrahas, sangrahas, Sarvadarśanasaṃgrahas, Sarvadarśanasaṅgrahas, samgrahas, Sarvadarsanasamgrahas, saṃgrahas, saṅgrahas, Sarvadarsanasangrahas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
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