Hinduism glossary, starting with ‘w’
Glossary: | A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
The Hinduism glossary, starting with the letter “w”, contains 86 definitions, select a phrase below for the definitions and references.
- Waist
- Wakefulness
- Waking Mind
- Walking On Water
- Wall
- War
- Warrior
- Washing
- Wat Arun
- Water
- Water Element
- Water Lily
- Water Offering
- Water Pond
- Water Sport
- Water Tank
- Water-jar
- Wave
- Waveless
- Waving
- Wax
- Way Of Life
- Weakened
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weapon
- Wearing
- Web
- Weeping
- Weigher
- Weight
- Weight Of The Earth
- Well
- Well-being
- Welmadata
- Wheel
- Whisk
- White
- White Clay
- White Garment
- White Umbrella
- White Water-lily
- Wicked Person
- Wide
- Wide Chest
- Widow
- Wife
- Wild Beast
- Wind
- Wind Element
- Windless
- Window
- Wine
- Wing
- Winter
- Wiping
- Wise Men
- Wise Person
- Wish-fulfilling Gem
- Withania Somnifera
- Withdrawing
- Witnessing
- Wolf
- Woman
- Womb
- Wonder
- Wondrous
- Wood
- Wood Apple
- Wooden Sandal
- Word-numeral
- Work
- World
- World Of Brahma
- World Of Transmigration
- Worldly
- Worldly Reward
- Worm
- Worry
- Worship
- Worship Of Serpents
- Worshipper
- Worshipping
- Wrestler
- Wrestling
- Writing